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which was preached by the most eminent divines.

different from that in which they had formerly viewed them. Such was their distress and perplexity, that they Having preserved their zeal and were constrained to make application purity so long, and their number and to these able ministers for personal usefulness increasing, they were drawn advice, who encouraged them to meet of course into public notice. Soon once a week at some private house, after the Revolution, in the reign of for prayer and spiritual discourse. William the Third, several profligate They presently found the benefit of persons, with others who were misinthese friendly associations; and, in a formed, represented these meetings to short time, their number began to in- Dr. Compton, the Bishop of London, crease; and as they saw the divine as calculated to produce fatal conseblessing in their temporal and spiritual quences both to church and state. prosperity, they thought it their duty Accordingly they were examined by to devote a part of their substance to the bishop, who dismissed them with the relief of their necessitous fellow-these words-"God forbid that I creatures. For several years, each should be against such excellent deone relieved those objects of charity signs." They now received the apwhich came under his own immediate notice, without any particular plan; but when, by the blessing of God, the number of members and the stock of money increased, they found it necessary to adopt some more regular plan. Accordingly, in the year 1678, they chose two stewards to manage their funds, and to keep a regular account of their proceedings: thus they continued, with great regularity and success, till the reign of James II. when private meetings began to be suspected and suppressed. At this time they suffered persecution and reproach from various quarters, in consequence of which, many left the society. Still, however, their meetings were not entirely abandoned; for the apostacy of some was the means of exciting others to greater zeal and watchfulness. They were now forced to change the name of society for that of club, and their place of meeting, from a private to a public house; where they carried on their noble design to the end of that unhappy reign.

probation of Government, and in the course of a few years there were forty distinct societies in London and Westminster. By the money which they had voluntarily contributed, many poor families were relieved; some set up in business; several poor debtors liberated; a number of poor scholars supported at the University; many orphans maintained-with other works of benevolence. These pious men beheld with grief and indignation the profligacy and misery into which thousands of their fellow-creatures were plunging, and the national ruin which was likely to result from an unrestrained toleration of vice. led them to devise some means for enforcing the laws against those who would not regard wholesome advice. At this time, four or five gentlemen, lamenting the abounding iniquity of the times, resolved that they would do all in their power for the suppression of public vice by the laws of their country. Some of these were of the legal profession, and drew up an abThese young men, seeing Popery stract of the laws against vice and so much favoured, and mass celebrated profanity, with directions for the conat the Royal Chapel, and other public viction of offenders. About the places, established a monthly lecture same time, in 1691, Queen Mary against it at St. Clement's Danes, wrote a very urgent letter to the jus


tices of the peace in the county of seasons, clergymen of the Church of Middlesex, exhorting and command- England preached at St. Mary-leing them to suppress profaneness and Bow church, Cheapside, and dissentdebauchery. In consequence of this ing ministers at Salter's Hall Meetingletter, the justices drew up an order, house, where, for more than forty inviting all good Christians and good years, ministers of the three denomisubjects to give information to the nations of dissenters took their turns magistrates against profane and vicious to plead the cause of virtue and persons: a similar order was issued national reformation. by the Lord Mayor. Copies of the We are informed, that in the course Queen's letter to the justices, toge- of a few years, these societies were in◄ ther with the orders issued by the strumental in putting down several Lord Mayor and the magistrates, were open markets that were held on the printed and dispersed throughout the Lord's days; five hundred houses of kingdom at private expense. Blank ill-fame were suppressed; and two warrants were lodged in the hands of thousand persons were convicted and many persons, for the use of informers; punished for keeping such houses. and other expedients were adopted, to Many music-houses were shut up, promote a general reformation. This which had degenerated into notorious was perfectly congenial with the de- nurseries of lewdness, so that scenes sires and plan of the pious persons of the grossest depravity were openly who were joined in these societies, exhibited in the presence of persons of who now began to lay informations both sexes; in these places disorderly against offenders, and met with con- conduct had abounded to such a desiderable success, being encouraged by gree, that more than twenty murders royal approbation, and by several di- had been committed in a very short vines of the first eminence. Their time. In their annual reports for enemies, however, endeavoured to 1715, and the two following years, cast contempt on their exertions, be- being the twenty-second, twentycause they were young and inexpe- third, and twenty-fourth reports of rienced. This objection was presently the society, it is stated, that in removed; for several respectable these three years they had convicted housekeepers in the Tower Hamlet for lewd and disorderly practices, four had associated to punish offenders, thousand two hundred and forty-six ; who had now become exceedingly for houses of ill-fame, seventy-three; bold and numerous. - An union was gaming-houses, sixteen; Sabbathnow proposed between the two so- breaking, one thousand six hundred cieties, which completely removed all and thirty-seven; profane swearing, objections arising from their youth seven hundred and seven; drunkenand inexperience. They assumed ness, fifty-six. In a sermon preached the title of a Society for the Refor- by Bishop Maddox, in 1736, we are mation of Manners. The persons informed, that the number of


