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On the Phosphorescence of the Lampyris Noctiluca and Splendidula.-In a curious paper on the phosphorescence of the lampyris noctiluca and splendidula, published in the "Bibliotheque Universelle," for May 1821, p. 52, M. Macaire has drawn the following conclusions from numerous observations: 1. A certain degree of heat is necessary to the voluntary phosphorescence of these animals.-2. Their phosphorescence is excited by a degree of heat superior to the first, and is irrecoverably destroyed by a higher temperature.-3. All bodies capable of coagulating albumen, take away from phosphorising matter its power of phosphorescence. -4. The phosphorescence cannot take place but in a gas which contains oxygen. 5. It is excited by the galvanic pile, but no effect is produced on it by electricity. -6. The phosphorescent matter is composed principally of albumen.

Montpelier.-A workman employed in removing the foundation of an old house near this city, found a glass bottle hermetically sealed; it was found to contain, in an excellent state of preservation, the following Latin inscription on vellum :— Mortalis! In thesauros incidisti! Hic in Christo FIDES, rebus in humanis MODUS patent. Ampulla nec vacua, nec vilis, quæ animo hilaritatem, corpori salutem, affert. Ex hac imbibe, et haustum, vino vel Falerno vel Chio, gratiorem hauries. Scripsit Johannes Locke, Anglus; A.D. 1675.

The following is a translation: Mortal! Thou hast found a treasure! Here are placed before you FAITH in Christ and MODERATION in things terrestrial. The bottle is neither empty, nor of little worth, which affords cheerfulness to the mind, and health to the body. Quaff of this, and thou shalt imbibe what is more precious than the juice of Falernum or Chios. So wrote John Locke, Englishman, in the year of our Lord 1675.

Egyptian Obelisk.-The Journal des Debats gives the following as the version

of the inscription on the Egyptian Obelisk lately brought from the Island of Philæ to this country by Mr. Banks. The translator, M. Letronne, says that it contains a Petition from the Priests of Isis, in the Island of Philæ, to Ptolomæus Evergetus the Second:

"To the King Ptolomæus; to the Queen Cleopatra, his sister * ; to the Queen Cleopatra, his wife † ; the gods of Evergetus, greeting:

"We the Priests of Isis, who is adored in the Abatum ‡ and at Philæ, the most mighty goddess. Considering that the Strategists, the Epistatists §, the Thebarchons, the Royal Registrars, the commanders of the troops guarding the frontiers, and all others of the King's Officers, who come to Phil; in short, that the troops which accompany them, and the whole of their suite, compel us to furnish them with abundant supplies belonging to the Temple; the consequence of which is, that the Temple is impoverished, and we run the risk of not having means to defray the regular and fixed expenses, caused by the ceremonies and libations, the object of which is the preservation of yourselves and your children. We supplicate you, most powerful gods, to authorize your kinsman ** and epistolographist††, Numenius, to write to Lorchus, also your kinsman, and the Strategist of the Thebaid, enjoining him not to practise such vexations with regard to us, nor to permit any persons whomsoever to do so; to grant us, moreover, letters testifying your decision on this subject, and granting us permission to erect a Stele 11, on which we will inscribe the beneficence you have displayed to us on this occasion, in order that this Stele may transmit to the remotest posterity the eternal memory of the favours you have granted us. This being permitted us, we shall be, we and the Temple of Isis, in this, as in all other things, your grateful servants. May you be ever happy."

According to M. Letronne, the date of this Petition must have been previous to

Widow and sister of Ptolomæus Philometor, afterwards wife of Ptolomæus Evergetus, and repudiated by him.

+ Daughter of the other Cleopatra, and of Ptolomæus Philometor; afterwards the wife of Ptolomæus Evergetus, her uncle.

An island near Philæ, consecrated to Isis.

Governors of the Provinces of Egypt. § Officers whose functions are not known. Governors of the whole of the Thebaid.

