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may be established under the authority of government, because the ideal difficulty of the collection of taxes, in the event of the trade being divided, is fully obviated by the known safety with which the duties are levied on articles of West Indian and American produce, and because the imagined hardship of depriving the Company of the only lucrative branch of their monopoly will be alleviated by the wealth, influence, knowledge, and experience, which in their united capacity, they will still be enabled to oppose to the unassisted efforts of private merchants; and that the natural effect of throwing open the charter will be to excite a fair emulation to bring all the produce of the East to its proper level in this country, to enable our manufacturers, with more advantage, to exert their skill and industry to produce new sources of trade, and thus to give full employment to the operative classes of the community; and that the system of confining the East India trade to the port of London the petitioners would beg leave humbly to represent as unnecessary, unjust, and impolitic; unnecessary, because the duties may be collected with equal ease and less loss, by pilferage in the out ports; unjust, because every mercantile place in the united kingdom is entitled to the same privileges; and impolitic, because the superior economy and dispatch which prevail in the out ports, are requisite to secure an equality in the competition with foreign nations; and that the very existence of a beneficial prosecution of the East India trade, by this country, seems now to depend on the restoration of its freedom, as it is proved, by undeniable documents, that if it be allowed to continue, under its present restrictions, it will languish, decay, and pass into the hands of other states; and that the danger supposed to arise from excess of speculation at the commencement of an open commerce with India, the Petitioners would humbly represent to be imaginary, because the enterprize of individuals is uniformly circumscribed by their means and success; because any evil of this nature is temporary, and checks itself; and because the very worst that can occur, in the event of the abandonment of the trade by the public, would be, that matters again would return to their present state; and that, at a time when the anti-commercial system of France has been successfully exerted to exclude us from the continental markets; when the prosecution of an ex

tensive war renders it necessary to adopt every means for augmenting the revenue; and when our existence as a nation depends, in a great degree, on the maintenance of our naval superiority, the Petitioners apprehend it to be not only highly expedient, but indispensibly requisite, to open up every legitimate channel of trade for the preservation of our commercial, maritime, and financial interests; and that the Petitioners, satisfied that the injury arising from every monopoly must be proportionate to the extent of the trade thus confined; convinced of the importance, and even the necessity, of a free intercourse with the rich, populous, and extensive countries in the East, as well those formerly acquired by the company, as those lately subdued by his Majesty's arms; and, disclaiming all interference with territorial rights and political privileges of the company, humbly pray, that the House would take this most important matter into their consideration, and, by allowing the monopoly to fall on the 1st of March 1814, open the commerce of the countries lying between the Cape of Good Hope and the Straits of Magellan on equal terms to the merchants trading from every port of the united kingdom."

Ordered to lie upon the table.

PETITION FROM LIVERPOOL RESPECTING WEST INDIA PRODUCE.] A Petition of the West India planters, merchants and others at the port of Liverpool, interested in the trade to the British West India colonies, was presented and read; setting forth,

"That, notwithstanding the temporary. relief afforded to the growers and importers of sugar, by the Act of the present session of parliament prohibiting the distillation of spirits from grain, and the admission of sugar as a substitute, the Petitioners cannot but recollect their past distresses, nor contemplate without alarm, the period when this prohibition may cease, and the ruinous depression of the price of sugar that must, in all probability, ensue and be consequent thereupon; and that, in anticipation of this possible, and, in the minds of the Petitioners, not improbable event, they humbly beg leave to refer the House to the suggestion contained in the report of the committee who were appointed to take into consideration the commercial state of the West India colonies, and to report their proceedings from time to time, which report was ordered to be printed on the 24th of July 1807, videlicet, To extend

