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3. The provisions of the present Treaty shall not import a claim of extradition for any crime or offence of a political character, nor for acts connected with such crimes or offences; and no person surrendered by or to either of the High Contracting Parties in virtue of this Treaty shall be tried or punished for a political crime or offence.

the offence charged comprises the act either of murder or assassination or of poisoning, either consummated attempted, the fact that the offence was committed or attempted against the life of the Head of a foreign State or against the life of any member of his family, shall not be deemed sufficient to sustain that such crime or offence was of a political character; or was an act connected with crimes or offences of a political character.

4. No person shall be tried for any crime or offence other than that for which he was surrendered.

5. A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered under the provisions hereof, when, from lapse of time or other lawful cause, according to the laws of the place within the jurisdiction of which the crime was committed, the criminal is exempt from prosecution or punishment for the offence for which the surrender is asked.

6. If a fugitive criminal whose surrender may be claimed pursuant to the stipulations hereof, be actually under prosecution, out on bail or in custody, for a crime or offence committed in the country where he has sought asylum, or shall have been convicted thereof, his extradition may be deferred until such proceedings be determined, and until he shall have been set at liberty in due course of law.

7. If a fugitive criminal claimed by one of the parties hereto, shall be also claimed by one or more Powers pursuant to treaty provisions, on account of crimes committed within their jurisdiction, such criminal shall be delivered to that State whose demand is first received.

8. Under the stipulations of this Treaty, neither of the High Contracting Parties shall be bound to deliver up its own citizens.

9. The expense of arrest, detention, examination and transportation of the accused shall be paid by the Government which has preferred the demand for extradition.

10. Everything found in the possession of the fugitive criminal at the time of his arrest, whether being the proceeds of the crime or offence, or which may be material as evidence in making proof of the crime, shall so far as practicable, according to the laws of either of the High Contracting Parties, be delivered up with his person at the time of surrender. Nevertheless, the rights of a third party with regard to the articles referred to shall be duly respected.

11 The stipulations of the present Treaty shall be

applicable to all territory wherever situated, belonging to either of the High Contracting Parties or in the occupancy and under the control of either of them, during such occupancy or control.

Requisitions for the surrender of fugitives from justice shall be made by the respective diplomatic agents of the High Contracting Parties. In the event of the absence of such agents from the country or its seat of Government, or where extradition is sought from territory included in the preceding paragraphs, other than the United States or Finland, requisition may be made by superior consular officers. It shall be competent for such diplomatic or superior consular officers to ask and obtain a mandate or preliminary warrant of arrest for the person whose surrender is sought, whereupon the judges and magistrates of the two Governments shall respectively have power and authority, upon complaint made under oath, to issue a warrant for the apprehension of the person charged, in order that he or she may be brought before such judge or magistrate, that the evidence of criminality may be heard and considered and if, on such hearing, the evidence be deemed sufficient to sustain the charge, it shall be the duty of the examining judge or magistrate to certify it to the proper executive authority, that a warrant may issue for the surrender of the fugitive.

In case of urgency, the application for arrest and detention may be addressed directly to the competent magistrate in conformity to the statutes in force.

The person provisionally arrested shall be released, unless within two months from the date of arrest in Finland, or from the date of commitment in the United States, the formal requisition for surrender with the documentary proofs hereinafter prescribed be made as aforesaid by the diplomatic agent of the demanding Government, or, in his absence, by a consular officer thereof.

If the fugitive criminal shall have been convicted of the crime for which his surrender is asked, a copy of the sentence of the court before which such conviction took place, duly authenticated, shall be produced. If, however, the fugitive is merely charged with crime, a duly authenticated copy of the warrant of arrest in the country where the crime was committed, and of the depositions upon which such warrant may have been issued, shall be produced, with such other evidence or proof as may be deemed competent in the case.

12. In every case of a request made by either of the High Contracting Parties for the arrest, detention or extradition of fugitive criminals, the appropriate legal officers of the country where the proceedings of extradition are had shall assist the officers of the Government demanding the

extra dition before the respective judges and magistrates, by every legal means within their power; and no claim whatever for compensation for any of the services so rendered shall be made against the Government demanding the extradition; provided, however, that any officer or officers of the surrendering Government so giving assistance, who shall, in the usual course of their duty, receive no salary or compensation other than specific fees for services performed, shall be entitled to receive from the Government demanding the extradition the customary fees for the acts or services performed by them, in the same manner and to the same amount as though such acts or services had been performed in ordinary criminal proceedings under the laws of the country of which they are officers.

13. The present Treaty shall be ratified by the High Contracting parties in accordance with their respective constitutional methods and shall take effect on the date of the exchange of ratifications which shall take place at Helsingfors as soon as possible.

14. The present Treaty shall remain in force for a period of ten years, and in case neither of the High Contracting Parties shall have given notice one year before the expiration of that period of its intention to terminate the Treaty, it shall continue in force until the expiration of one year from the date on which such notice of termination shall be given by either of the High Contracting Parties.

In witness whereof the above-named Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have hereunto affixed their seals.

Done in duplicate at Helsingfors this 1st day of August, 1924.

