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Days Bank 5p Cent p Cent. 4 p. Ct. Navy N. 5

1808S.ock. Consols.

Reduc Cons. 5 p. Cent.p.Ct

Long Anns.


PRICE OF STOCKS, from NOVEMBER 26, 1803, to DECEMBER 28, 1808, both inclusive. p. Ct. Imperial | Imperial Irish Irish S. Sea S. Sea India India Exche. Lottery Scrip. p. Cent Anus. 5p.CAnn. Stock. Anns. Sto. Bonds. Bills. Tickets




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NB. In the ? per Cent Consols the highest and lowest Price of each day is given; in the other Stocks the highest only. EDWARD FORTUNE, STOCK-BROKER and GENERAL AGENT, No. 13, Cornhill.

ACCIDENTS ...... 88, 272, 473, 476 Bill of Mortality 95, 191, 287, 383,
Addison, Johnson, and Goldsmith, an


examination of their respective styles
of writing
Affairs of the Poor, on the manage-
ment of the...
.15, 93, 196
Agricultural Report....94, 190, 287,

383, 479, 568

Agriculture, on the promotion of.... 253

Air-Jacket, &c. to prevent drowning,
Mr. Cobb's patent for an

Albert, St. the death-bed of, and the
consolations of virtue.....
Alfred Society, first meeting of this



[ocr errors]


Alkalis, on the decomposition of the 442
America, literary and scientific news
62, 155, 255, 448

events in

343, 445


Ancients, narrative and description of
the signals adopted by them
Anecdotes-See "The Bee."
Anstey's Poetical Works, review of
Antiquity, account of a curious piece of 374
Apollonian Critic 75, 268, 360, 459, 550
Architecture (Gothic and English) ob-
servations on
Argyle, Earl of, epitaph on him
Army, abuses in the

.292, 414

479, 569
Biographical Sketches-Sir John Car-
ter, 68-Julien Le Roy, 65-Rev.
Mr. Wood, 157— Anquetil Perron,
256-Bishop of Ely, 270-Lady
Dacre, 270, 463-Professor Porson,
348 Dr. Richard Lubbock, 285,
365-Rev. Clement Cruttwell, 365



- Lord Lyttleton, 366 — Mr. John
Home, ib-Rev. Theophilus Lind-
sey, 465-Sir Hew Dalrymple, 481
-Dr. William Hawes, 559- Mr.

Andrew Oswald, 560-Sir Richard
Hill, 566.

Blake, Mrs. Ann, account of ...... 87
Bourne's Poetical Works, review of
Bread, price of 95, 191, 287, 888, 479, 569
Brewer, Mr. on the historic partiality
of Dr. Henry
Britain, on the circumnavigation of by
the Romans




British Navy, list of captures made by 178
Buffon and Voltaire, anecdote of .... 97
Bulletins of the French Army in Spain 561
Burdon, Mr. on the Society for the
Suppression of Vice






Arragonese, oath taken by them to
their sovereign
Arts and Sciences, improvements in,
and notices relating to, 61, 154, 251,
346, 447, 536
Asthma, a poetical recipe for the.... 222
Asylum, (the Caledonian) account of

this institution



[blocks in formation]

Bankruptcies, alphabetical list of
98, 189, 381, 477, 567
Bath, the Countess of, account of her
death ...

Bath Agricultural Society, proceed-
ings of


58, 182, 533

Battle of Maida, an epic Poem, review


[blocks in formation]

on Gothic and English


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Calvert, Mr. sudden death of
Cambridgeshire, occurrences, marriages,
and deaths in
Campbell, Major, trial and execution
of, for murder in a duel..
Canal, Dock, Brewery, Life and Fire-
Office Shares, prices of 94, 190,
286, 382, 470, 568
Cannay, island of, account of its mag-
netic qualities...


[ocr errors][merged small]

Carbonate of Lead, Mr. Moor's patent
for a new method of making..
Carter, Sir John, memoirs of
Caulfield, Henry Allen, death of 466
Cheshire, occurrences, marriages, and
deaths in

371, 470


Chimneys, Mr. Caparn's patent for
curing smoky ones..
Chisholm, Mr. account of..
Christmas Cattle Shew, full account of,
with the various premiums awarded 553
Churchill, W. Esq. death of........ 85
Clanricarde, Earl of, account of his



Cocks, Mr. Dixon's patent for improve-
ments in the construction of...... 148
Coincidence between Thomas Pain and

[ocr errors]


[blocks in formation]

.248, 461, 548

this fire
Courts of Justice, proceedings relative
to them


Dreams, classification of them



484, 513

Ducie, Ba on, death of


[ocr errors]