the principle which has been adopted on PETITION FROM BLACKBURN RESPECTthe contingent increase of duty from 278. ING THE STATE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS.] Mr. to 30s. per hundred weight, so that, from Blackburn presented a Petition from sethe maximum of duty then fixed on a gross veral inhabitants of the town and neighprice of 80s. per hundred weight affording bourhood of Blackburn, in the county of 30s. duty, and 50s. to the planter and im- Lancaster, setting forth," That, in the exporter, the duty should be thrown back ercise of those inestimable rights with on a similar scale, in proportion to the de- which the constitution of the country has pression of the market, till the price ar- invested them, the Petitioners venture to rives at 60s. gross, leaving 20s. (the origi- lay before the House their sentiments and nal duty) to government, and 40s. to the feelings on subjects of the highest import planter and merchant, or, in other words, ance to their national and individual wel a reduction of one shilling duty on a re- fare; and that in the institution of the duction of two shillings gross price from authorities of the House, the Petitioners the average then fixed for the imposition behold that link which unites them to the of the new duty, as far as 20s. per hundred throne, and to the House, as the Repreweight,' such regulation to continue until sentatives of the people, they direct their the conclusion of a general peace; and confidence and expectations; the immethat the Petitioners also beg leave to call diate connection of the House with those the attention of the House to the distresses whose suffrages have entrusted to them under which the coffee planters have la the preservation of the interests of the Peboured for some time past, from the want of titioners, naturally emboldens them to a market for that article, in consequence look to their sympathy for commiseration, of which they have no other prospect be- to their wisdom for direction, and to their fore them than that of ruin to themselves measures for redress; they will therefore and their families; and that, from these state, with respectful submission, the cirdistresses, during the continuance of the cumstances on which their claims to the war, the Petitioners see but one mode of attention of the House are founded, and, in relief, which is, to encourage, by every making this appeal to them, they are perpossible means, the consumption of coffee suaded, that not only are their own conin this country; and, in looking to this victions expressed, but the known undisobject, the Petitioners have found consi- guised and avowed convictions of thou derable obstacles, not only in the still too sands in every part of the united empire; high rate of duty charged on coffee taken for and that the Petitioners reside in the most home consumption, but in the regulations populous of the manufacturing counties, which are adopted for the due collection and unhappily possess the means of accuof that portion of the duty which is placed rately observing the effects of protracted under the superintendance of the board war and restricted commerce; in ascerof excise, by obliging all retailers of taining those effects, it will be sufficient coffee to take out licences for their stocks, for them to state the high price of all the and all purchasers to take permits for its necessaries of life, the unparalleled and removal from place to place; and praying long-continued reduction of wages, the the House to take the case of the Peti- frequent interruptions of labour, the contioners into consideration, and to pass a sequent difficulty of obtaining a bare sub. Bill for levying the duties on sugar accord-sistence, the rapid advancement of paro. ing to the scale suggested by the Committee in the report referred to, for repealing the Excise duty now payable on British plantation coffee taken for home consumption, and for removing the Excise regulations on the sale and removal of coffee, or to adopt such other measures, adequate to the permanent relief of the Petitioners in the premises, as to the House may seem meet."

Ordered to lie upon the table.

Friday, March 20.

chial rates, the increasing deficiencies in the collection of assessed taxes, the exhaustion of the little stores by which the more laborious and provident formerly hoped to obtain a trifling elevation above absolute poverty, the gradual disappearance of the middling classes, which are fast melting down into the lower orders of the community, and the certain prospect of evil still more injurious to the indivi dual sufferers, and to the interests of the country at large; these are some of the consequences of that state of things which is so poignantly to be deplored, and the causes and removal of which, the Peti

tioners pray that the House will take into the East India trade has been limited to
immediate and dispassionate considera- an individual incorporation, in the metro-
tion; in thus adverting to the afflictive polis of the kingdom, should be annihi-
privations of the poor, the Petitioners by lated when the present period of its mono-
no means wish it to be inferred that they poly shall expire, and that, on the princi-
are the only sufferers; it must be obvious ples of liberal economy, the advantages
to the House, that the unprecedented num- of that trade should be enjoyed without
ber of failures and bankruptcies in the exclusion or limitation; but they espe-
higher departments of commercial society, cially entreat that measures towards the
and in all its descending gradations, are pacification of Europe may become the
immediately owing to those causes, which, subjects of the immediate deliberation of
in their ultimate but severest operation, the House, who will thus obtain a truly
affect the labouring and mechanical dignified elevation in being the first to
classes; they could easily amplify this sheathe the sword when no object of utility
general statement by a minute detail of can be effected, when war can be no
painful events; but the members of the longer subservient to that which is its only
House are sufficiently acquainted with the legitimate object, the security of peace;
numerous and increasing accumulation of the House will thus obtain at least a tem-
facts in support of the account which has porary cessation to the miseries and dis-
been presented; what those causes are to tractions of a bleeding world, they will
which evils of such enormity and magni- excite afresh the powerful energies of a
tude may be traced, it is not difficult to commercial people, they will furnish em-
ascertain; the Petitioners submit that they ployment and subsistence to an immense
may be discovered in the impolicy which population at home, they will give stability
suggested, adopted, and still continues un- and consolidation to our colonial depen-
revoked, the Orders in Council, in the ab- dencies abroad, they will raise the tone of
sence of conciliatory measures towards national character in the estimation of
the United States, and in the want of surrounding countries, and connect the
clear, prompt, and satisfactory explana- remembrance of our pacific achievements
tions in diplomatic negociations with that with the gratitude and attachment of mil-
country; but they are imperiously com- lions for whose weal they legislate, and
pelled to specify what, in their apprehen- whose prosperity is inseparably combined
sions, is the primary cause of their suffer- with our own; the Petitioners are aware
ings; as natives of a country professing that an appeal to the feelings of sensibility,
the Christian religion, they deplore the or the power of imagination, would be in-
moral effects of war; as men, they la-congruous, but they humbly solicit the
ment the miseries of their fellow-creatures;
as Britons, they feel convinced that war
is inimical to their interests; that its con-
tinuance is more injurious to a commercial
country, like our own, than to one which
possesses, within itself, greater physical
resources; that the subjugation of the
enemy is more impracticable than ever;
and that his power is more firmly com-
pacted by the opposition he has encoun-ism,
tered; supported by these facts, in the
opinions they form of the consequences of
the present war, the Petitioners feel the
most urgent solicitude, arising from con-
victions which are every day confirmed
and increased, that the House should di-
rect its attention to the revocation of those
decrees, which, in imitation of an ene-
my's policy, have accomplished the ob-
ject of that policy instead of their own, Mr. Whitbread requested that the noble
and which, by their continuance, present lord who had the conduct of the measure,
the main obstacle to the amicable adjust-would put off the second reading until
ment of differences with America; they Monday, in order to give an opportunity
also submit, that the restrictions by which for a right hon. friend of his. (Mr. Sheri-