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NOTIFICATION OF RENEWAL of Treaty of Arbitration between France and Spain of February 26, 1904.-Paris, May 8, 1924.(1)

Ministère des Affaires étrangères.


LE Président du du Conseil, Ministre des étrangères, a échangé avec son Excellence l'Ambassadeur d'Espagne à Paris des lettres datées à Paris des 11 et 16 février 1924, constatant l'entente intervenue entre le Gouvernement français et le Gouvernement espagnol à l'effet

(1) Date of notification in French "Journal officiel."

de renouveler pour une période de cinq années la Convention d'arbitrage qui avait été conclue à Paris le 26 février 1904,(*) pour une période de cinq ans et qui avait déjà été renouvelée en 1909, en 1914 et en 1919.

(2) Vol. XCVIII, page 1180.

CONVENTION between France and Italy relative to the Customs Régime of Silk and Silk Manufactures.-Paris, July 28, 1923.(1)

[Ratifications exchanged at Paris, May 22, 1924.]

LE Gouvernement de la République française et le Gouvernement de Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie, ayant résolu, par l'Article 4 de l'Accord commercial du 13 novembre 1922, (2) de fixer à l'avantage commun des deux pays le régime douanier des soies, des soieries et tous produits manufacturés de soie ou de soie artificielle, sont convenus des dispositions ci-après:

ART. 1er. Les produits de la soie, fils et tissus de soie et tous autres produits manufacturés de soie ou de soie artificielle, visés aux listes annexées au présent Accord, bénéficieront en France et en Italie des dispositions générales du modus vivendi de 1898 et de l'Accord du 13 novembre 1922.

A ce titre, lesdits produits seront, à leur importation sur le territoire de chacune des Hautes Parties contractantes, soumis aux taux les plus réduits que celle-ci applique ou pourrait appliquer à l'avenir, soit en vertu de mesures tarifaires, soit en vertu de Conventions, aux produits d'un pays étranger quelconque, tant en ce qui concerne les droits de douane et coefficients de majorations que toutes taxes et impositions, de quelque nature que ce soit, dont lesdits produits pourraient être l'objet.

2. Sans préjudice des avantages qui pourraient découler de l'Article 1er, les produits mentionnés au Tableau (A), annexé à la présente Convention, originaires et en provenance d'Italie, seront soumis, à leur importation en France, aux droits et coefficients de majoration inscrits audit tableau et d'après la nomenclature qui y figure.

3. Sans préjudice des avantages qui pourraient découler de l'Article 1er, les produits mentionnés au Tableau (B), annexé à la présente Convention, originaires et en provenance de France, seraient soumis, à leur importation en Italie, aux (1) French "Journal officiel," May 28, 1924. (2) Vol. CXVIII, page 318.

droits inscrits audit tableau et, d'après la nomenclature qui y figure.

4. Les droits et coefficients de majoration inscrits à la Liste (A), pour les produits originaires et en provenance d'Italie (à l'exception des soies ouvrées ou moulinées), seront maintenus aussi longtemps que, sur le marché français, lesdits produits ne marqueront point une augmentation ou une diminution de prix d'au moins 20 pour cent, auquel cas ils seraient augmentés ou diminués proportionnellement à l'augmentation ou à la diminution constatée des prix, par l'ajustement du coefficient, sans que, toutefois, la relation existant au moment de la signature du présent Accord entre les droits et coefficients fixés à la Liste (A) et les droits et coefficients fixés à la Liste (B) puisse être altérée.

Pour l'établissement de cette relation, il sera tenu compte que les droits inscrits à la Liste (B) sont payables en or et de ce fait soumis à un multiplicateur variable, conformément aux dispositions actuellement en vigueur en Italie.

Les droits imposés par la France aux soies moulinées et ouvrées seront sujets à péréquation, mais cette péréquation sera établie, non d'après le prix de la marchandise, mais d'après le prix de l'ouvraison et ne sera réalisée que si l'augmentation ou la diminution de ladite ouvraison atteint ou dépasse 33 pour cent.

5. Dans le cas où l'une des Hautes Parties contractantes abaisserait les droits ou coefficients pour les produits visés à la présente Convention, soit par une mesure tarifaire, soit en vertu de Conventions conclues avec un tiers pays quelconque, l'autre Haute Partie contractante ne sera pas tenue à faire dans son propre tarif douanier les réductions proportionnellement nécessaires pour maintenir les relations établies à l'Article précédent.

6. Les deux Hautes Parties contractantes s'engagent à poursuivre activement les négociations pour une nomenclature et tarification nouvelles en ce qui touche les produits soyeux qui ne sont pas repris aux Tableaux (A) et (B)(3).

Ces négociations devront être terminées dans le délai de trois mois à partir de la date de la signature du présent Accord, et les Conventions qui pourraient en résulter seront présentées en même temps que la présente Convention aux Parlements des Hautes Parties contractantes, en conformité de l'Article 9.

7. Les produits qui font l'objet du présent Accord seront, s'ils sont accompagnés d'un certificat d'origine émis par les syndicats de producteurs de l'une des Hautes Parties contractantes officiellement habilités à ce faire, admis sur le territoire de l'autre Partie contractante sans y être sujets à

(3) Notes exchanged December 29, 1923, and January 10, 1924.

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