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General stated "the characters and num"bers of the insurgents to be contemptible "in the extreme," and said that "those "in Dublin, joined by those in the coun"try, did not exceed 500 men." He imputed the insurrection" to the joint efforts "of those old traitors who had been suf"fered to remain, and those who had re"turned from transportation ;" and declared the temper of the country to be, at present, "much better disposed to resist the

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FOREIGN.-Advices from Sierra Leone,' have been received in London, dated on the 10th day of July, which represent the colony to be perfectly tranquil, and the military works, which have been erected, to be completely adequate to its defence. The failure of the rice-crops had produced some distress, but the colonists, who now consist partly of Maroons, were in daily expectation of supplies from England.- -St. Domingo, Martinique, and Guadaloupe have experienced some distress in consequence of the severity with which all trade to those islands is annoyed by the British cruizers. The Americans have been invited to bring in their produce, without its being subject to the payment of any duties whatsoever, and several American vessels which have entered the ports of those islands have disposed of their cargoes with immense profit. The negroes of St. Domingo have divided, and the two hostile parties lately had an engagement which was attended with considerable slaughter. Great consternation prevails in Martinique, caused by the fear which the inhabitants entertain of an attack from the English and as the island is in a defenceless state, it could make but feeble resistance. For some time past there has been-Early in the morning of the 2d inst. a fire

a considerable scarcity at Guadaloupe; and Ernouf, the Governor, has declared Basseterre, Point-Petre, and the other principal ports, free to the importation of naval and military stores and provisions of every kind : he has also issued a proclamation, filled with the most bitter invectives against Great Britain.- -Accounts from Jamaica, by the way of the United States confirm the report of a conspiracy among the negroes in that island. Port Royal was to have been burnt, and the inhabitants massacred: the plot, however was discovered, several boxes of arms were seized, and many of the negroes who were concerned, were apprehended and executed.

DOMESTIC.-A proclamation was issued by the King, on the 31st of August, requiring all foreigners, who may be the subjects of any state at war with his Majesty, and who may have arrived within this country since the 1st of October, 1801, to depart from the kingdom before the 15th of September.--The trials of those concerned in the rebellion in Ireland, began on the 1st inst. at Dublin: several were condemned, and two of them have been since executed in Thomas Street. The Attorney

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intrigues of traitors, than at any former "period."--The indecision which marks the conduct of Government towards the volunteers has increased the disobedient spirit of those corps, and caused great dissatisfaction among the people in general. The members of one of those heterogeneous associations in the western part of the metropolis, met some days ago, to deliberate on the plan which had been communicated to them, by their colonel, for reducing their number and after a very long discussion it was determined that "the plan was such "as the corps could not possibly receive." This determination is to be made known to the Government, and it is understood, that if all these persons be not exempted from the operation of the Army of Reserve and the Militia Bills, they will all lay down their arms.

broke out in Astley's Theatre, and in the course of a few hours, that, and several of the adjacent buildings were completely destroyed, and many others greatly damaged. Mr. A.'s loss is stated to be £28,000.--A chain of night siguals has been formed with fire-beacons along the coast of Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Cambridge.--On the 30th ult. a notice was issued by Lord Hawkesbury, informing Foreign Powers, that the Port of Havre de Grace was blockaded by the ships of his Britannic Majesty.*

MILITARY.-The French are raising 12,000 men in Switzerland, who are to remain in the service of the Republic dung the continuance of the present war.-It is said, that 40,000 French troops, destined to attack Portugal, have entered Spain; and that the Spaniards themselves, are engaged in great military preparations. A large body of French troops which was stationed in the environs of Mantua, lately crossed the Adige, and having passed through Ferrara and Ancona has entered the Neapolitan minions.-Gen. Mortier has marched with the greatest part of the army which he commanded in Hanover, towards the coast

* See page 359.


of Holland, in order to join the troops now collecting there for the invasion of England. -The Batavian troops are assembling in North Holland and Zealand, and a considerable force has been sent to the Island of Walcheren.——Accounts from Ceylon on the 9th of February, state that a corps of Militia had been formed there, for the protection of the town and district. Gen. Macdowal's army was at Kattaderria, upon the Candian frontiers, and were in daily expectation of crossing the Kaymelle.

