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to the inspection of the superior authorities.

Should the SubPrefect be inefficient or notorious he will be denounced and removed from office, another being appointed in his place.

10. When the Sub-Prefect has tried a case, should it be ascertained that plaintiff's charge was false or exaggerated, said plaintiff, whether native or foreigner, shall, on conviction, be mulcted by the Sub-Prefect in accordance with the rules which will be jointly drawn up by the Sub-Prefect and Consuls, and submitted for the Taotai's approval; and in the interests of justice, native and foreigner must in this respect be treated with perfect impartiality.

THE SIAM MINING ACT-Bangkok, September 23, 1901.


PART I.-Title, Date of Commencement, and Interpretation.

1. THIS Act may be cited as "The Siam Mining Act, 1901." 2. This Act shall come into operation on such date, and shall extend to such territories of the Kingdom of Siam and its dependencies as the Minister, under whom the Royal Department of Mines is placed, shall, with the previous sanction of His Majesty the King, direct by public notice in the Government Gazette ; and all edicts, decrees, laws, rules, and local customs which may have been from time to time promulgated or enforced in the said territories, the terms of which are inconsistent with this Act, are hereby annulled and repealed from the said date.

3. The following terms shall, for the purposes of this Act, unless otherwise indicated by the context, bear the following meanings respectively

(1.) "Mineral washing licence." The licence granted under the authority of the Royal Department of Mines, and issued in conformity with this Act, conferring on the holder the right to wash for metals and minerals;

(2.) "Prospecting licence." The licence granted under the authority of the Royal Department of Mines, and issued in conformity with this Act, conferring the right to search for metals and minerals over a specified Amphurship* or Muang;

(3.) "Exclusive prospecting licence." The licence granted under the authority of the Royal Department of Mines, and issued in conformity with this Act, conferring the exclusive right to search for metals and minerals over a specified area;

(4.) "Prospecting area." The area of land, including land "Amphur"= = a subdivision of a Province or "Muang."

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covered by water, and its vertical extensions below the surface, in which an exclusive prospecting licence confers the exclusive right to search for metals and minerals;

(5.) "Mining lease." An indenture of agreement entered into between the Royal Department of Mines and any person, and issued in conformity with this Act, by which the holder of the lease is empowered to carry on mining work within the area specified in the lease;

(6.) "Mining area." The area of land, including land covered by water, with its vertical extensions below the surface, as specified in a mining lease;

(7.) "Lessee." Any person or persons, or company, or his, or their, or its representatives, heirs, or assigns, holding a mining lease issued under this Act;

(8.) "Lode." Any seam, deposit, vein, reef, dyke, or blow, containing metals or minerals, other than "alluvial ground" as hereinafter defined;

(9.) "Alluvial ground." Any loose rock or stone, clay, sand, soil, or earth, from which metals or minerals are ordinarily obtained by washing;

(10.) "Waterway." Any stream, river, canal, pond, cut, or body of water, running or still, whether natural or artificial;

(11.) "Mine." Any place, pit, shaft, drive, level, or other excavation, and any lode or alluvial ground by or in which any mining operation is carried on;

(12.) "To mine." To deal with any lode or alluvial ground by any mode or method of working whatsoever for the purpose of obtaining therefrom any metals or minerals;

(13.) "The Superintendent of Mines." The chief officer of the Royal Department of Mines appointed to a Monthon;* and if no officer of the Royal Department of Mines is appointed, the High Commissioner of the Monthon may, with the permission of the Minister under whom the Royal Department of Mines is placed, appoint some officer of the Monthon to act as Superintendent of Mines;

(14.) "The Minister." The Minister under whom the Royal Department of Mines is placed;

(15.) "Unoccupied." (When applied to land) any land which is not occupied by buildings or gardens, nor in use or in preparation for use for any agricultural or industrial purpose, nor reserved by local custom for any purpose, when such land shall have been declared by the Government to be unoccupied within the meaning

of this Act.

*An administrative division subdivided into Provinces or "Muangs."

4. All lands, and all metals and minerals, within the Kingdom of Siam and its dependencies are Crown property; and no title under which any land is held for the purposes of building or agricultural, or for any purpose, other than that of mining or prospecting, shall convey any right over the metals and minerals contained in such land.

5. Whenever in this Act the words "this Act," or "according to this Act," are used, they shall be understood to include all subsequent alterations, additions, and modifications; and all rules issued by the Minister, which have already come into force, or which may at any future time be brought into force, by virtue of this Act, together with all subsequent alterations, additions, and modifications of the same, shall also be understood to be within the meaning of the words "this Act."

PART II.-Mining carried on prior to this Act.