**An honorary title, similar to that of "Our Cousin," by which the King addresses the chief dignitaries. ++ Secretary of State.

The word signifies the obelisk itself, on the base of which the Greek inscription

is found.

the year 126 of our era. The object of his Memoir is to extol and explain the various peculiarities which the Greek text presents, to explain the customs to which several passages of the Petition refers, and to form from it some idea of the state to which the cast of Priests was reduced under the domination of Ptolemy. M. Letronne by no means joins in the expectations which have been conceived of the advantages of comparing the Greek text engraved upon the pedestal with the hieroglyphics on the obelisk itself. He seems to think, both from the sense and the object of the Greek inscription, that, if the obelisk is not of a more ancient date, and afterwards restored by the priests of Isis, and consequently, if the hieroglyphics which cover it were really sculptured on this occasion, which seems to him the more reasonable hypothesis, these hieroglyphics contain, in the terms of the Greek text, a testimonial of the gratitude of the priests to the princes, and not a second copy, in the Sacred Language, of the petition inscribed on the pedestal.

M. Gorran, Professor of the School of Medicine at Montpelier, is no more, at the age of 88. He was the friend of Linnæus, Haller, Seguier, Jussieu, and all the most celebrated botanists of the past


Le Sage.-Only one fac-simile of the hand-writing of the author of "Gil Blas" is known to be in existence. It is a letter addressed to the Chancellor Ponchartrain, and consists of six pages, very curious, and never published.

Schiller. The dramatic writings of Schiller are translating into the French language, notwithstanding the prejudice which prevails in France against German literature.

The Exhibition of the French School of Painting at Rome, is open in Paris, in the ancient Museum of French Monuments. M. Michellon, before known by his "Death of Roland," and last year for his "(Edipus taking refuge in the Temple of the Eumenides," has now exhibited the "Combat of the Centaurs and Lapitha." It is a picture well designed, but executed with a little hardness of manner. M. Hesse has exhibited Procris expiring in the arms of Cephalus." A picture of M. Dubois, of a fisherman discovering the body of the young Clovis, whom Fredegonda has murdered and thrown into the Marne, is that which has attracted most attention from the critics, and, it appears, merits high commendation. A picture of Horace Vernet's is also much spoken of; the subject is the Battle of Jemappe.

Natural History.-The Jardin du Roi has recently received some very impor

tant additions, consisting principally of living plants collected in Asia, Africa, and America, by M. Perrottet, in 1819, 1820, and 1821, with the expedition commanded by Captain Philibert. M. Perrottet left Cayenne in June 1821, and arrived at Havre in July. The collection is the most considerable ever introduced into France by any single expedition. It consists of 84 cases, containing 600 living plants in the very best order, many of them very rare, and some hitherto unknown; two cases containing stratified seeds in earth, and in a state of germination; 300 bags of seeds of various kinds ; seven cases of dry plants for the herbal; 26 glasses of fruits preserved in liquor; and finally, numerous cases of animals, birds, and minerals. M. Perrottet has proved that plants may be kept in a state of vegetation on board ship for a year.


Madrid. It was some time ago stated in the accounts received from New Granada, that the whole, or the greatest part, of the results of the botanical researches of the celebrated Mutis, carried on at the expense of the Spanish Government for more than forty years, in one of the finest regions of South America, had been recently destroyed amidst the conflicts of contending armies; and considerable regret was excited in the breasts of scientific men on account of so irreparable a loss. It is satisfactory to announce, that the whole, with the exception of a few indices and partial descriptive catalogues, have arrived safe at Madrid, and are now deposited at the Botanical Garden, in charge of Professor Gasca. The drawings are executed in the most beautiful style, on the spot, chiefly by South Americans, who, it is acknowledged, have a peculiar taste for design and painting; and they exceed 4000. The specimens were collected in wide and secluded districts, in a tropical clime, and all copied the moment each plant was gathered. This gives to the drawings a brilliancy and nature almost unequalled, and among them are some hundreds of plants never before known in Europe. The history of the chinchona, or febrifuge-bark, in a long series of drawings, embracing the genera and extensive varieties, is peculiarly fine. This valuable treasure fell into the hands of General Morillo when he entered Santa Fé, and he had the whole packed up and sent down to a shipping port, where the packages were embarked for Spain. The descriptive pieces were at the time left in the country, and consequently they are not lost. Owing to the distressed state of the finances in Spain, it may be many years before this