NAVAL.--Letters from Cape François dated the 14th of July, state that the blockade is strictly kept up by the British cruisers, and that a great number of ships have been taken and sent into Jamaica. Several

French vessels were, a short time ago, cut out of the harbour of Jeremie, notwithstanding that a very heavy fire was kept up from the batteries on shore. Two French 74's and 4 frigates were preparing to sail for Europe, and men were pressed from all the merchant ships at the Cape, to complete their crews.The entrance of Port Royal in Martinique, is closely blockaded by one of our small squadrons, and the inhabitants of the island are in perpetual dread of an attack from our troops. --British ships are constantly cruising off Guadaloupe, and se veral prizes have been made, and sent in.On the 14th of June, Capt. Mowbray, in the Maidstone, captured the French brig L'Arab, of 8 guns and 58 men, returning from Athens to L'Orient.--Advices have been received from the Mediterranean stating that Lord Nelson had been joined by Sir Richard Bickerton's squadron.

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SUMMARY OF POLITICS. PRINCE OF WALES. The censures which have been passed upon the ministers, on account of their conduct with respect to their rejection of the offer of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, have been attributed to factious motives; to enmity against the ministers, and not to friendship for the Prince. To inculcate this opinion, and, at the same time, to prevent the effect of the general desire, which the Prince must perceive to prevail, as to the publi cation of the correspondence, which pass ed between him and the ministers, seems to have been the object of a very insidious article, which appeared in a daily paper of the 27th ultimo, and which, it is credibly asserted, was published at the express request of Mr. Sheridan. The writer sets out with condemning the rejection of the Prince's offer, especially as the measure appears to have been the effect of narrow policy. He

then praises the conduct of the Prince, says that his being invested with a military command must have produced the best possible consequences, that "the objections urged "against it are frivolous, unworthy of a "serious answer, and that the only reason "which does, or can exist, is a mean and "mischievous spirit of jealousy in some low mind." But, having thus disapproved of the refusal to give his Royal Highness a command, this candid gentleman disapproves still more. of the spirit of faction, which it is at"tempted to raise in consequence of it." He thinks that the Prince, having done all that there was any occasion for him to do, having "acquitted himself to the people, "having already derived from the offer all "the honour of actual service," he should "display magnanimity, as well as ardour, "in the cause of his country, and thereby "endear himself to it still more by giving


an example of submission."-It is impossible to proceed further without asking,submission to what, and to whom? Because, if it be a submission to any thing but the paternal authority, or the laws of the realm; if it be a submission to the interested views of a minister, then his Royal Highness would set a most dangerous example to the country. Besides, if he has already "derived from the offer all the honour "of actual service," where is the room for this grand display of his magnanimity? But, how shamefully fallacious is it, to pretend, that the making of an offer, which has been rejected, does, of itself, reflect on his Royal Highness all the honour of actual service! When a person has offered to fight, and has been prevented, by the refusal of his adversary, or by some other insurmountable obstacle, such person is, indeed, justly entitled to all the praise due to the action which he was desirous of performing. Very different is the case of the Prince: he is not prevented from fighting by the refusal of the enemy, but by that of the minister: not by the refusal of him, against whom he wished to fight; but by that of him for whom he wished to fight, and who, to use a somewhat vulgar phrase, seems to have considered his room as preferable to his company. So weak, indeed, is this argument, that the writer himself appears to despair of it; and, as is not uncommonly the case, attempts to prop it up by another, by which it is completely destroyed. So partial and so unwise, he says, have been the military appointments, that, it is difficult to decide whether ac. ceptance or rejection be a proof of talent; and, he assures the Prince of Wales, " that

