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and shall be deposited with the records, and deemed records of such counties respectively, to all intents and purposes, and the same, or certified copies thereof, shall be allowed to be good evidence in all courts whatsoever, and all persons shall have liberty to inspect the same, paying for such inspection the sum of 6d., or to have copies thereof, paying for every copy the sum of 14d. for every seventy-two words, and so in proportion for any greater or less number of words.

XLI. That if any money shall be adjudged or awarded to be paid for any land purchased, taken, or used by virtue of the powers of this Act, or as compensation for any damage or injury to any land, which shall belong to any corporation, or to any trustee or feoffee, executor or administrator, or any husband, guardian, or committee, for or on behalf of any feme covert, infant, idiot, or lunatic, or to a tenant for life, or any person who shall have no power to give a valid receipt for the same, or to sell or convey the same land, otherwise than by virtue of this Act, such money shall, in case the same shall amount to or exceed the sum of 2001., with all convenient speed be paid into the Bank of Ireland in the name and with the privity of the Accountant General of the Court of Chancery or Exchequer, to be placed to his account there ex parte the Commissioners for executing this Act, setting forth the title hereof, and without fee or reward; and shall, when so paid in, there remain until the same shall, by order of the said Court, made upon a petition to be preferred to the said court in a summary way by the person who would have been entitled to the rents and profits of the said land, be applied in or towards the discharge of any such debt or other incumbrance affecting the same land, or any other land or property standing settled therewith to the same or the like uses, trusts, intents, and purposes, as the said Court of Chancery or Exchequer shall authorize to be paid, or such part thereof as shall be necessary; or the same money shall, upon the like application in a summary way, be laid out, by order of the said Court, in the purchase of other land, which shall be conveyed, limited, and settled to, for, and upon such and the like uses, trusts, intents, and purposes, and in the same manner, as the land which shall be so purchased, taken, or used, or damaged or injured as aforesaid, stood settled or limited, or such of them as shall be then existing undetermined or capable of taking effect; and in the meantime and until such order can be obtained the said money may, by order of the said Court, upon application thereto, be invested by the said Accountant General in his name in the purchase of any stocks, funds, or annuities transferable at the Bank of Ireland; and in the meantime, and until the said stocks, funds, or annuities shall be sold by order of the said Court for the purpose aforesaid, the dividends or annual produce thereof shall from time to time be paid to the person who would for the time being have been entitled to the rents and profits of such lands so to be purchased, conveyed, and settled.

XLII. Provided and enacted, That if any money so adjudged or awarded to be paid for any land purchased, taken, or used for the purposes aforesaid, or damaged or injured as aforesaid, belonging to any corporation, or to any person as last aforesaid, shall be less than the sum of 2007., and shall amount to or exceed the sum of 20%., then and in all such cases the same shall, at the option of the person for the time being entitled to the rents and profits of the land so purchased, taken, or used, or damaged or injured, or of his guardian or committee, in case of infancy, lunacy, or other incapacity, to be signed in writing under their common seal or respective hands (as the case may require), be paid into the Bank of Ireland in the name and with the privity of the said Accountant General, and be placed to his account as aforesaid, in order to be applied in the manner herein before directed; or otherwise the same may be paid, at the like option and with the like approbation, to two or more trustees, to be nominated by the person who for the time being would be entitled to the rents and profits of the land so to be purchased, taken, or used, or damaged or injured as aforesaid, such nomination to be approved of by the said Commissioners, and such nomination and approbation to be signified in writing under the hands or common seal of the nominating and approving parties; and the monies so paid to such trustees, and the dividends and produce arising thereon, may be applied by such trustees in like manner as is hereinbefore directed with respect to the money so to be paid into the Bank of Ireland, without being required to obtain any order of the Court of Chancery or Exchequer touching the application thereof.

XLIII. Provided and enacted, That if any money so adjudged or awarded to be paid as herein before mentioned shall be less than 201., then and in every such case the same shall be paid to the person who would for the time being have been entitled to the rents and profits of the lands so purchased, taken, or used, or damaged or injured, for the purposes of this Act, for his own use and benefit, or in case of infancy or lunacy or other incapacity, then to the person acting as guardian, committee, or trustee of such person, to and for the use and benefit of the person entitled thereto.

