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Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine...... Nov. 20

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Nov. 20

Assault on the sailors of the Baltimore: Cor-
respondence between Capt. Schley and the
intendente of Valparaiso relative to the tak
ing of the testimony of the men before the
judge of crime, and to the protection of Amer
ican officers and sailors on shore: inclosed.
Disrespect to the legation by intoxicated spies:
Incloses his note of protest, the reply of Señor
Matta, which, evading the question presented
therein, hints at provocation on the part of
the refugees, and Mr. Egan's final reply.
Nov. 23 Outrage on Patrick Shields: Incloses copy of
papers, which have been presented to the
Chilean Government in a note, copy of which
is inclosed except that relating to a claim for
$5,000, which it was thought best to withhold
pending the investigation into the Baltimore

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Nov. 30

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Nov. 30

Mr. Blaine to Mr. Egan (telegram).

Dec. 3

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Assault on the sailors of the Baltimore: The
testimony of the men was given on the 20th
under the conditions approved by the Navy
Department; incloses correspondence be
tween Capt. Schley and the intendente mak-
ing arrangements to that purpose.
Disrespect to the legation: The minister of
foreign affairs again intimates that the occur-
rences complained of were brought on by in-
discretions of the refugees or of their friends;
Mr. Egan denies the charge.
Assault on the sailors of the Baltimore: De-
sires to know who asked Mr. Egan for his
testimony, which he is said by the Chilean
minister to have declined to give.
Animosity against Americans is fostered by
publication of official correspondence in the
Baltimore case; safe-conducts are still re-
fused, and watching of the legation by obnox-
ious spies continued.

4 Asylum: Impeachment of refugees having been
moved in Congress, the Secretary requested
leave to notify them in person without using
the channels of the foreign office. Mr. Egan
expressed his surprise at this course. He
says that unless otherwise instructed he will
not receive any personal service in the lega
Assault on the sailors of the Baltimore: Reply
to Mr. Blaine's telegram of December 3. His
testimony was not asked. Explanations fur-

Same to same (telegram)...

Dec. 4

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Dec. 4

Same subject: The investigation which, under
Chilean law, should be secret, is published in
a manner conducive to animosity against
Americans. Incloses letter of Capt. Schley
protesting against this and covering corre-
spondence with the Intendente.
Dec. 4 Asylum: Safe-conducts are still refused
Dec. 5 Assault on the sailors of the Baltimore: Con-
firms the telegram of the 4th relative to the
giving of his testimony and explains that the
minister of foreign affairs declared himself
satisfied with the observations presented in
an interview held in that respect.

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5 Outrage on Patrick Shields: Submits additional
facts which were requested by the Chilean
Government and furnished by the consul at
Valparaiso; correspondence inclosed.
Asylum: Confirms the telegram of December 4,
and incloses the letter of the Secretary of the
Chamber of Deputies, Mr. Egan s note to the
foreign office, Señor Matta's reply offering
explanations for the irregular course of the
Secretary but maintaining the request for
service of the impeachment at the legation,
and Mr. Egan's note declining the same.
Assault on the sailors of the Baltimore: Asks
whether the minister of foreign affairs re-
quested Mr. Egan's testimony.

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Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine Dec. 12 (telegram).

Same subject: In reply to the above repeats the
substance of his dispatch No. 245.


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1891. Dec. 12 Dec. 12

Same to same (telegram)..... Dec. 12

Same to same (telegram)............. Dec. 13

Same to same (telegram)..... Dec. 14

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Dec. 14

Same subject: Confirms the above.
Same subject: Incloses correspondence between
Captain Schley and the Intendente touching
the closing of the examination of the Balti
more sailors.
Difficulties with Chile: Offensive instructions
sent by Señor Matta to the Chilean minister
at Washington in reply to the President's an
nual message; it was read in the Senate and
published in all the papers.

Same subject: Text of his note asking whether
the above as published was read by author-
ity of the Government. The instructions
have been telegraphed to all Chilean legations

Same subject: Text of Señor Matta's reply to
above note. He holds that those instructions
being sent to the Chilean minister can not be
discussed with the United States representa-

Same subject: Confirms the above telegrams,
points to misstatements in the document and
says that by reason of its publication and gen
eral offensiveness he will suspend intercourse
with the Chilean Government until it is with-
drawn or instructions sent him from Wash-

Dec. 15 Outrage on Patrick Shields: Mr. Egan's dis-
patch No. 223 is acknowledged with approval
of the action taken in the matter by the
United States consul at Valparaiso.