"the rejection of his services rather raises "than lowers him in the esteem of the public! This statement, so comforting to the people and so flattering to the ministry, contains, nevertheless, very little to satisfy the Prince: for, if it be a very questionable point, whether it be an honour or a dishonour to serve, in the present state of military arrangements, what becomes of all the honour of actual service," which the Prince is said to have already "derived from his offer," and with which honour he is conjured to rest satisfied?But, be his injuries what they may, he is, it seems, to bury them in oblivion, lest the expression of his discontent should operate as an example to the "thousands

of volunteers, whose services are at this "moment, rejected, and who will be rendered refractory, if they see the Prince "of Wales raising an opposition to go"vernment." Raising an opposition to government! This is precisely the doctrine, which Mr. Sheridan preached at the breaking up of the parliament, but which doctrine he very properly reprobated on the 16th of February, 1801. What opposition is the Prince of Wales raising to the government? Is it raising an opposition to government to be discontented at the i-treatment he has received? Το complain of usage such as no Prince in England ever before endured; of being stigmatized in the eyes of the people, and of the whole world, as a person either incapable, or otherwise unworthy, of military command, after having been twenty years in the military service, and after having attended its duties with great regularity; is it being factious to resent treatment like this? The volunteer corps, indeed! So, his Royal Highness is to overlook the contumelious behaviour of ministers towards himself, because their follies have excited discontents in other quarters! But, after all, in what way is the Prince raising an opposition to government? What has he done or said, to oppose measures of ministers? Most people are disposed to think, that he might, with no impropriety, have employed his influence to oppose the ministry; but, that he has done it, there is not the shadow of a proof. His cause has, indeed, been espoused by others; and, he is told, that if he looks round him, "he "will see many, who give him support, on the present question, who are far "from being friendly to him on other oc"casions. He will see, that his cause is "taken up, as any other cause would be, "simply with a view of attacking the mi"nistry, or weakening and embarrassing

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"them," the object of all which, doubtless, is to turn them out of their places. Allowing, for a moment, that the object be what is here described, it will then remain for this moderate gentleman to shew the harm that is likely to arise from the ousting of a ministry, who proceed upon narrow policy;" who, in rejecting the offer of the heir apparent, have acted under the influence of " a mean "and mischievous spirit of jealousy in some low "mind;" who have so distributed the commands in the army, as to render it "doubt“ful, whether rejection or acceptance be a proof "of talent;" and, who, at a moment when the existence of the State depends upon deeds of arms, have so degraded the mili tary profession, that for an officer to have his offer of service rejected, “ rather raises “than lowers him in the esteem of the public." What harm there can be in effecting the political dissolution of a ministry like this, it will be very difficult for any one to point out, unless he believes what the ministers themselves tell the world, that, if the nation will not suffer them to remain in power, there can be no ministry at all. -Where this gentleman has discovered those persons, who have taken up the cause of the Prince, simply with a view of attacking the ministry, he does not tell us; and, it does appear a little uncharitable, that a motive so unworthy of a defender of the Prince should have been sought for by a person, who himself describes the conduct of the ministers towards the Prince as comprizing every thing that is unjust, mischievous and base. Speaking with refe rence to this work, of which it is evident the writer in question did not entirely lose sight, it can be safely asserted, that, in none of its pages, nor in those of any work ever conducted by the same editor, can there be found one expression, which is, either directly or indirectly, "friendly" to the Prince of Wales. As to friendship, indeed, it is a sentiment, which it would be presumption in a person in common life to affect to entertain towards one so far exalted above him. The proper sentiment is loyalty. Not that sort of loyalty, which flows so flippantly from the tongue of drunkenness, or that issues, in noisy shouts, from the lungs of the rabble; much less that loyalty which, in praying for the King, has in view the preservation of the funds. No; but that sort of loyalty, which includes attachment, fidelity, and zeal, arising, not from reflection and calculation, but from an ever-operative principle implanted in the heart; a principle quite suf