who composed these societies were of convicted of debauchery and profanevarious religious denominations, but ness, was one hundred thousand six they were all harmonious in the sup- hundred and fifty, in the course of pression of those things which were forty-two years, in the vicinity of evidently contrary to all religion, mo- London. When we consider that rality, and decency. The ministers many hundred societies were then of religion were engaged to advocate established on a similar plan, in this, and encourage this work, and at stated and in other countries, the number of

persons brought to outward reformation must have been very great.

calculated to promote reformation and piety. It is recorded, that many Several societies were formed in were reclaimed from profligate courses, Ireland, where persons of the first and joined the society, to assist in rerank, both of the clergy and laity, claiming others. They, however, met joined them. In Scotland they re- with great discouragements: many ceived the sanction of the General respectable gentlemen frequently traAssembly. In France, they met velled more than half a day, from one with great encouragement from the justice of the peace to another, before commissioners of several French they could get a warrant signed, they churches. In 1698, or 1699, there were frequently reviled were several accounts of these so-couraged by the magistrates. Their cieties printed; one, it is supposed, expenses were likewise enormous; by the Bishop of London; another, nearly one thousand pounds were exby some anonymous author; which pended in one year. Besides, they received the formal sanction of thirty- were frequently exposed to imminent two temporal, and nine spiritual danger.

and dis

peers; and also seven judges. This "Mr. Dent, a private gentleman, book has been frequently mistaken was murdered by three soldiers, in for another of nearly the same title, his attempts to suppress profaneness and written some time before it, by and immorality. He was about Josiah Woodward, D.D. That writ- thirty years of age, and a strict and ten by the anonymous author, is en- consistent professor of religion; he titled, "An account of Societies for had a great zeal for the honour of the Reformation of Manners," and God, and for the salvation of souls, has generally a portrait of King Wil- and a great hatred to sin, which first liam the Third at the beginning. led him to join this society. He had That by Woodward is entitled, "An been engaged in this work seventeen Account of the Rise and Progress of or eighteen years. None could ever Societies for the Reformation of Man- fix any stain on his character; even ners," with the name of the author. the worst of men, whom he endeaThe contents of the two books, how-voured to reform, would frequently ever, differ considerably: Dr. W's speak well of him. He assisted in account was translated into Latin, apprehending several thousands of French, and High Dutch; great num- lewd women, and many other offendbers were printed in America. ers. He was very courageous, and Several societies were formed in feared no encounter; he had great Flanders, Switzerland, Germany, calmness and presence of mind in Prussia, and other parts. These so- danger; he was frequently much cieties did not confine their exertions abused, and beaten. When Mr. Cooto the execution of the civil law for per was murdered, he endeavoured to the reformation of manners; they were rescue him from the mob, though frequently entreating and exhorting there were several soldiers with drawn offenders; it was their fundamental swords. Thus he went on with unmaxim to punish none but such as daunted were perseveringly obstinate. We fury of are informed by Dr. Samuel Chand- | life.”* ler, that the society before whom he was then preaching, in the year 1736, had distributed gratis, 444,750 books Dr. T. Bray, March 24, 1708.

courage till the unrestrained vicious men deprived him of Mr. Dent's funeral was per

*See his Funeral Sermon, preached by

formed with such distinguished tokens swearing, cruelty to animals; and of respect, that it may be called a such other gross offences as come public one. About thirty clergymen within the scope of His Majesty's most preceded the corpse, twelve justices admirable proclamation. This society of the peace held the pall, gentlemen is now greatly reduced, if not entirely of quality, aldermen, and above a extinct. It is not expedient in these thousand citizens, formed the train of pages to enter upon the discussion of mourners. Mr. Cooper was a con- the perplexing question, whether stable of a most excellent character; Christians should enforce the penalhe was murdered in the discharge of his duty.* The third was a Mr. Hobbs, a private gentleman, who died of the wounds he received in the service of this society.†

ties of civil laws against profligate offenders; but it is evident from the annals of these Societies, that men of various denominations, and of the highest order for station, learning, and piety, have cordially approved, and strenuously defended, such efforts.


