THE NEW YOR K N. E. COTTON MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION. PUBLIC LIBRARY ∙P28005 ASTOR, LENOX AND 1899. STATISTICS OF COTTON MANUFACTURES IN NEW ENGLAND, 1866; TOGETHER WITH THE CONSTITUTION, AND LIST OF MEMBERS. BOSTON: WRIGHT & POTTER, PRINTERS, 79 MILK STREET, (CORNER OF Federal.) NEW ENGLAND COTTON MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION. PREAMBLE. The undersigned, Agents and Managers of Cotton Mills in New England, desirous of promoting a more intimate acquaintance with each other, and of collecting and imparting information as to the best methods of manufacturing cotton, hereby form ourselves into an association by the name of the NEW ENGLAND COTTON MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION, and adopt the following By-Laws for its government, pledging ourselves each to the other, to abide by the same until altered or repealed. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE 1. The Officers of this Association shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, six Directors, a Treasurer, Secretary, and Auditor of Accounts. ARTICLE 2. There shall be a meeting of the members of the Association, in the city of Boston, on the third Wednesday of July next, at one o'clock, P. M., at Young's Hotel, and thereafter annually, on the third Wednesday of January, in Boston, at such an hour and place as the Board of Government may determine. At the first meeting of the Association for organization, and thence afterward at each annual meeting, a President, two Vice-Presidents, and six Directors, shall be chosen by ballot. The President, or, in his absence, the senior Vice-President, shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Government. The Officers chosen at the first meeting shall hold their offices until the |