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to enter into negotiations as soon as possible regarding the conclusion of a Commercial and Shipping Agreement, and pending the conclusion of such an Agreement to bring about an arrangement of their mutual commercial relations by a provisional Commercial Agreement, the undersigned Minister for Foreign Affairs for the Kingdom of Norway has the honour, in accordance with instructions, to inform the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Austria in Christiania that the Royal Norwegian Government consent to the following Agreement :

ART. 1. The nationals, products and goods, including transit goods, of each of the Contracting Parties shall enjoy in all respects the same treatment and the same rights and advantages in the territory of the other party as the nationals, products and goods of the most favoured nations are entitled


2. Joint stock companies and other commercial, industrial or financial companies or associations, including insurance companies, which have their domicile in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties and are there established in accordance with existing laws, and which have authority to carry on their business activity in the territory of the other party shall enjoy the same most favoured treatment.

Sanction for such companies to carry on business activity in the territory of the other Contracting Party is subject to the laws and other regulations in force there.

3. As long as the present import prohibition system remains in force Norwegian goods in Austria and Austrian goods in Norway shall enjoy most favoured treatment also as regards this prohibition. Any exemption from an import prohibition which one of the Contracting Parties grants to a third State, even temporarily, shall consequently be extended immediately and unconditionally to the same or similar goods which have their origin in and come from the territory of the other party.

If, by the grant of import and export licences, exceptions are made from existing prohibitions, each of the Contracting Parties will treat applications from the nationals of the other party for the grant of such licences as favourably as possible.

4.-(1.) The Contracting Parties grant each other the reciprocal right to appoint consular representatives in all the ports or trading places of the other party where a right to appoint consular representatives has been granted to any third State whatever.

(2.) Each of the consular representatives of the Contracting Parties shall, after having obtained the necessary exequatur from the Government of the country in which he is to hold office, enjoy within the territory of that country the same rights, exemptions and privileges as are granted or may


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in future be granted to the consular representatives of any third State whatever. The rights, exemptions and privileges mentioned shall not, however, be granted in the one country to the consular representatives of the other country to a greater extent than they are granted in the latter country to the consular representatives of the first country.

5. The ships of both parties, their crews and cargoes, shall enjoy in the territory of the other party the same treatment as is accorded to ships under the country's own flag or to the ships, their crews and cargoes of the most favoured nation.

This provision does not, however, extend to the coastal shipping trade and the national fisheries.

6. The provisions of the preceding Articles regarding mostfavoured-nation treatment do not apply to

(a.) Such favours as one of the Contracting Parties has already granted or in future grants in order to facilitate frontier traffic with neighbouring countries, and reductions of Customs duties or exemption from Customs duties which only apply to certain frontier districts or to the inhabitants of specified districts.

(b.) Favours which Norway has granted or in future. grants to Denmark and Iceland, Finland or Sweden, or to one of those countries, and likewise the favours which Austria may grant to Hungary or Czechoslovakia in accordance with Article 222 of the Treaty of St. Germain. (2). It is understood, however, that each of the Contracting Parties shall at once have a claim to the same favours so soon as they may be granted by the second Contracting Party to a third State not mentioned here.

(c.) Obligations which are imposed upon one of the Contracting Parties by a Customs Union which already exists or is concluded in the future.

7. The present Agreement shall come into force on the 1st January, 1925. The Agreement is concluded for one year. but after the lapse of that period it shall continue to remain in force unless one of the Contracting Parties denounces it. In that case it ceases to be operative three months after denunciation.

The undersigned has the honour to request the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Austria to send him a corresponding communication and takes the opportunity, &c.


(2) Vol. CXII, page 317.

(Translation.) Your Excellency,

(No. 2.)-The Austrian Minister at Christiania to the Norwegian Minister for Foreign Affairs. Austrian Legation, Christiania, December 3, 1924. THE Austrian Federal Government and the Royal Norwegian Government being desirous of furthering as much as possible their mutual commercial relations, and having agreed to enter into negotiations as soon as possible regarding the conclusion of a Commercial and Shipping Agreement, and pending the conclusion of such an Agreement to bring about an arrangement of their mutual commercial relations by a Provisional Commercial Agreement, the undersigned Austrian Minister at Christiania has the honour, in accordance with instructions, to inform the Norwegian Minister for Foreign Affairs that the Austrian Federal Government consent to the following Agreement :

ART. 1. The nationals, products and goods, including transit goods, of each of the Contracting Parties shall enjoy in all respects the same treatment and the same rights and advantages in the territory of the other party as the nationals, products and goods of the most favoured nations are entitled to.

2. Joint stock companies and other commercial, industrial or financial companies or associations, including insurance companies, which have their domicile in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties and are there established in accordance with existing laws, and which have authority to carry on their business activity in the territory of the other party shall enjoy the same most favoured treatment. Sanction for such companies to carry on business activity in the territory of the other Contracting Party is subject to the laws and other regulations in force there.

