Page ITALY. Order in Council (British). Application to Italy. Part II of London, 9th March, 1901. 647 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with China. Final Protocol. Resumption of Friendly Relations. Peking, 7th September, 1901. 686 France. Protocols. Delimitation of Possessions. Great Britain, &c. Rome, 24th January, 1900 Convention. Preservation of Africa. London, 19th May, 1900.* 715 Japan. Agreement. Most-favoured-nation Treat- Monaco. Wrecks, &c. Protection, Trade, Bandar Ollok, 18th August, 1901. 779 Declaration. Exchange of Certificates Rome, 31st March, 1901. 600 Soudan (Anglo-Egyptian). Convention. Erythræa. IVORY COAST. Arrêté. Rome, 26th November, 1901. 581 Removal of Prohibition. Trade in Arms, &c. Grand Bassam, 15th November, 1900. 765 J. JAPAN. Correspondence. Anglo-German Agreement of October 16, 1900, JAPAN. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz. :—with Page 1901. 1322 JURISDICTION. Agreement. Great Britain and Ankole. Administration Convention. Declarations. of Justice, &c. Entebbe, 25th October, 1901. 461 Bayonne, 27th March, 1901. 685 Consular Jurisdiction. Cyprus. Bosnia. Herzegovina. Decree (Egypt). 14th September, 1880. 838 15th October Foreign Diplomatic and Consular Cairo, 1st March, 1901. 578 (France). Status of French Citizens. Pacific Islands. Paris, 28th February, 1901. 1811 Order in Council (British). Amendment. Pacific Order London, 26th September, 1901. 1301 Proclamation (British). Extending Provisions of “Pa- Jurisdiction. tectorate. Jurisdiction. Territories Nukualofa, 16th February, 1901. 1307 Regulation (Western Pacific). Prohibiting Supply of Bangkok, 30th April, 1901. 657 Rules (British East Africa). Administration. Native Estates. Mombasa, 19th February, 1901. 632 Page Mombasa, 25th April, 1901. 639 Constitution of Native JURISDICTION. Rules (British East Africa). Legal Practitioners. (Do.) ......... (Do.) Courts. Mombasa, 1st July, 1901. 642 Amending Native Courts Mombasa, 28th October, 1901. 643 (Zanzibar). Legal Practitioners. British Courts. See EMIGRATION. L. LAGOS PROTECTORATE. Order in Council. British Jurisdiction. London, 24th July, 1901. 194 LAND. Act. United States' Philippine Commission. Holding of Land by Religious Corporations or Associations. Manila, 19th October, 1901. 609 Agreement. Japan and China. Japanese Settlement. Shashi. Notes. Great Britain and France. Regulations for future Ex- London, 1320 9th August, 1901. 498 LARCENY. LAW (Brazil). Rights of Authors. Marriages before French Diplomatic and Consular See also PROPERTY. Act of Parliament (British)... Rio de Janeiro, 1st August. 1898. 738 (France). (Nicaragua). Reform of Political Constitution of Republic. LIGHTHOUSES. Convention. Italy and Mijjertini. Protection. Erection of Lighthouses at Guardafui, &c. 53, 57 Bandar Ollok, 18th August, 1901. 779 * With Provisional Rules of June 10, 1902, defining jurisdiction of Mixed Courts of International and French Settlements. M. Page MADAGASCAR. Order in Council (British). Revoking Order applying Foreign Deserters Act, 1852. London, 24th July, 1901. 167 MAIL-STEAMERS. Correspondence. Great Britain and Germany. Action of British Naval Authorities in December 1899, January 1900. 973 MALTA. Ordinance. Landing and Residence of Aliens. MANCHURIA. Despatch from British Ambassador at St. Petersburgh. 6th February, 1901. 1048 See also NEWCHWANG. See RIMATARA. MANIFESTO. See RUSSIA. Marriages before Diplomatic and Con- sular Officers abroad. Paris, 29th December, 1901. 585 Law (France). Marriages with Foreigners before French Diplomatic and Consular Officers. Paris, 29th November, 1901. MAURITIUS. Regulations. Great Britain and France. Insured Parcel MEDICAL DIPLOMAS, &C. Post. France and Mauritius. 584 50 London, 9th March, 1901. 647 MERCHANT SHIPPING. Order in Council (British). MESSAGE of President of United States. Opening of Congress. See also SPEECH. Washington, 3rd December, 1901. 238 MEXICO. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with Austria-Hungary. Convention. Commerce and Navigation. Mexico, 17th September, 1901. 529 MEXICO. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, continued, viz. :--with Page Mexico, 6th November, 1900. 1313 MIJJERTINI. Convention with Italy. Protection, Arms, Wrecks, &c. Bander Ollok, 18th August, 1901. 779 MILITARY SERVICE. Manifesto (Russia). Military Service. .......... MINES. Act (Siam). Mining Finland. 736 Peterhof, 29th June, 1901. turbances in China (“The Boxers;" Murder of Bri- January-September, 1900. 1050 MONACC. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :--with Italy. Declaration. Exchange of Certificates of NATAL. Agreement. British Government, Cape, Natal, British South Africa Company, and Telegraph Companies. NATURALIZATION. See ALIENS. London, 27th July, 1901. 504 NETHERLANDS. Decree. Export and Transit of Ammunition and Gun- powder to China. Soesldijk, 30th August, 1900. 83 Tonnage Measurement. Italian Vessels. The Hague, 7th January, 1901. 601 Tonnage Measurement. Danish Vessels. The Loo, 9th August, 1901. 603 The Hague, 19th September, 1900. 722 The Hague, 8th December, 1900. 724 Speech of Queen. Opening of States-General. The Hague, 17th September, 1901. 221 |