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Correspondence in relation to the killing of prisoners in New Orleans, March 14, 1891.

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Mr. Adee to Baron Fava..... Oct. 29
Baron Fava to Mr. Blaine.... Nov. 18

Mr. Blaine to Governor Nich- Nov. 21

Baron Fava to Mr. Blaine.... Nov. 29

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Representations of the Italian minister at
Washington against the action of the mayor
of New Orleans upon the murder of the chief
of police transmitted.

Reply to the above: No trouble apprehended..

Transmits the above..

Incloses the letter of the Italian consul at New
Orleans to the grand jury of New Orleans in
regard to the ill treatment and extortions suf
fered by the Italian subjects arrested on the
charge of murdering the chief of police, and
requests the intervention of the United States

Transmits for his consideration the letter of
the Italian consul.

Instructions received by the legation from the
Italian Government in relation to the right
of Italian residents to protection and to the
reported action of the mayor of New Orleans.
2 Reports that indictments have been brought in
against two prison officials for acts of brutal-
ity against prisoners, in consequence of the
investigation made upon the letter of the
Italian consul to the grand jury.

Inquiry as to citizenship of the persons under
indictment at New Orleans.








Mr. Wharton to Mr. Miller... Dec.
Mr. Blaine to Baron Fava.... Dec.



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Mr. Blaine to Governor

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Correspondence in relation to the killing of prisoners in New Orleans—Continued.

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Mr. Blaine to Mr. Porter (tel- Mar. 15 Instructions to deliver to the foreign office a
copy of the telegram to Governor Nicholls of
March 15,

Governor Nicholls to Mr.
Blaine (telegrain).

Mr. Porter to Mr. Blaine..... Mar. 16

Mar. 16 Promises a reply by mail to the telegram of
March 15; no further trouble to be antici
pated; the nationality of the victims no fac-
tor in the disturbance.
Confirms Mr. Whitehouse's telegram of March
15, which was sent at the request of the for-
eign office; reports his visit to Minister di
Rudini on the occasion of the killing.
Incloses report of the occurrence by the Italian
consul, which, in his opinion, shows the con-
duct of the local authorities to be censurable.
Incloses telegram from the Italian Govern-
ment demanding official notice of the killing
and reparation therefor.

Baron Fava to Mr. Blaine ... Mar. 18

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Mar. 19

Mar. 21

Mar. 21

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Governor Nicholls to Mr.

Mar. 21

Marquis Rudini to Baron
Fava (telegram).

Mar. 24

Baron Fava to Mr. Blaine ... Mar. 25
Same to same

Same to same

Mar. 26

Mr. Blaine to Mr. Porter (tele- Mar. 29 gram).

Urges that satisfaction may be given before he
is called upon to write an official note cover-
ing the reparation looked to in an inclosed
telegram from the Italian minister for foreign

Repeats the request, previously made verbally,
for information concerning the three victims
alleged to be Italian subjects, asserting that
the others are not entitled to the protection of
the Italian Government.








Expects to receive the information above called
for on the following day.



In reply to the telegram of March 15, states
that the trouble is terminated and that the
grand jury has been charged in regard to the

Satisfaction expected consists in the punish-
ment of the murderers and indemnity for the
victims; if not granted, the minister will be

Incloses telegram from Marquis Rudini de-
manding immediate solution.

Mar. 25 Report of the Italian consul furnishing infor-
mation as to four of the victims who are
claimed to be Italian subjects, and five others
who are not believed to be American citizens
under the Constitution.
Requests an immediate answer to Marquis Ru-
dini's telegram of March 24.
Instructions to explain to the Italian Govern-
ment the dual character of the Government
of the United States, as well as the necessity
of a previous thorough investigation.
Notice of his departure from the legation in
consequence of the refusal of the United
States Government to take the demands of
the Italian Government into consideration.
Marquis Imperiali, secretary of the legation,
to be left in charge of the current business of
the same.

Baron Fava to Mr. Blaine ... Mar. 31

Mr. Blaine to Marquis Im- Apr. 1 Regrets the departure of Baron Fava; disperiali.

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putes the reasons assigned, pointing to a
change of language used in his last note, and
contending, first, that no assurance of punish-
ment could be given even if the National Gov-
ernment had entire jurisdiction, and denying
that an indemnity has been refused; a thor-
ough investigation only was insisted upon.
The Italian Government insists upon being
given an assurance that every effort would be
made without delay to bring the offenders to

Report of his interview with the under secre-
tary, referred to above.

The Italian Government merely claimed the
prompt institution of criminal proceedings
against the offenders, but will not consider
the incident closed until a formal declaration
is received that such proceedings shall be
promptly begun.












Correspondence in relation to the killing of prisoners in New Orleans-Continued.

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Marquis Rudini to Marquis
Imperiali (telegram pub.
lished in the newspapers
May 4, 1891).