Dec. 17 Disrespect to legation; the legation has sus-
pended intercourse with the foreign office; it
is still submitted to offensive espionage, and
violent attacks from the press, Mr. Egan's po-
sition is approved by the diplomatic corps.
Same subject; Arrest of Mr. Egan's son re-
Same subject: Arrest of several visitors to the
legation; the Argentine minister promises to
consult with the diplomatic corps of which he
is dean, and to interview the minister of for-
eign affairs.

Same to same (telegram)..........
Same to same (telegram)..

Dec. 19
Dec. 21

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Same subject: The Argentine minister has
been promised that uniformed police only will
be left around the legation; the promise but
partly fulfilled.
Same subject: Confirms previous telegrams,
and incloses his invitation to the Argentine
minister to call at the legation and see to
what treatment it was being subjected.
Inauguration of the President of Chile will take
place on the 26th; asks if he is to attend.
Instructs Mr. Egan not to make his dispatches

Acknowledges the above and says he has al-
ways been very careful in that respect.
Disrespect to legation: Reports the continua
tion of offensive surveillance; the publication
of false statements by the police; his nonat-
tendance at the inauguration of the President
of Chile.

Same subject: Incloses the police reports men
tioned in the above telegram and refutes the
assertions found in those reports; confirms
with details the statements of the said tele-
gram and incloses the speech delivered by the
president of the Senate at the banquet follow-
ing the Presidential inauguration.
Difficulties with Chile: Attitude of the minis-
ter of foreign affairs remains unchanged in
spite of pleadings of British Minister, prompted
by information received by Chilean Govern-
ment as to the intention of the United States
to issue an ultimatum. Better feeling may
be hoped for when new ministry is formed.
Same subject: The new ministry, comprising
personal friends of Mr. Egan, has been formed;
some of the members have openly disavowed
the course of the preceding cabinet and a
prompt settlement may be looked to.

264 264


















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Mr. Blaine to Mr. Egan (tel- Jan, 8 egram).

Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine (tele- Jan. 11 gram).

Same to same (telegram)...

Jan. 12

Same to same (telegram)..

Jan. 11

Same to same (telegram)....

Jan. 13

Mr. Blaine to Mr. Egan (tele. gram).

Jan. 13

Same subject: Asks specially whether satisfac-
tion will be given on all points by the new

Right of asylum: This being in Valparaiso for
the purpose of placing two refugees on board
the Yorktown prevented him from seeing the
minister for foreign affairs. No safe conduct
has been granted, and five refugees remain in
the legation.

Same subject: The minister for foreign affairs
has given oral permission for the refugees to
leave, but no written safe conduct; the lega-
tion is free from espoinage, and the absence
of the President makes it impossible to return
an immediate answer as to the withdrawal of
the Matta circular.

Assault on the sailors of the Baltimore: A con-
densed abstract of the judge's report on the
Asylum: The five remaining refugees and two
from the Spanish legation have been placed
on board the U. S. S. Yorktown, the Spanish and
the Italian ministers accompanying Mr. Egan.
Assault on the sailors of the Baltimore: Asks
whether evidence given by the Baltimore men
or officers has been thrown out because con-

Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine (tele- Jan. 15 Same subject: Replies to the above in the affirm-
ative, giving particulars. Difficulties with
Same to same (telegram).. Jan. 15 Submits the terms on which the Chilian Gov-
ernment proposes to withdraw Señor Matta's


Mr. Blaine to Mr. Egan...... Jan. 16 Same subject: Discusses the above proposition; declares that the withdrawal should be prompt and suitable.

Mr. Egan to Mr. Blaine (tele- Jan. 17 gram).

Asylum: Relates the interview in which verbal
guarantee was given for the safe departure
of the refugees by the minister, subsequently
confirmed by the under secretary, and then
withdrawn by the minister.

Jan. 17 Same subject: Gives extract of Chilean news-
paper deriding the situation of the refugees
on board the Yorktown.

Same to same (telegram)....

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Difliculties with Chile: Answer of Chilean
Government is delayed on the ground of ne-
cessity for consultation.

