Electric Lighting Act, 1882, and the Acts Therewith Incorporated: Also the Rules of the Board of Trade, of October, 1882Knight & Company, 1882 - 247 pages |
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Common terms and phrases
accounts Act of Parliament aforesaid alteration amount annuity certificate application appointed arbitration area of supply audit auditor Board of Trade board or vestry borrowed certificate to bearer company or person contributory place coupon court damage debenture stock deemed district board Electric Lighting Act electric lines enacted Gasworks Clauses Act Government Board incorporated interest Ireland issued justices liable license or order license or provisional local authority Lords Spiritual manner means Metropolitan Board mortgage notice overseers paid parish payable payment penalties pipes Postmaster-General pounds powers prescribed provisional order provisions Public Health Act Public Health Ireland purposes pursuance Railway recovered relation repayment respect Rule rural authority rural sanitary authority rural sanitary district Schedule sinking fund special Act special expenses stock certificate supply electricity supply of electricity takers Telegraph Act telegraphic line thereof tion tramway transfer undertakers urban sanitary Urban sanitary district Vict wires
Popular passages
Page 13 - Bill confirming any such Order is pending in either House of Parliament, a petition is presented against any...
Page 98 - I AB of in consideration of the sum of pounds paid to me by CD of do hereby transfer to the said CD the share [or shares] numbered standing in my name in the books of...
Page 45 - ... or non-compliance continues, or, if the telegraphic communication is wilfully interrupted, not exceeding fifty pounds for every day on which such interruption continues.
Page 96 - Money so to be received shall be so much Money received by or to the Use of the Party to whom such Interest, or such Principal and Interest, as the Case may be...
Page 70 - ... and all the clauses and provisions of this act, save so far as they shall be expressly varied or excepted by any such act, shall apply to the undertaking authorized thereby, so far as the same shall be applicable to such undertaking...
Page 185 - ... shall be executed both by the transferor and transferee, and the transferor shall be deemed to remain owner of such security until the name of the transferee is entered in the register in respect thereof.
Page 133 - Money shall not be borrowed except for permanent works (including under this expression any works of which the cost ought in the opinion of the Local Government Board to be spread over a term of years) : " (2.) The sum borrowed shall not at any time exceed, with the balances Sect.
Page 96 - Parties, to appoint in Writing under their Hands and Seals some Person to collect and receive the whole or a competent Part of the Rates liable to the Payment of the Principal or Interest in respect of which the Application is made, until such Principal or Interest, or both, as the Case may be, together with the Costs of the Application and...
Page 202 - ... for the time being empowered by law to do alone any act authorized to be done by more than one justice of the peace.
Page 182 - England, any place for the time being subject to the provisions of the act of the session of the fifth and sixth years of the reign of King William the Fourth, chapter seventy-six, ' ' to provide for the regulation of municipal corporations in England and Wales.