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AFFIRFMATIVE DECLARA- Attachment of monies,-Summons for validity thereof,-
Garnishee,-Suit or action under Ord. 34 of 1852 Art. 60,
-Appeal from Judgment of District Magistrate......
Solemn," Autrefois acquit ",-Punishment,-Information
bad in law,-Appeal from Conviction of District Ma-




Work, Delivery,-Excess of work,-Appeal from a Judg.
ment of District Magistrate

Of fraud," Inscriptio falsi",--Notarial acquittance,-C.
C. Arts. 1115, 1319, 1341, 1347, 1348,-C. of C. P. Art.
214,-Summons to show cause,-Amendment of plea,
-Adduction of written evidence

AMENDMENT OF PROCEED- Action in damages,-Costs,-Absentee,-Vacant Estate,

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Curator thereof,-Illegal occupation,-Erroneous aver-
ments, Amendment of proceedings....

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Of plea,-Summons to shew cause,-Adduction of written
evidence,--Allegation of fraud,-" Inscriptio falsi ",
Notarial acquittance,-C. C. Arts. 1115, 1319, 1341,
1347, 1348. C. of C. P. Art. 214......

Appeal from Judgment of District Magistrate,-Jurisdiction
of District Courts,-Claim with interests exceeding £50,
Abandonment of interests

Appeal from a Judgment of District Magistrate,-Action in
damages,- Principal and Agent,-Oral proof,-Claim
exceeding £50,-Want of Jurisdiction,-A bandonment
of part of the damages


Of a written obligation, --Claim of $1500,-Discharge of
the same by two subsequent leases,--Evidence,-The
"droit de chasse" may be legally teased,-The lease
may be legally transferred
Of Contracts of Indian labourers,-"Certiorari”,—Legal au-
thority to sign the same as mandatory,―Contracts may
be legally passed between third party, acting on behalf of
employers and labourers, with power of attorney grant-
ed by the mandatory of the employer,-Right of the
Supreme Court to revise Judgments of Stipendiary Ma-
gistrates by way of "certiorari"

From a Judgment of District Magistrate,-Attachment of
monies,--Summons for validity thereof, - Garnishee,—
His affirmative declaration upon oath,-Suit or action
under Ord. 34 of 1852 Art. 60
From a Judgment of the Master,-Attribution of sale price,
-Original purchaser, --Personal Creditor,-Set off,-
"Tierce Opposition"

From a Judgment of District Magistrate,-Ord. 24 of 1855,
Ord. 21 of 1851, Arts. 45, 46, 51 & Ord.34 of 1852,
-Jurisdiction of the Court,-Judges at Chambers, -
Municipal Taxes,-Mayor's Warrant,- Set off
From a Conviction of District Magistrate,-Fale & Mali-
cious denunciation in writing,-Arts 297 & 299 Colonial
Penal Code,-Information,-Omission by an Accuser
of initialing accused name,-General ground of Appeal
From a Judgment of District Magistrate C. C. Arts. 1341,
1342, 1346, 1139 & seq,-Costs,-" Commodat or Prêt
à usage."-Oral Evidence," Dol” (Fraud) “Misc en
From a Conviction of District Magistrate,-Penalty,-Mo-
tion in mitigation, Ord. 35 of 1852,-Art. 123
From a Conviction of District Magistrate,-Perjury,-Re-
cord,-Court of Record,-Magistrate's notes,-Written
evidence of deposition by accused,-Ord. 35 of 1852
Arts. 105, 106 & 119 ...