attention of the House to higher and
more definite principles; and that before
the evils which now press so severely
on the various classes of society are ex-
tended and multiplied beyond the possi
bility of endurance, the Petitioners beseech
the House to investigate their causes, to
ascertain the effectual means of counterac-
tion, and, from motives of policy, patriot-
and justice, to administer the appro-
priate remedies."

Ordered to lie upon the table.

LONDON THEATRE BILL.] On the order of the day for the second reading of the Bill for erecting and maintaining a new Theatre for Dramatic Entertainments, within the Cities of London and Westminster, or liberties thereof,

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dan) who was indisposed, to be present at the discussion.

Lord Ossulston replied, that he did not feel authorised to postpone the second reading of the Bill, and must therefore move that the Bill be now read a second time.

Mr. Peter Moore rose to give his decided negative to the motion. He was fully prepared to say, that no adequate ground whatever had been laid for the proposition now submitted. It had been said, that the population was greatly increased, but it could be proved that the enlargement of the theatres had more than corresponded with the real increase in the number of play-going people. An account of the receipts and disbursements would even shew that this number of late had diminished, while on the contrary the expences of representation had greatly augmented. But there were other objections to the Bill, inasmuch as it went to supersede the royal prerogative of granting licences for dramatic exnibition. The patents now existing had been granted for national purposes, and ought to be defended against the encroachments of those who, on the plea of an increased population, were only seeking their own private advantage. He concluded by moving, That the Bill be read a second time that day six months.

Lord Ossulston supported the Bill in a speech of considerable length, but in a tone of voice altogether inaudible.

amusements, which was not, nor could not be the case under the present system of monopoly. Indeed, the present monopolists had completely over-shot their mark in their anxiety to accommodate the greatest possible number of spectators. They had built play-houses, in which a great many could see, but no one could hear. The consequence was, that we could no longer enjoy those admirable performances which had been the delight of our ancestors, and were favourable to morals. Instead of them we had dogs, elephants and horses introduced on the stage, to the disgust of every rational man. Another objection to theatrical monopoly was, want of encouragement for meritorious performers. Now for instance, that Coventgarden was the only national theatre, no man, whatever might be his merit, could expect to be admitted into the company, if the line of his profession interfered with the parts allotted to Mr. Kemble, and in that case country theatres were his only resources: on these grounds he would give his hearty assent to the Bill, or to any Bill for increasing the number of places of rational amusements, which he considered as conducive to good morals.

Mr. Whitbread was sorry that the noble lord could not consent to put off his motion, during the indisposition of his right hon. friend, who was so much interested in the question. He owned that he was, as he had been represented by the noble lord, a most zealous promoter of the re-building Sir T. Turton opposed the Bill, as ill- of Drury-lane, solely through motives of timed, when Drury-lane was rising like a friendship, and of course he might be naphoenix from its ashes. The delay men- turally expected to oppose the present tioned in the amendment, could not go the Bill. In the arduous task he had thus length of rejecting totally the principle of undertaken, he had, however, received the Bill, but would give the House time to some encouragement from the speech of see, whether or no the public would be the hon. gentleman who spoke last, and well accommodated at Drury-lane; and provided Drury-lane could be built in the in case that establishment did not answer commodious way recommended by the the expectations which had been formed, hon. gentleman, and which he hoped then he firmly believed, that the Bill should be the case, he trusted that the hon. would not want support. He had no ob- gentleman would recommend him some jection to new speculations in theatres, or of those excellent tragedians, which, acany thing else; but, it should be recol-cording to him, were so easy to be found, lected, that the framers of the Bill had grounded their first application on the improbability of Drury-lane being ever rebuilt, but now the progress in the reconstruction had surpassed the most sanguine expectations. He should, in consequence, vote for the amendment.