3. As long as the present import prohibition system remains in force Norwegian goods in Austria and Austrian goods in Norway shall enjoy most favoured treatment also as regards this prohibition. Any exemption from an import prohibition which one of the Contracting Parties grants to a third State, even temporarily, shall consequently be extended immediately and unconditionally to the same or similar goods which have their origin in and come from the territory of the other party.

If, by the grant of import and export licences, exceptions are made from existing prohibitions, each of the Contracting Parties will treat applications from the nationals of the other party for the grant of such licences as favourably as possible.

4.-(1.) The Contracting Parties grant each other the reciprocal right to appoint consular representatives in all the ports or trading places of the other party where a right to appoint consular representatives has been granted to any third State whatever.


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(2.) Each of the consular representatives of the Contracting Parties shall, after having obtained the necessary exequatur from the Government of the country in which he is to hold office, enjoy within the territory of that country the same rights, exemptions and privileges as are granted or may in future be granted to the consular representatives of any third State whatever. The rights, exemptions and privileges mentioned shall not, however, be granted in the one country to the consular representatives of the other country to a greater extent than they are granted in the latter country to the consular representatives of the first country.

5. The ships of both parties, their crews and cargoes, shall enjoy in the territory of the other party the same treatment as is accorded to ships under the country's own flag or to the ships, their crews and cargoes of the most favoured nation.

This provision does not, however, extend to the coastal shipping trade and the national fisheries.

6. The provisions of the preceding Articles regarding mostfavoured-nation treatment do not apply to

(a.) Such favours as one of the Contracting Parties has already granted or in future grants in order to facilitate frontier traffic with neighbouring countries, and reductions of Customs duties or exemption from Customs duties which only apply to certain frontier districts or to the inhabitants of specified districts.

(b.) Favours which Norway has granted or in future grants to Denmark and Iceland, Finland or Sweden, or to one of those countries, and likewise the favours which Austria may grant to Hungary or Czechoslovakia in accordance with Article 222 of the Treaty of St. Germain. It is understood, however, that each of the Contracting Paties shall at once have a claim to the same favours so soon as they may be granted by the second Contracting Party to a third State not mentioned here.

(c.) Obligations which are imposed upon one of the Contracting Parties by a Customs Union which already exists or is concluded in the future.

7. The present Agreement shall come into force on the 1st January, 1925. The Agreement is concluded for one year, but after the lapse of that period it shall continue to remain in force unless one of the Contracting Parties denounces it. In that case it ceases to be operative three months after denunciation.

The undersigned has the honour to request the Norwegian Minister for Foreign Affairs to send him a corresponding communication and takes the opportunity, &c.


ARBITRATION CONVENTION between Austria and Poland.-Warsaw, November 13, 1923.

[Ratifications exchanged at Warsaw, February 26, 1925.]

LA République polonaise et la République d'Autriche, désirant régler autant que possible par la voie de l'arbitrage les différends qui pourraient s'élever entre elles, ont décidé de conclure à cet effet une Convention et ont nommé pour leurs Plénipotentiaires, savoir:

Le Président de la République polonaise: M. Marjan Seyda, Sous-Secrétaire d'Etat, ancien Ministre des Affaires étrangères;

Le Président fédéral de la République d'Autriche: M. Nicolas Post, Envoyé extraordinaire Ministre plénipotentiaire d'Autriche à Varsovie;


Lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs pleins pouvoirs, trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des Articles suivants :

ART. 1". Les Hautes Parties contractantes s'engagent, dans le cas où des questions litigieuses surgiraient dans l'avenir entre elles, à tâcher de se mettre d'accord par l'entente à l'amiable.

Si, toutefois, cette entente n'avait pu être réalisée, les Hautes Parties contractantes s'engagent à soumettre à l'arbitrage tous les différends relatifs aux questions

suivantes :

(1.) Contestations concernant l'application ou l'interprétation de toute Convention conclue ou à conclure entre elles.

(2.) Contestations concernant les réclamations pécuniaires présentées par l'une des Hautes Parties contractantes du chef de dommages, lorsque le principe de l'indemnité est reconnu par les Parties.

Les dispositions du présent Article recevront leur application même si les contestations qui viendraient à s'élever avaient leur origine dans les faits antérieurs à la conclusion de la présente Convention.

Les dispositions du présent Article ne s'appliquent pas aux Conventions auxquelles des tierces Puissances auraient participé ou adhéré.

2. Les stipulations relatives à l'arbitrage qui figurent dans les Conventions déjà conclues entre les deux Etats contractants ou dans celles dont ils font partie, subsistent indépendamment de la présente Convention.

3. Lorsqu'il y aura lieu à un arbitrage entre elles, les Hautes Parties contractantes s'engagent à arriver dans un délai de trois mois au plus tard à un compromis spécial,



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