XLIV. That where by reason of any disability or incapacity of any party entitled to any land to be taken, purchased, or used, or in respect of which any compensation or satisfaction shall be payable, under the authority of this Act, the purchasemoney for the same shall be required to be paid into the Bank of Ireland, to be applied in the purchase of other land, to be settled to the like uses, in pursuance of this Act, it shall be lawful for the said Court to order the expenses of all such purchases, or so much of such expenses as the said Court shall deem reasonable, together with the necessary costs and charges of obtaining such order, to be paid by the said Commissioners out of the monies to be received by virtue of this Act; and the said Commissioners shall from time to time pay such sums of money for such purposes as the said Court shall direct.

XLV. That if any corporation or person seised or possessed of or having any estate or interest in any such land as aforesaid cannot be found, or shall not be known, or shall not prove a good title to such land to the satisfaction of the said Commissioners or any person authorized by them, or shall refuse to execute a conveyance thereof, then and in every such case it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners to pay such sum of money as shall have been contracted and agreed or shall have been adjudged in manner aforesaid to be paid for the purchase or for the value of such land, into the Bank of Ireland, in the name and with the privity of the Accountant General of the said Court of Chancery or Exchequer, to be placed to his account to the credit of the party interested in the said land (describing such land), or if such party shall not be known, then to the credit of the then unknown person interested in the said land (describing the same), subject to the order, controul, and disposition of the said Court; which said Court, on the application of any corporation or person making claim to such sum of money or any part thereof, by motion or petition, shall be and is hereby empowered, in a summary way of proceeding or otherwise, as to the same Court shall seem fit, to order the same to be laid out, and invested in the public funds, and to

order distribution thereof, or payment of the dividends thereof, according to the respective estate, title, or interest of the corporation or person making claim thereto, and to make such order in the premises as to the said Court shall seem just and reasonable; and the cashier of the Bank of Ireland who shall receive such sum of money is hereby required to give a receipt for such sum of money; and upon payment of such sum of money into the Bank, as lastly hereinbefore is mentioned, the land for the purchase or for the value of which the same shall have been agreed and awarded to be paid, and the fee simple and inheritance thereof, or other the absolute interest therein, together with the yearly profits thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, use, trust, property, claim, and demand, in law and equity of the corporation or person, or unknown person, to whose credit such money shall be paid, in, to, and out of the land, shall vest in the said Commissioners, and they shall be deemed in law to be in the actual seisin or possession thereof to all intents and purposes whatsoever, as fully and effectually as if every corporation or person having any estate in such land, had actually conveyed the same; and such payments shall not only bar all right, title, interest, claim, and demand of the corporation or person, or unknown person, of, in, or to the same land, to whose credit such payment shall have been made, but also shall extend to and be deemed and construed to bar the dower of the wife of such person, and all estates tail and other estates in possession, reversion, remainder, expectancy, or contingency, and the issue of such person, and every other person whomsoever.

XLVI. Provided and enacted, That where any question shall arise touching the title of any person to any money which shall be paid into the Bank of Ireland in the name and with the privity of the Accountant General of the said Court of Chancery or Exchequer, in pursuance of this Act, for the purchase of any land to be taken or purchased in pursuance of this Act, or to any Bank annuities or government or real securities, the person who shall have been in possession of such land at the time of such purchase, and all persons claiming under such person, or under the possession of such person, shall be deemed and taken to have been lawfully entitled to such land until the contrary shall be shewn to the satisfaction of the said Court; and the dividends or interest of the Bank annuities or government or real securities to be purchased with such money, and also the capital of such Bank annuities or government or real securities, shall be paid, applied, and disposed of accordingly, unless it shall be made to appear to the said Court that such possession was a wrongful possession, and that some other person was lawfully entitled to such land, or to some estate therein.