collection, which no doubt stands unrivalled, can be laid before the public. General Bolivar, and the government over which he presides, in whatever arrangements they may hereafter make with the ministers of Spain, respecting the acknowledgment of their Independence, ought to stipulate for some plan for the publication of Mutis's labours.This is due to science in general, as well as to the memory of that distinguished botanist and his worthy coadjutors, some of whom, particularly the lamented Caldas, fell victims in that very contest which is now so near its close.

M. Rodriguez.-The sciences have suffered a severe loss by the death of M. Rodriguez, an eminent astronomer, who also was long engaged in scientific pursuits at London and Paris. He had the honour of being appointed by the Spanish government to assist the French astronomers, Messrs. Biot and Arago, in measuring an arc of the meridian. He died suddenly, at the age of nearly 45 years.

New Journals.-Every day the publication of new journals is advertised in Madrid: many of them bear the most singular and out-of-the-way titles; such are, "The Periodical Mania," "The Cries of the Parrot of Granada,”---(Clamores del Papagayo Granadino,) &c. &c.


Canova's New Work.-This is a group representing Pity. The subject having been so often treated already, and particularly by the celebrated Buonaroti, seemed not to have left aught of novelty; but Canova has discovered the secret of making his group admired by dispositions altogether new. It is composed of three grand figures, the Virgin mourning, Jesus Christ dead, and Saint Mary Magdalene. The professors of Sculpture have agreed that there prevails among them the most perfect harmony in the position of all their members. The figures are pletely interlaced, the draperies cover them with a grace and a natural adaptation, and the view of the whole group is so entirely harmonious, that it strikes with astonishment from all the points where it is contemplated.


Portrait of Laura.-The Gazette of Bologna announces that the original portrait of Laura, by Simone Memini, has been discovered. "The most authentic documents prove that the portrait engraved and published by Morghen is ideal, or at least that of another Laura, who lived in 1500, that is to say, nearly

two centuries after the death of her whom the love and the verses of Petrarch have rendered so celebrated."

Quadrature of the Circle.-M. Scamarella, a Venetian geometrician, announces in the Gazette of Venice of 23d November, that he has solved the problem of the quadrature of the circle, and that he is ready to demonstrate it incontrovertibly to all the mathematicians in the world. According to M. Scamarella, the superficies of a circle is equal to the square of the proportional between the diameter of the circle and a line equal to three-fourths of the same diameter. It is also equal to the square of the circumference multiplied by half the radius, estimating their ratio as 7 to 21, and not as 7 to 22, as Archimedes taught. M. Scamarella farther engages to solve all the most difficult problems of this nature, in faccia a qualcunque Matematico.


Extraordinary Travels.-A German, accompanied by proper attendants, went on a mission to Tombuctoo, from the French army in Egypt, and on his route, hearing of the defeat of the French army by Abercrombie, resolved to proceed, rather than become a prisoner to the English. He lost three of his attendants during his journey. They crossed a desert in 53 days, in about the centre of which they discovered three human skeletons, by the side of one of whom was a belt with a chronometer and compass attached to it, one of them made by Harris, the other by Marchmont, this circumstance leaving little doubt that they were English travellers.

