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case of a transit parcel, its regular transfer to the following Adminis


4. The payment of the indemnity to the sender or addressee ought to take place as soon as possible, and at the latest within a year of the date of the application. The Administration responsible will be bound to make good, without delay, the amount of the indemnity paid.

5. It is understood that no application for an indemnity will be entertained unless made within a year of the posting of the parcel; after this term the applicant will have no right to any indemnity.

6. If the loss, abstraction, or damage shall have occurred in course of conveyance between the exchanging offices of the two countries, and it shall not be possible to ascertain on the territory or in the service of which the loss, abstraction, or damage took place, each Administration shall pay half of the indemnity.

7. The Administrations will cease to be responsible for parcels of which the owners have accepted delivery.

XI. The cost of the receptacles in which parcel mails are exchanged between the two countries shall be shared equally between the two Administrations.

XII.-1. The internal legislation of both the United Kingdom and Uruguay shall remain applicable as regards everything not provided for by the stipulations contained in the present Agreement.

2. The Administrations shall communicate to each other from time to time, the provisions of their laws or regulations applicable to the conveyance of parcels by parcel post.

XIII. The two Postal Administrations shall indicate the offices or localities which they admit to the international exchange of parcels; they shall regulate the mode of transmission of these parcels, and fix all other measures of detail and order necessary for insuring the performance of the present Agreement.

XIV. This Agreement shall supersede the Agreement dated the 22nd of January, and the 23rd February, 1891.* It shall come into operation on the 1st January, 1901, and shall be terminable on a notice of one year by either Party.

Done in duplicate, at London the 11th day of May, 1901; and at Monte Video the 1st day of July, 1901.



* Vol. LXXXIII, page 3.

DETAILED REGULATIONS for carrying out the Agreement concerning the Exchange of Parcels by Parcel Post between the British and Uruguayan Post Offices.-Signed at London, May 11, 1901; and at Monte Video, July 1, 1901.*

L-1. The exchange of parcels in closed mails between the two countries shall be carried on by the direct sea route.

2. The offices of exchange for parcel mails shall be in the United Kingdom the Post Office of London, and in Uruguay the Post Office of Monte Video.

II.-1. The two Postal Administrations shall acquaint each other which of the regular sea services maintained by them may be employed for the conveyance of parcels.

2. The two Administrations, after a preliminary understanding has been arrived at with the countries concerned, shall communicate to each other:

(a.) A list of the countries with regard to which they may respectively serve as medium for the conveyance of parcels.

(b.) The routes available for the transmission of the said parcels, from the point of entry on their territories or into their services.

(c.) The total amount of the charges to be paid to them under this head, for each destination, by the office which consigns the parcels to them.

3. By means of this information the Administrations will determine the routes to be employed for the transmission of their parcels and the postage to be collected from the senders.

III.-1. Parcels posted in the United Kingdom for Uruguay must not exceed 2 feet English in length, breadth, or depth, and parcels posted in Uruguay for the United Kingdom must not exceed 60 centimetres in length, breadth, or depth.

2. Parcels measuring not more than 1 metre (3 ft. 3 in.) in length shall, however, be admitted to the service, provided that their breadth and depth do not measure more than 20 centimetres (8 inches).

IV.-1. No parcel must be accepted for conveyance by parcel post unless it bear the exact direction of the addressee.

2. Every parcel must be packed in a manner adequate for the length of the journey and for the protection of the contents. The packing must be such as to make it impossible to tamper with the contents without leaving an obvious trace of violation.

3. Every parcel must be sealed by means of sealing-wax, lead, or otherwise, with some special impress or mark of the sender. V.-1. Each parcel must be accompanied by a dispatch-note and

Signed also in the Spanish language.

by Customs declarations in conformity with, or analogous to specimens (A and B) hereto appended. The Administrations shall inform each other of the number of Customs declarations to be furnished for each country of destination.

2. The dispatch-note and, if the Customs laws permit, one Customs declaration, may be used for two or three (but not more) parcels sent from the same sender to the same addressee.

3. The amount of postage paid, when not indicated by postage stamps affixed to the dispatch-note, should be notified upon the dispatch-note.

4. The Administrations decline all responsibility for the correctness of the Customs declarations.

VI.-1. Each parcel, as well as the dispatch-note relating to it, must bear a label in conformity with, or analogous to, specimen (C) hereto annexed, indicating the registered number and the name of the office of origin.

2. The dispatch-note shall, moreover, be impressed by the office of origin, on the address side, with a stamp indicating the place and date of posting.