From a Judgment of District Magistrate,-Form of such
Appeal,- Ord. 35 of 1863 Arts. 14 & 23,-Water Ord.
Rivers & Canals,-Syndic,-Joint Syndic or Guardian

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From Judgment of the Master,-" Co-licitants," Their
privilege, Stipendiary Magistrate's Judgment ...
From Judgment of District Magistrate,--Work,—Agree
ment,-Delivery,- Excess of Work....
From a judgment of District Magistrate,-Rivers,-Streams
and Canals,-Ordinance 35 of 1863,-Right of Appeal
in case of conviction under the said Ordinance
Right of, under Ord. 35 of 1863, in case of conviction
From a Conviction of District Magistrate,-Rivers,-Streams
and Canals,-Ordinance 35 of 1863,-New trial..
To Privy Council,-Leave to appeal,—Value in dispute...
From a Conviction of District Magistrate.- Information bad
in law,—Affirmation bad in law,-" Autrefois acquit"
From a Judgment of District Magistrate,-Jurisdiction of
District Courts,-Claim with interests, exceeding
£50,--Abandonment of Interests,-Amendment....
To Privy Council,-Delay,-Power to grant leave by the
From a Judgment of District Magistrate,-Art. 40 of the Penal
Code,-Two distinct charges in the same information,—
Possession of Stolen property, without sufficient excuse
or justification,—The obscurity of the Information msut
embarass the Defence....

Appeal from a Judgment of District Magistrate,-Conviction
under Art. 301 of the Penal Code,-Larceny by night
and by means of breaking,-Right of Magistrate to
apply a less penalty with the consent of Prosecutor
From a Judgment of the District Magistrate of Seychelles,-
Cancellation of deed of sale,-Refunding of the mo-
ney spent on the purchase,-Damages..
From a Judgment of District Magistrate,--Embezzlement,

-Art. 333 Penal Code ..


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From a Judgment of District Magistrate,-Trespass, -- Da-


From a Judgment of District Magistrate,-Remit to him to
allow Counsel to examine witness....
From a Judgment of District Magistrate,-Job-Contractor
must be designated in the Contract,-No men can be
indentured to a Job-Contractor, without he, having a li-
cense,-No men can be engaged to the same beyond the
period of his license,-Special forms of Contract must
be used to be able to transfer indentured men from one
Estate to another, without their consent, -Contracts of
labourers with Job-Contractors must be specific to be
general,-The consent to be given before changing Es-
tates by Indians, indentured to Job-Contractors, is not
necessary when engaged under a general guarantee,—
Contracts must be signed and not stamped by the Ma-
gistrate, Contracts must be signed or marked by the
contracting parties themselves

From a Judgment of the Master,-Objections to certain
collocations made by him,-Attornies bills of costs,--
Excessive amount thereof,--Art 2101 C. C.
From a Judgment of the District Magistrate of Seychelles
Art. 166 C. C.-Demand to set aside a notarial deed,
-Arts. 457 & 458 C, C.—Plea of " Res Judicata
Art. 1351 C. C.







From a Judgment of District Magistrate,-Remit to him,-
Oral Evidence,-Identity.





From a Judgment of District Magistrate,-Action in dama-
ges for breach of Contract,-Principal & Agent,—Oral
proof,-Claim exceeding £ 50,-Want of Jurisdiction,
-Abandonment of part of the damages,-Amendment
From a Judgment of the District Magistrate of Seychelles,--
Petitory action.-Art. 26 of the Code of Civil Proc.,-
Memorandum of Survey,-Possessory Action
For Transcription of seizure at the Mortgage office,-Oppo-
sition thereof,-Seizure of rent,- Erasure of the same at
the Mortgage office,-New seizure

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ATTACHMENT OF MONIES. Summons for validity thereof,-Garnishee,-His affirmative

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declaration upon oath,-Suit or action under Ord. 34 of
1852, Appeal from Judgment of District Magistrate
Bills of Costs,-Excessive amount thereof,- Art. 2101 C. C.,
-Appeal from Judgment of the Master,-Objections
to certain collocations made by him ....
Of sale price,-Original purchaser,-Personal creditor,--Set
off,-"Tierce opposition,"- Appeal from Judgment of
the Master.

Appeal from Conviction of District Magistrate,-Solemn
Affirmation,-Information bad in law,-Punishment..


