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[Vienna Congress Treaty.]

1. The Principality of Hildesheim, which shall pass under the Government of His Majesty, with all the rights and all the charges with which the said Principality was transferred to the Prussian Government;

2. The Town and Territory of Goslar;

3. The Principality of East Frieseland (Ost Friese), including the country called Harlingerland, under the conditions reciprocally stipulated in Article XXX for the navigation of the Ems and the commerce of the port of Embden. The States of the Principality shall preserve their rights and privileges;

4. The Lower County (Nieder Grafschaft) of Lingen, and the part of the Principality of Prussian Munster which is situated between this county and the part of Rheina-Wolbeck occupied by the Hanoverian Government; but as it has been agreed that the kingdom of Hanover shall obtain by this cession an accession of territory, comprising a population of 22,000 souls, and as the Lower County of Lingen and the part of the Principality of Munster here mentioned, might not come up to this condition, His Majesty the King of Prussia engages to cause the line of demarcation to be extended into the Principality of Munster, as far as may be necessary to contain that population. The Commission, which the Prussian and Hanoverian Governments shall name without delay, to proceed to the exact regulation of the limits, shall be particularly charged with the execution of this provision.

His Prussian Majesty renounces in perpetuity, for himself, his descendants, and successors, the Provinces and Territories mentioned in the present Article, as well as all the rights which have any relation to them.


Renunciation by Prussia of the Chapter of St. Peter, in the Borough of Noerten.

ART. XXVIII. His Majesty the King of Prussia renounces in perpetuity, for himself, his descendants, and successors, all right and claim whatever that His Majesty, in his quality of Sovereign of Eichsfeld, might advance to the Chapter of St. Peter, in the borough of Noerten, or to its dependencies, situated in the Ilanoverian territory.

Cessions made by Hanover to Prussia.*

ART, XXIX, His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of * See note on preceding page.

[Vienna Congress Treaty.]

Great Britain and Ireland, King of Hanover, cedes to His Majesty the King of Prussia, to be possessed by him and his successors, in full property and sovereignty:

1. That part of the Duchy of Lauenburg situated upon the right bank of the Elbe, with the villages of Luneburg, situated on the same bank. The part of the duchy upon the left bank remains to the kingdom of Hanover. The States of that part of the duchy which passes under the Prussian Government shall preserve their rights and privileges; especially those founded upon the provincial Récès of the 15th September, 1702, and confirmed by the King of Great Britain, now reigning, under date of 21st June, 1765;

2. The Bailiwick of Klötze;

3. The Bailiwick of Elbingerode;

4. The Villages of Rudigershagen and Gaenseteich;

5. The Bailiwick of Reckeberg.

His Britannic Majesty, King of Hanover, renounces for himself, his descendants and successors for ever, the Provinces and Districts specified in the present Article, and all the rights which have reference to them.*

Navigation and Commerce between Hanover and Prussia,† the Ems, and Port of Embden.

ART. XXX. His Majesty the King of Prussia, and His Britannic Majesty, King of Hanover, animated with the desire of entirely equalising the advantages of the commerce of the Ems and of the Port of Embden, and of rendering them common to their respective subjects, have agreed on this head to what follows


1. The Hanoverian Government engages to cause to be executed, at its expense, in the years 1815 and 1816, the works which a Commission, composed partly of artists, and to be immediately appointed by Prussia and Hanover, shall deem necessary to render navigable that part of the river Ems which extends from the Prussian frontier to its mouth, and to keep it, after the execution of such works, always in the same state in which those works shall have placed it for the benefit of navigation.

2. The Prussian subjects shall be allowed to import and export, by the port of Embden, all kinds of provisions, productions, and

See also Arts. XXIV and XLII, pp. 227, 238.

+ See note p. 231.

[Vienna Congress Treaty.]

goods, whether natural or artificial, and to keep in the town of Embden, warehouses wherein to place the said goods for two years, dating from their arrival in the towns, without their being subject to any other inspection than that to which those of the Hanoverian subjects are liable.

3. The Prussian vessels and merchants of the same nation shall not pay for navigation, for exportation or importation of merchandise, or for warehousing, any other tolls or duties than those charged upon the Hanoverian subjects. These tolls and duties shall be regulated by agreement between Prussia and Hanover, and no alteration shall be introduced into the tarif hereafter but by mutual consent. The privileges and liberties just specified extend equally to those Hanoverian subjects who navigate that part of the river Ems which remains to the King of Prussia.