Magnetism.-Dr. Seebeck has communicated to the Academy of Science at Berlin, in three different sittings, the last on the 26th of October, a paper "on the Magnetic Properties inherent in all metals and many earths, (and not in Iron alone, as was hitherto supposed,) according to the difference of the degrees of heat." This discovery, it is stated, opens, in this part of Natural Philosophy, an entirely new field, which may lead to interesting results with respect to hot springs, connected with the observations made by the inspector of mines, M. Von Trebra, and others, relative to the progressive increase of warmth in mines, in proportion to their depths. According to M. Von Trebra's observations, the heat at the depth of 150 feet below the surface of the earth is 1 degree, at 300 feet deep 2 degrees, at 600 feet 4 degrees, &c.


Proof whether reaping Corn should be delay

ed after injury by frost.

In a Highland inland district, the corn was almost universally whitened by frost on the 26th and 27th of August, but as a subsequent healthy colour was partly restored by a thaw, the lady to whom the crop belonged was induced to delay cutting it down. However, as a criterion for future occasions, she had a small portion from each field cut on the 4th of September; and having labelled each, left them to dry in an apartment where the windows remained open. On the 8th of November, the grain was stripped from twelve stalks of the best corn, and the spikes were clipped off the barley, which, including the chaff, weighed

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The deficiency of weight in this statement was probably caused by the high winds, as the top of each head of corn was bare of seeds. Twelve of the best stalks were chosen for the first and last proof. The worst of all the corn had only chaff where the grain should be produced. Twelve stalks of the best grain, cut as under-mentioned, were selected from each kind that had been left to grow, to form a contrast with the twelve best stalks of corn cut on the 4th of September: when stripped fom the foot-stalks, and the spikes cut from the barley, Nov. 8th, they weighed as follows.

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grew from one eye), weighing together 44 ounces. The Woodstock orange surpasses most other apples in flavour and beauty; and for general purposes it is very superior. The trees are good bearers, and the fruit will keep sound for a long time. Golden Pippin. - On Mr. Phillips's authority, a full and satisfactory refutation has appeared of that most unlikely theory, that the golden pippin, and some others of our very best apples, were degenerating, and rapidly disappearing, from mere sympathy with the parent stock. Last year, both in Covent Garden market and the nurseries round London, there was as fine and as plentiful a crop of golden pippins as was perhaps ever known.

Malt Dust.-"The dust that screens down from malt, mixed with the tails called combs, are sold very generally for manure. I have tried them often, and have, in several instances, observed that on grass land they took a very speedy effect, even with the first shower of rain; but I have questioned whether the benefit at mowing was considerable. This may, however, be owing to the quantity not being sufficient; for it is not common to sow more than forty or fifty bushels to the acre. It is not manure that I would recommend large sums to be laid out on, without several previous trials; but where it is very cheap, it does well to put into pigeon-houses, necessaries, &c. in order to absorb what might be lost, and increase the quantity of those more valuable manures. It is, however, by some persons valued more highly."

Method to take Smut and Sprit out of Wheat, and improve the Parcel from 6d. to 3s. per Bushel.-After the wheat is cleaned, in whatever manner you think proper, take the riddles out of a winnowing machine, and put a plane board in licu thereof, then run your parcel through your machine again; the board will convey the wheat towards the tailboard, and by fixing the board to a proper height, in a good steady wind, you will blow nearly the whole of the sprit and smut over the tail-board.

Extraordinary Pear.-A pear of the St. Germain kind was raised this season against a wall in Sir Mark Wood's garden at Gatton, Surrey, which weighed 2 lbs. It measures round the head end 16 inches, and round the middle 15 in. The same tree produced several others weighing upwards of 1 lb. 24oz.


Steam Carriage. An ingenious cottonspinner, of Ardwick, near Manchester, has invented a Locomotive or Steam Carriage, for the conveyance of goods or passengers without the aid of horses. After repeated experiments, during the last two years, he has so far succeeded as not to leave a doubt but that it will answer the purpose intended. It will go upon any of the mail roads, up hill or down, at the rate of nine or ten miles an hour; and can be guided with the greatest ease on the most difficult roads.