Assault on the sailors of the Baltimore: In-
closes an arraignment of the investigation
by a Chilean newspaper, and a translation by
an English newspaper of the Fiscal's report.
Asylum: Incloses memoranda of interviews
referred to in his telegram of January 17.
Difficulties with Chile: No answer yet from the
minister of foreign affairs.

Same subject: No answer has been received
from the minister for foreign affairs, notwith-
standing his promise of an early reply. Asks
whether the report that the withdrawal was
made in Washington is true, as rumored in

Same subject: The President, satisfied that the
assault on the sailors of the Baltimore was
prompted by a feeling of resentment against
the United States, demands the same repara-
tion which the United States would freely
concede, viz.: A suitable apology and adequate
indemnity; in the matter of Mr. Matta's in-
structions to Minister Montt, the publicity
given to it calls for an immediate withdrawal
and suitable apology; if satisfaction is not
given at once diplomatic relations will be ter-
minated; the question of Mr. Egan's recall
at the request of the Chilian Government will
not be considered until a reply to this note has
been received.

Same subject: Repeats the substance of his tel.
egram of same date.

Same subject: The instructions of January 21
will be delivered to-morrow, Assurances of
friendship were given him on January 11 by
Prime Minister Luco.




















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Revolution: Official notice of the revolt of the
Chilean Navy. The Chilean Government
will not be answerable for their acts.
Same subject: Acknowledges the above, and
makes reservations as to the declaration of



Neutrality: Requests that shipment of war
munitions be prevented.




Same subject: The manufacture, sale, and ship-
ment of war munitions can not be stopped
under the laws of the United States. Viola-
lations of neutrality laws come within the
jurisdiction of the courts.

Same subject: Request for the prohibition of
the sale of arms to the Balmaceda party.
Extent of territory occupied by the Congres
sional party.

Same subject: Request not to permit the ship.
ment of silver by President Balmaceda on
board United States war vessel.
Political revolt of elections held on the 29th of
Neutrality: Calls attention to the arrival at
Santiago of the Steamer Itata in the service of
the revolutionists and to its intended breach
of the neutrality laws of the United States.
Agent of the Junta: Mr. Richard L. Trumbull
designated to act as.



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Señor Errazuriz to Mr. Blaine

June 5


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Señor Lazcano to Mr. Wharton.

June 22


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Same subject: Mission of Señor Pedro Montt as
diplomatic representative of the Junta. Urges
that it be given no recognition and cites pre-
cedents set by the United States Government
at the time of the civil war.
Resolutions in support of President Balmaceda.
Acknowledges Señor Lazcano's note of June 22.

Neutrality: The Itata was taken by force from
the Chilean South American Steamship Com-

Same subject; A copy of the above note and of
the telegram of May 8 from the United States
Consul at Valparaíso have been sent to the


321 321


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Mr. Blaine to Señor Pedro Nov. 27 Acknowledges the above....

Letter of President Montt to President Harri-
son announcing the installation of the provis.
ional government.



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1891. Señor Matta to Señor Montt Dec. 1 (telegram).

Señor Montt to Mr. Blaine... Dec. 11

Same to same...

Same to same..

Dec. 19

Assault on the seamen of the Baltimore: State-
ment of experts and testimony of Minister
Egan the cause of the delay in the prelimi
nary examination.

Same subject: Explains the delay occurring
in the completion of the investigation and
disclaims any motive offensive to the United

Same subject: Incloses correspondence ex-
changed by the Chilean Minister for Foreign
Affairs with the United States Legation and
and the authorities of Valparaiso and sub-
mits explanations concerning the origin, pro-
gress, and subsidence of the disturbance
ance and the mode of conducting the prelimi
nary investigation.

Dec. 31 Disrespect to the United States legation: Cor-
respondence relating to the subject, in-





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Asylum: Copy of telegram relating to the sit-
uation on board of the U.S. S Yorktown to
whom no safe-conduct has been granted.
Diplomatic relations: Request for the recall
of Minister Egan.




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Difficulties with Chile: Incloses copy of tele-
graphic instructions sent to Mr. Egan Jan-
uary 21.

Assault on the seamen of the Baltimore: The
testimony of the men as given in Valparaiso
is inclosed for the purpose of bringing out
its contradiction of that given at Vallejo by J.
M. Talbot.

Difficulties with Chile: Presents a defense of
the action of his Government and presents a
statement of the course of negotiations con-
ducted in personal interviews at the Depart-
ment of State.

Same subject: Corrects some of the statements
appearing in the above.





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