Brings the original demand for punishment in
contrast with the terms of the note of April 2,
above, denies that it has been recognized that
an indemnity was due, quotes and discusses the
precedent of the demand of indemnity made
by Spain in 1851, under the administration of
Secretary of State, Daniel Webster, and maps
out the contemplated action of the Govern
ment of the United States in the present in-


Apr. 28 Report of the district attorney at New Orleans
touching citizenship of the victims, inclosing
indictments by the grand jury, affidavits of
residents of Louisiana, exhibits of threats by
the " Mafia," etc.

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There is no statute under which the mobbing
can be prosecuted in the Federal courts.
Presents to the Italian chargé d'affaires ex-
clusively the views of his Government on the
note of Mr. Blaine of April 14, and instructs
him to restrict himself to dealing with cur-
rent business.

With reference to a statement in the above in-
closes fac similes of the original telegram of
Marquis Rudini to the legation, in which
punishment of the guilty was demanded.
Requests, for publication, the report of the
grand jury upon the question of indicting the
persons charged with the killing of the pris-


Mr. Miller to Mr. Adee...... May 19 Report of the grand jury, reviewing the unlaw

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Oct. 21

Mr. Blaine to Marquis Im. periali.

Apr. 12

Marquis Imperiali to Mr.

ful tampering with the jury and other circum-
stances attending the trial of the murderers
of the chief of police, and finding no reasons
for presenting indictments in the matter of
the killing of the prisoners, accompanied by
the report of the committee of fifty citizens
on the existence of secret societies in New

Hog products. Readmission of, when accompa-
nied by health certificate. Live hogs still

Tender of a sum of 125,000 francs to be distrib-
uted by the Government of Italy among the
families of the victims of the killing at New

Apr. 12 Accepts the sum tendered and declares the
diplomatic relations reestablished between
the two Governments.










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1891. Feb. 10

Feb. 27

Church (British-American) of St. Petersburg:
Jubilee of the, was attended by the Russian
prime minister; incloses newspaper account
of the ceremonies.

Jews, proscription of: Reports an interview
with the minister for foreign affairs in relation
to alleged measures contemplated by the Impe-
rial Government.

Same subject: With reference to the House
resolution of August 20, views the question
in its bearing upon the immigration from
Russia to the United States, and calls atten-
tion to the result of the Russian policy on the
rest of the world.

Same subject: Acknowledges No. 75, and notes
with satisfaction the appreciation of the in-
terests and sentiments of other people dis-
closed by the minister for foreign atfairs.
Same subject: Reports the result of his inquir
ies into the matter.





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Same subject: Incloses ukase prohibiting the
emigration of certain categories of Israelites
from the zone assigned to them, and ther im
migrating or staying in the province of Mos-


Same subject: Progress and prospects of Baron
Hirsch's colonization scheme. Increase of
emigration under the sterner enforcement of
old anti-Semitic laws.

Famine in Russia: Estimates of the extent of
the calamity as found in the Journal de St.

Same subject: Measures taken and appropria-
tions made to meat the needs of the sufferers.


American school at Agantz: Reports its clos-
ing by local authorities in violation of the
vizirial orders of 1889 and the sending of or-
ders for its reopening.

Right of Americans to buy and hold lands in
Turkey: Reports the conditions sought to be
imposed by local authorities and subsequently
removed by the Porte upon the representa-
tions of the legation.






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Same subject: Acknowledges the above and
expresses satisfaction therefor.


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236 Mr.Wharton to Mr. Hirsch.. July 10

Same subject: Mr. Dondjian has, by his act, for-
feited his American citizenship, and can not
recover it except through the regular course
open to all other aliens.

245 Mr. Wharton to Mr. McNutt. Sept. 3 Missionary troubles: Instructions to report


Mr. McNutt to Mr. Blaine... Sept. 10

concerning certain indignities said to have been perpetrated at Erzerum on Rev. Mr. Richardson complained of by the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Schools and churches: Incloses note from the Porte to the effect that all buildings which are turned into such schools and churches without authorization will be returned to their original destination, and draft of his reply in vindication of the rights of foreigners to affect their dwellings to private meetings of any character.



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Same to same..


Oct. 17

Circulation and sale of books: Refers to Mr.
Hirsch's No. 104 of March 31, 1890, and in-
structs him to seek immediate redress against
the abusive interference of local authorities
in this connection.

Mr. McNutt to Mr. Blaine ... Oct. 22 Missionary trouble at Erzerum: Incloses re

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port of British consul at Erzerum of the de-
tention of Rev. Mr. Richardson on account
of his being unable to present a passport
which had been taken from him. A new
passport was sent to Mr. Richardson by the

Same subject: Incloses statement of Rev. Mr.

Same subject: Instructions to secure and send
to Rev. Mr. Richardson by special messenger,
the required traveling permit.
Schools and churches: Conversion of private
buildings into. Supplements instructions
No. 249, above, by insisting upon the rights
of foreigners, sanctioned by treaty and usage,
to use their buildings for all legitimate pur-
poses without being submitted to harsh or
unusual conditions.








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