Brass Lacker for Tin Ware.-To one pint of rectified spirit of wine put two ounces of seed-lac, two drams of dragon's blood, and one ounce of turmeric powder; let the whole remain eighteen days, shaking it often, and then strain it through coarse muslin. With a brush put it on the article intended to be lackered.

Gas.-It has been found by experiment that oil of bitumen, or coal tar, which is considered as waste by those who make and burn gas, if mixed with dry saw-dust, exhausted log-wood, or fustic, to the consistence of paste, and allowed to remain until the water has drained off-two cwt. of the mass being put into the retort, instead of coal, will produce more gas, and be less offensive, than the same quantity of canal-coal; and the process may be repeated until the whole of the tar is consumed.

New Arrow for Shipwrecks.-Mr. John Murray has found that the common musket may be employed in propelling an arrow and line to the shore from the ship, or vice versa. The arrow, made of hickory or ash, and loosely fitting the calibre of the musket, is discharged with gunpowder, the charge being less than the usual quantity. These arrows are three or four

inches longer than the barrel of the musket, and are shod with iron at the point, having an eye, through which the line is threaded. The lower end enters a socket, which must be in complete contact with the wadding of the piece. The line never snaps, and the average distance to which the arrow and a log-line can be projected may be estimated at 230 feet; in one case an iron rod was carried 333 feet. The arrow may also be projected over buildings on fire, and carry a rope ladder, which could be drawn over the roof by a line attached to the other side, and instantaneously afford a fire-escape.

New Straw Bonnets.—Mr. Cobbett states, that a farmer's daughter of Connecticut has lately sent to the Society of Arts a bonnet made of some sort of grass, infinitely superior to Leghorn. The grass, the lady said, was the Poa pratensis, and Mr. Cobbett's son has called upon the lady, and found that the grass was there called spear-grass, and that he has seen the same in England. It was cut when in full bloom, just before turning off; it was then scalded and dried in the sun several times, and finally bleached with sulphur in a barrel; the spear, or the part between the flower and the first joint, was then cut from the remainder of the stalk, and alone made use of.-Mr. Cobbett has sent for some of the seed, and in the mean time suggests, that wheat and rye straw might be grown very fine, if grown only for the straw, and that, cut just before turning ripe, he thinks that such straw would make bonnets equal to Leghorn. It is the turning ripe that renders straw brittle. The bonnet sent over from Connecticut was valued at fifty guineas, and was as superior to Leghorn as fine linen is to sheeting.


T. Martin and C. Grafton, of Birmingham, printing-ink manufacturers, for a method of making fine light black, of very superior colour, which, for distinction from other blacks, they call Spirit black; and a new apparatus for pro. ducing the same. October 24, 1821.

B. Thompson, of Ayton Cottage, Durham, for a method of facilitating the conveyance of carriages along iron and wood railways, tram-ways, and roads. October 24, 1821.

C. Tuely, of Kenton-street, Brunswick-square, for certain improvements applicable to windowsashes, either single or double hung, fixed or sliding sashes, casements, window shutters, and window-blinds. Nov. 1, 1821.

S. Hobday, of Birmingham, for a method or principle of manufacturing the furniture for umbrellas and parasols, and of uniting the same together. Nov. 1, 1821.


J. F. Archbold, of Serjeants'-inn, Fleet-street, for a mode of ventilating close carriages. Nov. 1, 1821.

R. Wright, of Mount-row, Kent-road, for certain improvements in the process of distillation. Nov. 9, 1821.

D. Redmund, of Agnes-circus, Old-street-road, for an improvement in the construction or manufacture of hinges for doors. Nov. 9, 1821.

F. A. Egells, of Britannia-terrace City-road, for improvements on steam-engines. Nov. 9, 1821. J. Gardner, of Banbury, Ironmonger; for a machine preparatory to melting in the manufacture of tallow, soap, and candles; and which machine may be used for other similar purposes.

Nov. 9, 1821.

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