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Debt contracted in London — Mexican Bondholders.

English Convention

Sundry claims of British Subjects.




Being commissioned by the Supreme Government to make a Report upon and adjust the debt contracted in London, the Diplomatic Conventions,-and some other financial affairs which should be arranged by the treaty about to be made betwen the Republic and the Commissioners of the three Allied Powers, I have endeavored, in the short space of time at my disposal, scrupulously to examine the records and books of the public offices with the object of treating every affair separately, by forming a concise historical extract of each, and giving at the end a statement of what the Treasury owes up to date. The method and clearness afforded by arithmetical operations will explain,-without the necessity of commentaries,-the nature of each transaction, and the greater or less force and justice of the respective claims which may be made against the Republic, thereby greatly facilitating the elucidation of the questions, without the necessity of examining voluminous records; gathering perhaps, from the recapitulation which will be formed at the end of this Report, the means which may be most adequate for arriving at a solid arrangement and reestablishing the credit of Mexico; thus demonstrating at the same time, a full and manifest proof of the good faith which animates the Government in acceding to whatever may be in conformity with justice and the sacred obligations which a civilized nation has to fulfil.

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