VII. The parcels shall be entered by the dispatching office of exchange on a parcel-bill, in conformity with specimen (D) appended to the present Regulations, with all the details required by this form. The dispatch-notes and the Customs declarations must be securely attached to the parcel-bill.

VIII.-1. On the receipt of a parcel-bill the receiving office of exchange shall proceed to verify the parcels, and the various documents entered on the bill, and, if needful, shall report missing articles or any irregularities by means of a verification note in conformity with the annexed specimen (E).

2. Any differences which may arise in the credits and accounting must be notified to the dispatching office by verification note. The verification notes must be attached to the parcel-bills to which they relate. Corrections not supported by vouchers are not admitted by the auditors.

IX.-1. Missent parcels shall be forwarded to their destination by the most direct route at the disposal of the office retransmitting them. When this retransmission shall involve the return of the parcel to the office of origin, the amounts credited in the parcel-bill of that office shall be cancelled, and the retransmitting office of exchange shall send back the parcels to the office from which it received them, simply recording them on the parcel-bill. Attention shall be called to the error by means of a verification note.

2. In other cases, and if the amount credited to the retransmitting office shall be insufficient to cover the expenses of retransmission which it has to defray, it shall recover the

difference by raising the amount entered to its credit in the parcelbill of the dispatching office of exchange. The reason for this rectification shall be notified to the said office by means of a verification note.

3. Parcels redirected to a country which participates in the parcel post between the United Kingdom and Uruguay will be subjected by the delivering office to a charge, to be paid by the addressees, representing the sums due to this latter office, to the redirecting office, and to each intermediate office, if there be any.

4. Each office which forwards a redirected parcel shall claim on the parcel-bill the amount due for the conveyance of the parcel.

5. But, if the amount chargeable for the further conveyance of a redirected parcel shall be paid at the time of its redirection, the parcel shall be dealt with as if it had been addressed direct from the retransmitting country to the country of destination, and delivered without any postal charge to the addressee.

6. The senders of parcels which cannot be delivered shall be consulted as to the disposal of the parcels.

7. If, within six months after the dispatch of a letter of inquiry, the office of destination shall not have received instructions from the sender, the parcel shall be returned to the office of origin.

8. Articles liable to deterioration or corruption, and these only, may, however, be sold immediately, without previous notice or legal formality, for the benefit of the right party. An account of the sale shall be drawn up.

The sum realized by the sale shall be used in the first place to defray the charges upon the parcel. Any balance which there may be shall be remitted to the office of origin to be paid to the sender.

If for any reason a sale is impossible the spoilt or worthless articles are destroyed or taken possession of by the Customs.

9. Parcels which have to be returned to the country of origin shall be entered on the parcel-bill with the addition of the word "Rebut" (undeliverable) in the column for observations. They shall be dealt with and charged as redirected parcels are.

10. Any parcel, the addressee of which has left for a country not participating in the parcel post between the United Kingdom and Uruguay, shall be dealt with as undeliverable, unless the office of the first destination be in a position to forward it to the addressee.

11. The customs duties on parcels which have to be sent back to the country of origin or redirected to a third country shall be cancelled both in the United Kingdom and in Uruguay.

X.-1. Each Administration shall cause each of its exchanging offices to prepare quarterly for all the mails received from the

exchanging offices of the other Administration, a statement, in conformity with specimen (F) appended to the present Regulations, of the sums entered in each parcel-bill, whether to its credit or to its debit.

2. The statements (F) shall be afterwards recapitulated by the same Administration in an account conforming to specimen (G), also appended to the present Regulations.

3. This account, accompanied by the statements (F), the parcelbills, and, if any, the verification notes relating thereto, shall be submitted to the examination of the other Administration in the course of the month which follows the quarter to which it relates.

4. The quarterly accounts, after having been verified and accepted on both sides, shall be included in a general annual account by the Administration to which the balance is due.

5. The payment resulting from the balance of these accounts between the two Administrations shall be made by the indebted office in francs, in specie, or by means of bills drawn on Paris or on the capital or one of the commercial towns of the country to which the balance is due; the expense attendant on the payment being at the charge of the indebted office.

6. The drawing up, transmission, and payment of the accounts. must be effected as early as possible, at the latest before the expiration of the following year. After the expiration of this term, the sums due from one Administration to the other shall bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, to be reckoned from the date of expiration of the said term.

XI. The present detailed Regulations shall come into force on the day of the execution of the Agreement, and shall have the same duration as the Agreement. The Administrations interested have, however, the power by common consent to modify the details from time to time.

Done in duplicate, at London the 11th day of May, 1901; and at Monte Video the 1st day of July, 1901.


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