4. Prussian subjects shall not be compellable to employ the merchants of Embden for the trade they carry on with that port; they shall be at liberty to dispose of their commodities either to the inhabitants of the town or to foreigners, without paying any other duties than those to which the Hanoverian subjects are subjected, and which cannot be raised but by mutual consent.

His Majesty the King of Prussia, on his part, engages to grant to Hanoverian subjects the free navigation of the canal of the Stecknitz, so as not to exact from them any other duties than those which shall be paid by the inhabitants of the Duchy of Lauenburg. His Prussian Majesty engages, besides, to insure these advantages to Hanoverian subjects, should he hereafter cede the Duchy of Lauenburg to another Sovereign.

Hanover and Prussia. Military Routes.

ART. XXXI. His Majesty the King of Prussia and His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King of Hanover, mutually agree to three military roads through their respective dominions.

1st. One from Halberstadt, through the country of Hildesheim, to Minden.

2nd. A second from the Old March, through Gifhorn and Neustadt, to Minden.

3rd. A third from Osnabruck, through Ippenbüren and Rheina. to Bentheim.

[Vienna Congress Treaty.]

The two first in favour of Prussia, and the third in favour of Hanover.

The two Governments shall appoint, without delay, a Commission to prepare, by common consent, the necessary regulations for the establishment of the said roads.

Relations of the Duke de Looz-Corswaren and of the Count of Bentheim with the Kingdom of Hanover.

ART. XXXII. The Bailiwick of Meppen, belonging to the Duke of Aremberg, as well as the part of Rheina-Wolbeck, belonging to the Duke of Looz-Corswaren, which at this moment are provisionally occupied by the Hanoverian Government, shall be placed in such relations with the Kingdom of Hanover, as the Federative Constitution of Germany shall regulate for the mediatised territories.

The Prussian and Hanoverian Governments having nevertheless reserved to themselves to agree hereafter, if necessary, to the fixing of another line of frontier with regard to the county belonging to the Duke of Looz-Corswaren, the said Governments shall charge the Commission they may name for fixing the limits of the part of the County of Lingen ceded to Hanover, to deliberate thereupon, and to adjust definitively the frontiers of that part of the county belonging to the Duke of Looz-Corswaren, which, as aforesaid, is to be possessed by the Hanoverian Government.

The relations between the Hanoverian Government and the County of Bentheim shall remain as regulated by the Treaties of Mortgage existing between His Britannic Majesty and the Count of Bentheim; and when the rights derived from this Treaty shall have expired, the relations of the County of Bentheim towards the Kingdom of Hanover shall be such as the Federative Constitution of Germany shall regulate for the Mediatised territories.

Cession to be made by Hanover to Oldenburg.

ART. XXXIII. His Britannic Majesty, King of Hanover, in order to meet the wishes of His Prussian Majesty to procure a suitable arrondissement of territory for His Serene Highness the Duke of Oldenburg, promises to cede to him a district containing a population of 5,000 inhabitants.

[Vienna Congress Treaty.]

Title of Grand Duke of Oldenburg.

ART. XXXIV. His Serene Highness the Duke of HolsteinOldenburg shall assume the title of Grand Duke of Oldenburg.

Title of Grand Dukes of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Strelitz. ART. XXXV. Their Serene Highnesses the Dukes of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Mecklenburg-Strelitz, shall assume the titles of Grand Dukes of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Strelitz.

Title of Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar.

ART. XXXVI. His Highness the Duke of Saxe-Weimar shall assume the title of Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar.

Cessions to be made by Prussia to Saxe-Weimar. Fulda.

ART. XXXVII. His Majesty the King of Prussia shall cede from the mass of his States, as they have been fixed and recognised by the present Treaty, to His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar, districts containing a population of 50,000 inhabitants, contiguous to, or bordering upon, the Principality of Weimar.*

His Prussian Majesty engages also to cede to His Royal Highness out of that part of the Principality of Fulda which has been given up to him in virtue of the same stipulations, districts containing a population of 27,000 inhabitants.

His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Weimar shall possess the above districts in full property and Sovereignty, and shall unite them in perpetuity to his present States.

Prussia and Saxe-Weimar. Ulterior Arrangements regarding these Cessions.

ART. XXXVIII. The districts and territories which are to be ceded to His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar, in virtue of the preceding Article, shall be determined by a particular Convention;† and His Majesty the King of Prussia engages to conclude this Convention, and to cause the above districts and territories to be given up to His Royal Highness, within two months from the date of the exchange of the ratifications of the Treaty concluded at Vienna, 1st June, 1815 (No. 24), between His Prussian Majesty and His Royal Highness the Grand Duke. + 22nd September, 1815.

*See Art. XXXIX, p. 237.

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