explicitly stated (for they state nothing explicitly), in Parliament, that it is the King's fault, that the Prince is not employed; but, this is the report most industriously circulated by them, through all the numerous channels, which they have at their command; and, when the Parliament meets, this will be as well understood, and as steadily acted upon, by the Ministers and their partizans, as if it were declared in a message to both Houses. But, is it possible, that this nation, once so jealous of its liberties; that the British Parliament, so long famous for its watchfulness of ministerial encroachment; is it possible, that they will suffer themselves to be the sport of this juggling system of conducting the affairs of the government? Will they tamely hear every good and gracious act ascribed to the Ministers, and every bad and ungracions act, to the King? Lord Oxford, when accused of certain crimes, pleaded the positive order of the Queen; but, so far was this plea from being admitted, that it was numbered amongst the additional charges against him, as "a slander on the memory of his Royal

ficient to call forth, in the cause of his Royal Highness, persons totally uninfluenced by party feelings. It is, too, a very awkward compliment to the Prince, to Suppose, that his cause has been espoused from no other than dishonourable, or, at east, very low and selfish, motives; but, tis by no means unnatural, that this notion should be inculcated by those who have basely seted his Royal Highness, and who, of course, are desirous of destroying the credit due to the fidelity of others.---The Prince is exhorted to remain silent for fear of the dreadful consequences to which "his discontent may lead in the event of an invasion!" This danger of invasion, which the ministers themselves have created, is, to them, a thing of standing and general use; and, if the new doctrine laid down, in their behalf, by Mr. Sheridan, should be admitted, a ministry, in order to be perfectly secure from all opposition, have no thing to do but to place the country on the brink of destruction. What! Because this miserable selfish set of men have committed ten thousand follies, for either of which they would, at any other period of our history, have been driven from office; because they have lost the continental dominionsof the House of Brunswick, and because they have placed this kingdom itself in a state of iniminent danger; for this very reason it is, that they are to insult the Prince of Wales with impunity! So preposterous a doctrine never met with an advocate, except in some unprincipled tool of an unprincipled ministry-That his Royal Highness will obtain no redress is very evident; nor would it be at all surprising, if the ingenious malice and insolence of the ministers were to find some new mode of torturing his feelings, and of rendering him completely disgusted with public concerns. This is their great object. He stands in their light. They have taken their places for life; and, they want no Prince of Wales to be seen, or to be heard of by the people. Under the usurped title of " the King's friends," they are endeavouring to secure to themselves an absolute and endless sway over both King and People. With them all responsi❘ bility is at an end; for, every measure, which is successful or popular, they take to themselves, while every foolish, ungracious, or even wicked act, they attribute to his Majesty. However strange a way this may be of showing that friendship, to which they make an exclusive claim, it assuredly is the way that they have constantly practised, and Particularly in the affair which is the subject of these remarks. They have not, indeed,

Mistress," towards whom the Commons, in consequence of this his plea, added, that he was guilty of the foulest ingratitude. And, indeed, this is the only principle, upon which one can, in such questions, possibly proceed; for, as the King can do no wrong, if the Minister be allowed to shelter himself under a pretended command of the King, the Minister can do no wrong; and, if this were ad mitted, we should live under a government, which would not be worth defending even against the hordes of Buonaparté. The question then would be, not between the British monarchy and the despotism of France; not between the ancient, the royal, and paternal House of Brunswick, and the Corsican Usurper; but between the Addingtons and the Buonapartés; between the upstarts of Reading and those of Ajaccio; and, when

the characters of the two were taken into consideration, there really would be more shame in submitting to the former than to the latter.Every exertion will be made to undermine the influence of the Prince, to lessen the number of his adherents, and to injure him in the opinions of the people; but, it is to be hoped, that his Royal Highness will never forget what is due to himself, and that he will yield to no compromise that shall not include an acceptance of his offer of service.

