pe DOCUMENTS RELATIVE TO CENTRAL AMERICAN AFFAIRS, AND THE ENLISTMENT QUESTION. PRINTED BY DIRECTION OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE U. STATES WASHINGTON: IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, April 1, 1856. Resolved, That there be printed for the use of the members of the House of Representatives of the thirty-fourth Congress, ten thousand copies of the documents and correspondence between the government of Great Britain and the United States in relation to Central American affairs, communicated to the present Congress by the President of the United States with his annual message: said documents and correspondence to include the correspondence in relation to an arbitration of said question between the two governments; the correspondence in regard to recruiting for the British army within the United States, together with the documents and evidence relating to that subject communicated to the Senate on the 28th of February, 1856; and the confession of Henry Hertz, made after conviction, to the district court of the United States at Philadelphia, on the 11th day of October, A. D. 1855, and the several papers referred to in that confession. And be it further resolved, That ten thousand copies of the map of Central America, prepared under the direction of the Coast Survey office, be printed to accompany said work. Attest: WILLIAM CULLOM, Clerk. |