Inventory,Absence and remaking of books,-Purchase
made during prosecution before District Court, Undue
preference in payment,-Motion for Certificate refused
Books,- Evidence,-Sales at reduced price,—yearly inven-
tory,-Certificate refused.

Books carelessly kept,-Refusal of a certificate
"Saisie Revendication",- Art. 2102 of the Civil Code to be
applied in commercial matters,-Revival of a repealed
Ordinance by the repeal of the repealing Ordinance,-
Question not decided,--Evidence,-The Possession of
goods in the hands of the Official Assignee and not in
that of the buyer, creates no privilege of vendor......
Seizure of goods by the Official Assignee,-Claim of the

Limitation of the right of departure from the Colony,-Ord.

29 of 1871,-Right of the Supreme Court to force
Bankrupts to furnish sufficient security not to quit the
Island until final Judgment - Evidence

Raised by Sequestration on the credit of an Estate,—Bills
excluded from account current,-Sugar belonging to
Sequestration account, pledged on Dock-warrant,-Re-
mit to Master to adjust account,-Account current,―
Claim of Balance thereof
Excluded from account current,--Sugar belonging to Se-
questration account, pledged on Dock-warrant,-
Remit to Master to adjust account.-Sequestration,-
Account-Current,-Claim of balance thereof,- Breach
of duty,--Bills raised by sequestrator on credit of the
Attornies,-Excessive bills of costs,-Art. 2101 C. C.,-
Appeal from Judgment of the Master,-Objections to
certain collocations made by him
Evidence, Sales at reduced price,-Yearly inventory,-Cer-
tificate refused,-Bankruptcy




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Carelessly kept, -Refusal of a certificate,-Bankruptcy
Bills raised by sequestrator,- Bills excluded from account-
current,-Sugar belonging to sequestration account,
Remit to Master to adjust account,-Sequestration,—
Account-Current,-Claim of balance thereof











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Allegation of fraud,-Action in damages,-Demurrer, Arts.
1341, 1347, 1348, C C.,-Notarial deed

Action in damages,-Principal and Agent,-Oral proof,—
Claim exceeding £ 50,-Want of jurisdiction,—Aban-
donment of part of the damages,-Amendment,-Ap-
peal from a Judgment of the District Magistrate......
Preliminary enquiry made by him,-His powers of commit-
ment,-Trial in Mauritius,-Documents of the enquiry
to be evidence, but in their entirety,-Crime in foreign
countries by British subject
Crime committed in foreign countries,--Preliminary enquiry
by a British Consul,-His powers of commitment,-
Trial in Mauritius,-Documents of the enquiry to be
evidence, but in their entirety




Appointment by the father of a family," Servitude par
destination du père de famille, "- Pipes, Drawing
water," Droit de puisage," -Costs,-Arts. 680, 692,
702 C. C..

.... Rivers,-Streams,-Ord. 35 of 1863, Right of Appeal in
case of conviction under the said Ord.,—Appeal from a
Judgment of District Magistrate

Rivers, Streams,—Ord. No. 35 of 1863,—New Trial, -- Ap-
peal from Conviction of District Magistrate

CANCELLATION OF DEED Refunding of the money spent on the purchase, -Damages,
-Appeal from a Judgment the District Magistrate of Sey-
chelles ....
Bankruptcy,-Inventory,-Absence and remaking of books,
-Purchase made during prosecution before District
Court,-Undue preference in payment,-Motion for








Certificate refused Bankruptcy,-Books,-Evidence,- Sales at reduced prices, -Yearly Inventory,-Motion for Certificate refused.. Refusal to grant,-Bankruptcy,- Books kept carelessly.... CERTIFICATE OF INSCRIP- The non-mention thereon of an Inscription, upon which an ordre was established, cannot be inferred as an extinction of a debt,-Claim of a deposit,-Cession of priority. ... Stipendiary matter,--Job-Contractor,-Contract of Service, -Guarantee of the proprietor,-Dismissal of Job-Contractor,-Form of security bond Annulation of Contracts of Indian labourers,-Legal authority to sign the same as mandatory-Contracts may be legally passed between third party, acting on behalf of employer and labourers, with power of attorney granted by the mandatory of the employer,-Right of the Supreme Court to revise Judgment of Stipendiary Magistrates by way of "Certiorari With interest exceeding £ 50,-Abandonment of interest,Amendment, Appeal from a Judgment of District Magistrate,-Jurisdiction of District Courts