(From Belcher's Pastoral Recollections.) DANGEROUS, indeed, friendly reader,

This influential society fell into decay about a century ago, the occasion of which however is unknown to the writer. Of late years similar societies have been established. The proclamation Society, formed for the purpose of enforcing the King's proclamation against vice and immorality, about the year 1788, led the way. A is the situation of the young man Society for the Suppression of Vice who cherishes the views and feelings was formed in Dublin about the year of John Wilson. An entire change 1797. A society which has excited of disposition, and a complete dedithe attention of the public, was cation of the heart to God, constitute founded in London in 1802, for the the secret of true happiness, and alone purpose of giving effect to the laws effectually guard us from the dangers for the protection of religion and mo- to which we are constantly exposed rality, when friendly admonition has from earth and hell. Pride, on the failed of success. Its members one hand, prevented John from entire amounted in 1809 to about fifteen submission to Jehovah, and the conhundred, comprising a great number sequent hatred of all that is opposed of our first nobility, magistrates, to infinite purity; and conscience, on clergy, &c. The particular objects of their attention were, to prevent the profanation of the Lord's day; the frauds and abuses practised in selling by false weights and measures; the publication of blasphemous, licentious, and obscene books and prints; illegal insurances in lotteries; the keeping of riotous and disorderly houses, brothels, and gaming-houses; the seductive practice of procurers; profane

*See his Funeral Sermon, by Dr. Woodward, May 21, 1702.

See his Funeral Sermon, by Mr. Roswell, June, 1719.

the other, would not permit him to enjoy the happiness which is experienced by the true Christian. Having never felt the power of real religion, it was impossible that he could taste its joys.

Up to this period, however, his general conduct had been marked with correctness. Awfully deficient as his heart was in the sight of an omniscient Being, but few of his fellowcreatures could charge him with improprieties. From Sabbath to Sabbath, as he visited the sanctuary of God, his parents had fonly hoped

that his heart might become impressed wise, indeed, was the petition he with the infinitely important truths of offered in the hour of temptationthe gospel; but their wishes were not "Hold thou me up, and I shall be gratified, and the good old man was safe.' summoned to heaven, to enter on in- My heart sickened with grief when finite purity and bliss, almost in the I met this young man after he had act of praying for his beloved children, resided in London about a year and a and especially for his favourite John. half. His confiding disposition had Truly kind was it in his heavenly led him into the company of those Father thus to remove the venerable who are ever seeking the ruin of inexsaint from the sorrow which would perienced youth. His supposed good otherwise have soon overtaken him. principles had gradually forsaken him; The truths he had long believed sup- society, pleasure, and gambling, had ported him in his last hours; his become the objects of his pursuit; griefs gave place to exalted triumphs in his Saviour; his prayers were converted into eternal praises; and as earth retired from his view, the glories of the throne of God attracted him to the feet of his Redeemer.

his pious mother had died with grief, though she knew comparatively little of his conduct; his surviving relatives had become ashamed to own him; and he was now in prison under a charge of dishonesty, committed to carry on other sinful practices.

sin itself. His promises of future reformation were still distinguished by confidence in his own ability to fulfil them, without a single reference to that divine grace, without which, the Scriptures assure us, we cannot properly discharge our duties.

Shortly after this period, John declared his determination to remove to It was under these circumstances London, to pursue the business in that I was informed Wilson wished to which for some years he had been see me. I will not attempt to deoccupied. Many a kind hint of advice scribe the confusion with which his was tendered to him, and many peti- face met mine; nor will I dwell on tions offered to God on his behalf, the really unhumbled state of his both by his affectionate relatives and heart-for it was but too evident that his holy minister. They were well his shame rather arose from the result aware of the dangerous temptations of his crimes than from his hatred to to which young men are exposed in a vast and sinful metropolis, and knew that the powerful grace of Jehovah alone could preserve one from ruin who was naturally opposed to prayer for divine aid, and who was so readily drawn into the society of the ungodly. Their fears were increased by every avowal he made of the strength of his virtuous principles; for they were assured that those only are safe who, aware of their liability to fall into sin, rely on the strength of God to preserve them in the hour of temptation. The psalmist David, when he thought of the dangers of youth, might well address the Supreme Being, and say, "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way, but by taking heed thereto, according to thy word;" and

Let it

Alas! how shall I describe the end of this unhappy young man? be enough to say that, unexpectedly, the punishment inflicted on him for his crime was far less than justice might have demanded, and, after a short imprisonment, he was again at liberty. But did he pursue the virtuous course on which he had resolved? Ah! no; every good thought deserted him as he left the prison: he soon rejoined his wicked companions; he fell into greater and more awful

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