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Noisettes et abricots secs

Amandes sans coque, pistaches décortiquées ou non,
pistaches de pin (Tchambeyaz)

Purée séchée d'abricots dite "pestill"..

Dattes en caisses, en sacs de chanvre, et en ballots
d'osier dits "Zembils au-dessus de 15 kilog.


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Oranges, citrons, oranges amères, cédrats, et grenades. 19 Olives salées ou en saumure, en barils et en paniers .. 20 Halva et rahat locoum

[ocr errors]

Amandes en coque


Colle végétale en poudre (tehirich)

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22 Câpres salées ou en saumure, en caques

Gomme mastic

24 Poivre rouge (Paprica)


25 Ecorces d'orange, de citrons, et d'oranges amères

28 Huile d'olives en barils et outres

29 Tapis d'Orient de laine pure (chaîne coton ou en d'autres matières textiles) au mètre ou par pièce, ainsi que les tapis de Karamanie dits "Djidjime," et les Héïbés

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Fez avec ou sans glands..

Boîtes rondes en bois blanc ordinaire, telles que les
boîtes servant au halva

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A l'occasion de la signature de la présente Convention le Gouvernement Impérial déclare qu'il se fera un devoir de chercher à donner une solution satisfaisante concernant la proposition du Gouvernement Royal de Roumanie relative à la suppression du droit d'exportation de 4 piastres par ocque perçu sur le tabac Ottoman exporté en Roumanie.

Constantinople, le 30 Juillet, 1901.

12 Août




A l'occasion de la signature de la présente Convention, le Gou. vernement Royal de Roumanie déclare s'engager à consolider le Tarif Général relativement aux articles suivants :



Droits par 100 kilog.

Fr. C.


Légumes verts

Légumes simplement séchés (bamias et aubergines)
Vallonnées et noix de galle

Graines jaunes et autres matières tinctoriales..
Cuivre, laiton, bronze brut sous toutes ses formes,
ainsi que débris et déchets de ces métaux
Coton brut ou cardé, déchets de coton..
Éponges de toute sorte

8 00 10 00 Exempt. Exempt.

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Exempt. 6 00

150 00

8 00


Pierre de granit pour pavage, construction, bordure,
et autres

0 40

Sardines en caques et en saumure dits palamidès,
hamsi, coliaroudia, stavridia, et sardélia

Constantinople, le 30 Juillet, 1901.

12 Août 7



ARRANGEMENT concernant les Relations Télégraphiques entre la Bulgarie et la Russie.-Signé à Sophia et à SaintPétersbourg, le 13 Septembre, 1901.*

1 Octobre

En vertu de l'Article XVII de la Convention Télégraphique Internationale de Saint-Pétersbourg,† les Soussignés, sous réserve de l'approbation des Gouvernements respectifs, ont arrêté, d'un commun accord, les dispositions suivantes

ART. I. Les taxes par mot pour les télégrammes ordinaires échangés entre la Bulgarie et la Russie, sont fixées comme suit:

La Bulgarie, 5 centimes taxe terminale;

La Russie d'Europe, le Caucase et la Finlande y compris, 144 centimes taxe terminale.

II. Pour les télégrammes échangés entre la Bulgarie d'une part, et la Russie d'Asie de l'autre, les taxes prescrites pour ce trafic par les tableaux de tarif du Règlement International sont appliquées sans


* Came into force December 19, 1901

January 1, 1902

+ Vol. LXVI, page 19.

III. Les taxes mentionnées à l'Article I du présent Arrangement seront appliquées dans trois mois à partir de la date de la signature du présent Arrangement.

IV. Le présent Arrangement demeurera en vigueur pendant un temps indéterminé et jusqu'à l'expiration de trois mois à partir du jour où la dénonciation en sera faite par l'une des Parties Contractantes. V. Cet Arrangement sera approuvé par un échange de Déclarations Ministérielles qui aura lieu aussitôt que faire se pourra.

Fait en double expédition à Sophia et à Saint-Pétersbourg, le 18 Septembre 1901.

1 Octobre

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(L.S.) IV. STOYANOVITCH, Directeur-Général des Postes et des Télégraphes de Bulgarie.

(L.S.) M. SEVACTIANOG, en fonctions de DirecteurGénéral des Postes et Télégraphes de Russie.

ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL explanatory of Clause 4 of paragraph 16 of Article II of the Extradition Treaty of the 23rd July, 1898, between Spain and Peru.-Signed at Lima, July 26, 1901.