Crabbe, Mr. on a plan for editing an
English Dictionary
Crabbe's Poems, review of
Credulity, extraordinary instance of
Criticism-James' Poems, 44-Theory
of Dreams, 46-The Fisher Boy,
54-Strutt's Queen-Hoo Hall, 150
-Mac Gill's Travels in Turkey, &c.
140. Anstey's Poetical Works,
252 Fox's History of the Reign
of James the Second, 289, 321-
Pratt's Contrast, a Poem, 416-
A Picture of Lisbon, 420-Bourne's
Poetical Works, 429 Crabbe's
Poems, 434, 513-The Battle of
Maida, 418-Travels through Spain
and Portugal, 520


Cruttwell, Rev. Clement, his death.. 285
further account of him 365
Cucumbers, patent for an improved
frame for forcing them
Cumberland, occurrences, marriages,
and deaths in
180, 372, 470


detail of some remarkable ones
Drury-Lane Theatre, account of the
performances at

Duff, James, (Earl of Fife) death of 82
Durham, occurrences, marriages, and

deaths in

......180, 285

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]



Extracts from Polyænus' Stratagems
216, 293
Extraordinary leap of a horse


Fisher Boy, a Poem, review of ...... 54

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


Hamlet, proposed emendation of a
passage in
Hampshire, occurrences, marriages,
and deaths in ......181, 373, 471, 564
Hawes, Dr. William, sketch of his life 559
Henry, Dr. on the historic partiality of 295
Herefordshire, occurrences, marriages,
and deaths in
.85, 181, S73
Hertfordshire, occurrences, marriages,
and deaths in.....
.86, 373, 471
Hill, Sir Richard, sketch of his life 566
Historical Chronicle 78, 164, 271,
367, 463, 552

Holderness Agricultural Society, de-
cision of an important question at a
meeting of
Home, John, Esq. notice of his death 286
further account of him 366

[blocks in formation]

Kent, occurrences, marriages, and
deaths in
.....86, 181, 374, 564
King's Theatre, account of the per-
formances at...
.362, 460
Lancashire, occurrences, marriages,
and deaths in............86, 374, 565
Latin Language, on the pronunciation
of the....
....19, 215.
Leeds, account of an extraordinary
occurrence at................. 377
Leicestershire, occurrences, marriages,
and deaths in
... 181, 374
Le Roy, Julien, memoirs of the life of 65
Letter from F G―n to H. R.
Wy, Esq.
Lionetto, Senor, (the incombustible



[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]


October, books published in....
Oratory, remarks on the mechanical
part of
Organised Bodies, reflections on .... 114
Oswald, Mr. Andrew, sketch of his life 560
Oxfordshire, occurrences, marriages,

and deaths in
.68, 474
Owen, Rev. Mr. melancholy death of 83
Oxid of Zinc, as a basis for paint... $14


Pain, Thomas, letter from him to a
friend in Philadelphia ...
Parochial Assessments, on the misap-
plication of...
....... 15, 98

Parish Officers, actions at law relating


..... 181, 182
curious proceeding of some 558
Patents, the New, specification of
56, 148, 249, 340, 441, 529
Peron, M. Anquetil, memoirs of
Picture of Lisbon, review of
Pilkington, Wm. trial of, for murder 184
Pipes and Pumps, Mr. Bell's patent


for improvements in the making of 550
Plaintive, Paul, literary progress of 36, 104
Plague, how guarded against in Italy 142
Plan for facilitating the completion of
imperfect sets of valuable books... 474
Poetry, Original,- Sonnet, 54 — Im-
promptu, ib.-The Partridges, ib
The Grave of the Troubadour, 55—
A Simile, ib. -The Death of Le-
ander, ib.-To the Moon, 56—
Epitaph, ib.-Quatorzain, 146-
Sonnet to an early Polyanthus, ib.



To the Æolian Harp, ib.-Son-
net, ib. Poor Eve of St. Mark, 147
-Sonnet, ib To the Carnation, ib.
-Sonnet, 148-Impromptu, ib-
Virtue its own Reward, 244-The
Wish, 245-To Melancholy, ib —
Sonnets by Mr. Fletcher, ib.-Son-
nets by J. G. 246- Prologue to the
Mysterious Bride, 337-Lines to my
Study, 338-The Converse of Souls,
ib Sonnet, ib. - The Hay-Field,
989-What is Pity? ib.-To the
Sun, ib.-Sonnet, 340-On Riches,
438.-To Anna, ib - Sonnet, to
Morning, ib. Sonnet to Evening,
433-To the Moon, ib.-Ode to the


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