ND EDINBORO DESK & CAMERO nese Diagrams is the amazin Letters for Reading an e eyes of the Pupils. to dazzle, and, too often, com elpful to both Teach or which they at them. o 1s. each; Reading cessity of a really good and useful Desk urposes is universally admitted. oduce such many attempts have been made, mens exhibited to the severe criticisms of pouc whose opinions are invaluable. Desk S., S., & C. are now exhibiting to the Sebola , on account of its perfection, been tharsiligeet of agre prise. This Desk, from the simplicity of its mechanism nany purposes to which it can be adapted at a moment's s all that possibly could be desired. my of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools, Seliool and Teachers generally, have unhesitatingly pronounced he best yet produced. prices, on account of moderateness, place this Desk The reach of all. |