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CLAIM EXCEEDING £50.. Want of jurisdiction,—Abandonment of part of the dama-
ges,-Amendment,-Appeal from a Judgment of Dis-
trict Magistrate,--Action in damages for breach of con-
tract, Principal and Agent,-Oral proof
Their privilege,-Stipendiary Magistrate's Judgment,-Ap-
peal from a Judgment of the Master...
Appeal from a Judgment of the Master,-Objections to cer-
tain collocations made by him,-Attornies bills of costs,
-Excessive amount thereof,-C. C. Art. 2101 .....
Powers of a British Consul in a foreign country,-Crime
committed by British subject,-Preliminary enquiry,-
Trial in Mauritius


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COMMERCIAL MATTERS.. Bankruptcy,-"Saisie,-Revendication”,--C. C. Art. 2102 to
be applied in commercial matters,-Revival of a repeal-
ed ordinance by the Repeal of the Repealing Ordinan-
ce,-Question not decided,-Evidence, The Posses-







sion of goods in the hands of the Official Assignee, and
not in that of the buyer, creates no privilege of vendor
Oral evidence," Dol," "Mise en demeure,"- Appeal
from Judgment of District Magistrate,-Arts. 1341,
1342, 1346, 1139 and seq. C. C.,-Costs
Breach of Contract,- Damages,--Evidence..
Special form must be used to be able to, transfer inden-
tured men from one Estate to another without their
consent,―Contract of labourers must be specific to be
general,-Contracts must be signed and not stamped by
the Magistrate,-Contracts must be signed or marked by
the contracting parties themselves, -Job-Contractor
must be designated in the contract,-No men can be
indentured to a Job-Contractor, without, he, having a
license,-No men can be engaged to the same beyond
the period of the license..

Action in damages, Breach of contract,-Appeal from a Judg-
ment of District Magistrate,-Principal & Agent,-Oral
proof,-Claim exceeding £ 50,-Want of Jurisdiction,
-Abandonment of part of the damages,-Amendment
INDIAN Its annulation,-Legal authority to sign the same as man-

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datory,Certiorari"-Right of the Supreme Court to
revise Judgment of Stipendiary Magistrate by way of
"certiorari”,-Contracts may be legally passed between
third party, acting on behalf of the employer and la-
bourers, with power of attorney granted by the man-
datory of the employer

Guarantee of the proprietor,-Dismissal of the Job-Con-
tractor,-Form of Security bond,- "Ce: tiorari",-Sti-
pendiary matters,-Job-Contractor
Pipes and Dikes,-Fine,-Water Ordinance,-Rivers and
Canals, Syndic,-Joint Syndic or guardian thereof,-
"Riverains",-Appeal from a Judgment of District Ma-
gistrate,-Form of such appeal,-Ord. 35 of 1863 Arts.
14 and 23..

Homologation of a deed of partition,-Fxcessive costs,-

Actual disbursments and one half of the professional
charges only allowed to the notary and attorney,-No
costs for homologation....

Attornies bills of costs,-Excessive amount thereof,-Art.
2101. C. C.,-Appeal from a Judgment of the Master,
-Objections to certain collocations made by him

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COURT OF RECORD...... Magistrate's notes,--Written evidence of deposition by ac-


cused,-Ord. 35 of 1852 Arts. 105, 106 and 119,-Ap-
peal from conviction of District Magistrate,-Perjury,-

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...... Alienation of Provision, granted by children to their father,

in favor of his creditors

Committed in foreign countries by British subjects,-Preli-

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