[See Vol. XCII, page 858.]

ACT of the United States' Philippine Commission, authorizing the Holding of Land by Religious Corporations or Associations of whatever Sect or Denomination.-Manila, October 19, 1901.

By authority of the President of the United States, be it enacted by the United States' Philippine Commission, that

Whereas, under the Spanish régime and law it was not lawful for any Church or religious association, except the Catholic Church and its dependencies, to hold land in the Philippine Islands for the purpose of the construction of churches, parsonages, or educational or charitable institutions; and

Whereas, by the Treaty of Paris, the Philippine Islands passed under the control of the United States, which recognizes ro State religion, and treats all sects and denominations alike, therefore :—

1. It shall be lawful for all religious associations of whatever sect or denomination, whether incorporated in the Philippine Islands or in some other country or not incorporated at all, to hold lands in * December 10, 1898. Vol. XC, page 382. 2 R

[1900-1901. XCIV.]

the Philippine Islands upon which to build churches, parsonages, or

educational or charitable institutions.

2. Such religious institutions, if not incorporated, shall hold the land in the name of three trustees for the use of such associations; the trustees shall be selected by the directing body in the Philippine Islands for such associations, and vacancies occurring among the trustees by death, resignation, or other cause, shall be filled in the same manner as the original selection.

3. All laws in conflict with the provisions of sections 1 and 2 hereof are hereby repealed.

4. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this Bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section 2 of "An Act prescribing the Order of Procedure by the Commission in the Enactment of Laws," passed September 26, 1900.

5. This Act shall take effect on its passage.

Enacted, October 19, 1901.

CONVENTION between the United States and Belgium, for the Mutual Extradition of Fugitives from Justice.-Signed at Washington, October 26, 1901.

[Ratifications exchanged at Washington, June 14, 1902.]

THE United States of America and His Majesty the King of the Belgians, having judged it expedient, with a view to the better administration of justice and the prevention of crime within their respective territories and jurisdictions, that persons charged with or convicted of the crimes and offences hereinafter enumerated, and being fugitives from justice, should under certain circumstances, be reciprocally delivered up, have resolved to conclude a new Convention for that purpose, and have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries: The President of the United States, John Hay, Secretary of State of the United States; and

His Majesty the King of the Belgians, M. Charles C. Wauters, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of Belgium near the Government of the United States;

Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and conciuaed the following Articles :—

ART. I. The Government of the United States and the Government of Belgium mutually agree to deliver up persons who, having been charged, as principals or accessories, with or convicted of any of the crimes and offences specified in the following Article committed within the jurisdiction of one of the Contracting Parties, shall seek an asylum or be found within the territories of the other: Provided that this shall only be done upon such evidence of criminality as, according to the laws of the place where the fugitive or person so charged shall be found, would justify his or her apprehension and commitment for trial if the crime had been there committed.

II. Persons shall be delivered up who shall have been convicted of or be charged, according to the provisions of this Convention, with any of the following crimes :

1. Murder, comprehending the crimes designated in the Belgian Penal Code by the terms of parricide, assassination, poisoning, and infanticide;

2. The attempt to commit murder;

3. Rape, or attempt to commit rape; bigamy; abortion;

4. Arson;

5. Piracy, or mutiny on ship-board whenever the crew, or part thereof, shall have taken possession of the vessel by fraud or by violence against the commander;

6. Larceny; the crime of burglary, defined to be the act of breaking and entering by night into the house of another with the intent to commit felony; and the crime of robbery, defined to be the act of feloniously and forcibly taking from the person of another money or goods by violence or putting him in fear; and the corresponding crimes punished by the Belgian laws under the description of thefts committed in an inhabited house by night, and by breaking in by climbing or forcibly, and thefts committed with violence or by means of threats;

7. The crime of forgery, by which is understood the utterance of forged papers, and also the counterfeiting of public, sovereign, or Governmental acts;

8. The fabrication or circulation of counterfeit money, either coin or paper, or of counterfeit public bonds, coupons of the public debt, bank-notes, obligations, or, in general, anything being a title or instrument of credit; the counterfeiting of seals and dies, impressions, stamps, and marks of State and public administrations, and the utterance thereof;

9. The embezzlement of public moneys committed within the jurisdiction of either party by public officers or depositaries;

10. Embezzlement by any person or persons, hired or salaried, to the detriment of their employers, when the crime is subject to

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