OFFENSIVE WAR.--That the war, in which we are now engaged, should not be exclusively defensive, appears to be allowed by every one, who writes, or who speaks,

upon the subject. But, while all agree as to the expedience of offensive operations, there is great difference of opinion as to the scale, the manner, the time, the place, the object, and, strange to tell, men are not quite unanimous as to the abstract nature of those operations; for, the partizans of the ministry either believe themselves, or wish to deceive others into a belief, that the nation is at this moment carrying on a most vigorous and fortunate offensive war. To propagate this notion has been, of late, a leading object with the ministerial writers; and, indeed, the dissertation, which is here more particularly alluded to, bears every mark of official dictation. Viewing it in this light, the sentiments it contains are of importance.

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- The writer states, in substance,' that the blame which was, in parliament, thrown upon the ministers, on account of the loss of Hanover, was without foundation; because, not being able to rouze the North• ern Powers, it would have been madness to attempt the defence of the Electorate by the means of British troops: that small expeditions to the coast of France may possibly be of use; but that considerable expeditions, to any part of the Continent, 'would, at present, be useless, and would only terminate in new battles of Marengo, and in making a great addition to the fame and influence of the Consul of France: that Holland is the only weak point of the • Continent; but, as Buonaparté is well aware of this, he is so strengthening himself on that side, that another attack on it would, in all probability, terminate in another Dutch expedition: that, though ⚫ we cannot make, or excite, war against France upon the Continent, we must not, for that reason, conclude, that we are unable to wage offensive war against her; for, that, an offensive war may be carried on against her marine, her commerce, and her colonies; and that this is, too, the safest and most effectual species of offensive war: that this sort of war-fare will, if no other is carried on, become of vast importance in the eyes of the world; it will be the object of universal attention; and, as it is a scene where British valour is sure to dazzle, the more powerful France ⚫ is by land, the more she will be exposed to the derision and contempt of mankind, and the more swiftly the fame of Buonaparté will decline: and, finally, that, if we place our finances, our army, and our navy, on such a footing as to be able to say to France, here we will stand for ever unless

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merce and her colonies, and even all her ' commercial and colonial hopes.'--The absurdity of these sentiments would render them totally unworthy of attention, did not the source whence they come give them a fearful importance. As to Hanover, how it at all found its way into remarks of this sort appears quite unaccountable; and, if the writer was, for some reason or other unknown to all the world but himself, resolved to introduce that Electorate, he might, surely, have confined himself to those censures that were passed on ministers, relative to it, and not have put others into the mouths of their adversaries. No one, either in parliament or out of parliament, ever censured the ministers for not attempting to defend Hanover by the means of British troops; no man in his sound senses ever thought of such a thing. The charge, now that all the circumstances are known, is, their not having saved Hanover by influence with Prussia; and the charge in the House of Commons, was, their not having sent transports in time to fetch away the troops, when it appeared, that they had intended to send them: instead of being charged with not sending out a British army to Hanover, they were charged with having neglected to bring a Hanoverian army to Britain, when it was in their power so to do, when they designed to do it, and when they failed in effecting their design only because they were weak and indecisive. - -With respect to the scheme of war, which is here described, it may possibly be the only one that is left us to act upon; but, if it be in itself, so excellent, it must always have been a most desirable thing, that France should have been mistress of Europe, and in proportion, therefore, that she should have been mistress of the several parts. Formerly the notion was different we thought, that every acquisition of France was an evil; but, now we find it was a great good, as contributing to, and making part of, the grand consummation, when she is to be mistress of the whole, and we are to be in possession of all the mighty means of distressing and disgracing her! But, to give a somewhat more rational turn to the argument, adinit, that our warfare against the commerce and colonies of France is, in every instance, crowned with success. Will this success put an end to the war? Will it induce France to yield to terms of peace that will give us security? If the answer be in the affirmative, the next question is, why were such terms not obtained from her at Amiens, when her com merce was destroyed as far as it ever can be, and when she had almost forgotten that she

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