6. Concessions and leases granted by the special authority of His Majesty the King, and registered by the Royal Department of Mines prior to the enforcement of this Act, shall, after the date of this Act, be regulated as heretofore by the terms of their respective deeds of concession or lease until their expiration or prior determination, and shall be under the jurisdiction of the Royal Department of Mines. In all matters left unsettled by such documents they shall be regulated by the terms of this Act.

7. Any person working mines, or any holder of mining rights, who, at the date of the enforcement of this Act, has not a lease or concession granted by the special authority of His Majesty the King, and registered by the Royal Department of Mines, nor a licence nor a lease, issued by the Royal Department of Mines, shall, within ninety days after having received a written notice calling upon him to do so from the Royal Department of Mines, forward an application, with a sketch map of the mines in question, and a report concerning the locality and extent of his rights, with copies of the document of title which the applicant considers empowers him to possess or work the mines in question.

When any person shall have made application in the manner mentioned in this clause, the Royal Department of Mines shall consider the application, and may act as follows:—

(1.) If the applicant possess a document of title which the Government has given him permission to use as if it were a lease, the document shall be copied and registered in the Royal Department of Mines, and it shall be held as a mining lease;

(2.) If the applicant sends in a documen of title which the Government has not given him permission to use as a lease, but the

Government has no objection to the applicant working the mine in question in the future, the Royal Department of Mines may order the applicant to apply for a mining lease;

(3.) If the applicant has no document of title, but the Government has no objection to allowing the applicant to work the mine in question in the future, the Royal Department of Mines may order the applicant to apply for a mining lease;

(4.) If the applicant makes an application which is not supported by any right, the Royal Department of Mines may summarily dismiss the application.

Those applicants whom the Royal Department of Mines has ordered to apply for new mining leases must send in applications, as prescribed in the Act, within ninety days after the Royal Department of Mines has given them notice.

If any applicant does not make application within the time specified, it shall be held that he no longer desires to work the mine in question.

8. In case mining leases are granted as provided for in clause 7 all pending disputes concerning the mines in question must be settled before the mining leases are issued.

PART III.-Application for Mineral Washing Licences.

9. Any person who wishes to wash for minerals on unoccupied land, shall apply personally to the Superintendent of Mines, or other officer duly authorized to grant the same.

10. A mineral washing licence, according to the prescribed form, may then be granted to the applicant by the Superintendent of Mines, or other duly authorized officer, on payment of the prescribed fee, and shall confer the right to wash for minerals on any unoccupied land within the place or places specified in such licence for the space of one year from the date of issue of the licence.

11. The holder of a mineral washing licence shall conform to the rules set forth therein.

If the holder of a mineral washing licence break any of the rules set forth therein, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding 20 ticals for each offence, and his mineral washing licence may be forfeited.

12. The holder of a mineral washing licence shall obey all orders of the Superintentendent of Mines, or other duly authorized officer, regarding his work, and shall pay such royalty on all metals and minerals produced by him as may be fixed by law for the time being.

13. A mineral washing licence shall be personal and not transferable. It shall cover no one in the employ of the holder, and must be produced when called for by an officer.

14. Any person mining on his own account, without a mineral washing licence, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding 40 ticals for each offence.

PART IV.-Application for Prospecting Licences.

15. Every applicant for a prospecting licence shall apply in writing, in accordance with the form prescribed by the Government, to the Superintendent of Mines, or other officer authorized to receive such application, either personally or by his duly appointed agent.

16. The prospecting licence, which may be given to such applicant, shall limit the area of prospecting to one Muang, or to one Amphurship, or several Amphurships, as the officer empowered shall think fit. The holder of such prospecting licence has the right to prospect for metals and minerals on unoccupied land within the Muang, or the Amphurship, or Amphurships, specified in the licence, for the period of one year from the date of the licence. At the end of the term of the licence the holder may apply for a renewal of the licence for a period of not more than one year at a time.

In all cases the prescribed fee must be paid in advance.

17. The holder of a prospecting licence must conform to all the conditions set forth therein, and must prospect according to the orders of the Superintendent of Mines, or other officer having authority in such matters.

If the holder of a prospecting licence break any of the conditions thereof, or disobey the order of the Superintendent of Mines, or other officer, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding 40 ticals for each offence, and his prospecting licence may be forfeited.

18. A prospecting licence shall be personal and not transferable, but shall cover persons in the employ of the holder. No prospecting licence shall confer any other right than that of prospecting for metals and minerals.

19. If the Superintendent of Mines, or any local officer, wishes at any time to inspect a prospecting licence, the holder must produce it on demand. If the holder of a prospecting licence refuse to show it to the Superintendent of Mines or other officer, or prospect outside the limits included in the terms of his prospecting licence, or prospect without a licence, he shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding 80 ticals for each offence.

PART V.-Application for Exclusive Prospecting Licences.

20. Every applicant for an exclusive prospecting licence shall apply in writing to the Superintendent of Mines or other officer

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