Mr. Holme Sumner maintained that the inhabitants of this vast metropolis had a right to be amply provided with rational (VOL. XXII.)

and which he probably kept behind the curtain until proper encouragement should be offered. The hon. gentleman had complained, that in many parts of the town, people were too far from the theatre. This objection might be pushed a great way indeed, perhaps as far as to furnish a theatre to each particular individual. Three years ago the House was petitioned for a third theatre, the petitions were then (H)

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and elephants, was it not notorious, that the taste of the people must be followed sometimes as well as guided? Were not the same complaints and censures made in the Augustan æra itself, and did we not find Horace satirizing the introduction of the very animal lately exhibited. Sive Elephas albas vulgi converteret ora." The greatest actor that ever lived, Mr. Garrick, had resorted to the same expedients, and it ought not to be forgotten that Mr. Kemble had done much for the stage in reviving many of our best dramas, and particularly those of Shakespeare, in a style of unusual taste and splendour. As an example he might advert to a play now acting, in which he himself performed the principal character with an excellence which, if equalled, had never been surpassed. It had been said that young candidates for dramatic honours were not fairly treated. He was disposed to think that if no monopoly existed, and no limit to the increase of theatres, the ambition or vanity natural to new performers would lead them all to assume principal characters, and that we should have as many Hamlets as we could desire at 41. a week

referred to the crown, and their claims, | With respect to the introduction of horses after being considered by the Privy Council, were rejected. Last year the petitioners came again to the House, on the pretext that there was little or no chance of the restoration of Drury-lane theatre. If they would agree to wait another session, should that theatre be not then completed and open, he certainly would wave all his objections to this Bill, and vote neither the one way or the other. If this Bill should now pass, though it might not prevent, yet it would probably seem to retard the full restoration of the old theatre. It would tend to shake the confidence of the public, and renew the difficulties from which they had been recently extricated. They had already advanced a great way, and there were but very few outstanding claims which were not in a train of being satisfied. His noble friend had, he was sorry to say, refused to give the very short delay of postponing his motion till Monday next, when he might expect the attendance of a right hon. gentleman peculiarly interested in the question. He had not, however, to complain of any gentlemen within those walls, but he had to quarrel with those who had circulated gross misrepresentations with-instead of 201. The consequence must be, out, affecting to know that of which they were quite ignorant, and perverting what they did know. If the persons who were now speculating in a third theatre should succeed in their application, he had no doubt they would zealously oppose a fourth, and talk of the violation of that property which had been embarked under the sanction of parliament. With respect to what had been said, as to a redundancy of population, he presumed it would not be said that the theatres were not large enough to receive the inhabitants of those parts to which they lay contiguous. But the terms of the Bill implied the whole extent of London and Westminster. Were they sure that the city of London would permit the erection within their precincts, or was it purposed to build it in the parish of Marybone. He apprehended that neither was the case, and that if built at all, this third theatre would be built in some situa-A tion not far removed from the scite of the old ones. The hon. gentleman who preceded him, had cast an imputation on Mr. Kemble, which was altogether undeserved. He believed that he had never been guilty of suppressing any talents, distinguished as his own were among the first that had ever adorned his profession.

that we should have many bad actors and not one good play. Under all these considerations, he should support the motion for deferring the Bill to this day six months.

Mr. Browne supported the Bill, and thought that those interested in Drurylane theatre opposed this application with a very bad grace, when it was considered how much parliament had done for them, to get them out of their embarrassments. Their monopoly alone would not have enabled them to re-build their theatre, if it had not been for the assistance of parliament.

The House then divided on the amendment, for postponing the second reading to this day six months, which was carried by a majority of 58 to 35.

PRINCE REGENT'S MESSAGE RESPECTING PROVISION FOR THE PRINCESSES.] The Chancellor of the Exchequer presented the following Message from the Prince Regent :

"George P. R.

"His royal highness the Prince Regent, in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, thinks it necessary to acquaint the House of Commons, that in

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