XLVII. That if any person shall have any mortgage or be entitled to any sum of money charged on any land taken or purchased under this Act, then, on payment of the principal and interest due thereon, or in case a part only of any land subject to such charge or mortgage be so taken or purchased, then a proportionate share of such principal and interest (to be ascertained, in case of dispute, in the manner herein before provided for ascertaining the value of land taken or purchased for the purposes of this Act), to such mortgagee or person entitled thereto, or into the Bank of Ireland, for the use of the mortgagee or other person entitled thereto, all the estate of the said mortgagee or other person, and of every person in trust for him, in the land or the portion of land so taken or purchased, shall vest in the Commissioners, and they shall be deemed to be in the actual possession thereof, free from the same mortgage or charge, to all intents and purposes whatsoever: Provided always, that if the money and interest due in respect of any mortgage or charge on any land purchased or taken under this Act shall amount to more than the value of the premises charged therewith, or such of them or of such part thereof as shall be purchased or taken under this Act, then, upon payment to such mortgagee or person, or into the Bank, in manner hereinbefore mentioned, of the sum to be ascertained as the value of the estate or interest so mortgaged or charged on the land, or part thereof, so to be taken and purchased as aforesaid, all the estate of the said mortgagee or person as aforesaid, and of every person in trust for him, in the said land or any part thereof the value whereof shall have been so ascertained and paid as aforesaid, shall vest in the Commissioners, and they shall be deemed to be in the actual possession of the said lands, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, freed from such mortgage or charge as aforesaid; and the mortgagor or other person entitled to redeem shall be and is hereby barred and foreclosed from all right and equity of redemption of and in the same land or portion of land.

XLVIII. That when any rent, or any such charge, incumbrance, or lien as aforesaid, shall also be payable out of or extend over and be a charge, incumbrance, or lien on any lands other than those which shall be taken or injured by or conveyed to or vested in the said Commissioners, then and in such case neither this Act nor any conveyance so made as aforesaid shall in any respect discharge, affect, or alter the force, validity, or effect of such charge, rent, incumbrance, or lien, so far as relates to such other lands, tenements, or hereditaments, but that as to all such the same shall respectively continue, be good, valid, and subsisting, subject nevertheless to such reduction of rent (if any) as may be made in respect of such lands under the provisions herein contained.

XLIX. That upon payment into the Bank of Ireland, as herein directed, or upon payment or legal tender of any such sum of money as shall have been contracted for between the parties, or adjudged in manner aforesaid, for the purchase of any land, or as a recompence for the yearly produce or profits thereof, or as a compensation for damages, as herein mentioned, to the proprietor of such land, or to such person as shall be entitled thereto under any of the provisions herein contained, it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners, or their agents, workmen, or servants, immediately to enter upon and use such land. L. Provided and enacted, That if it shall seem expedient to the said Commissioners, at any time or times within six months after any adjudication or contract shall be made, given, or entered into under the provisions of this Act, not to take or injure the whole or any part of any land, or other matters or things named or described in such adjudication or contract, it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners to serve a notice upon or cause the same to be left at the usual place of abode of the person or persons who are or appear by the said adjudication or contract to be interested in such land or other matters or things, stating that the same, and what part thereof, will not be taken for or injured by anything to be done under this Act; and the adjudication or contract mentioned in the said notice, or such part thereof as shall relate to the part not required to be taken or injured as aforesaid, (at the option of the said Commissioners,) shall be utterly void and of none effect, to all intents and purposes whatsoever; and in case a part only of any adjudication or contract shall become void as aforesaid, the said Commissioners shall fix and ascertain the portion of the sum mentioned in such adjudication or contract which should be deducted on account of the part not required to be taken or injured, and if necessary apportion the residue



among the persons entitled thereto; and the said Commissioners shall amend such adjudication or contract accordingly, and such amended adjudication or contract shall have all the force and effect and shall be subject to the like appeal as any other adjudication or contract under this Act: Provided always, that in all cases where the Commissioners shall serve notice that it is not intended to take or injure the whole nor any part of such land, the person or persons interested in such land, and incurring any loss or expense in consequence of the Commissioners having previously required the same, shall be entitled to compensation for such loss and expenses, and in case the amount thereof cannot be agreed upon the same shall be recovered by civil bill before the assistant barrister of the county in which such land shall be situate, and such assistant barrister is hereby authorized and required to hear and determine the same.

LI. That it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners to demise or lease to any company, corporation, or person whatsoever, for ever, or for any term that may be agreed upon, in such lots or divisions as to them may seem fit, any lands of which they may become possessed under the provisions of this Act, for the purpose or as a site for the erection of any markethouse, drying-sheds, or other building of a public nature, or for the erection of curing-houses, or stores for salt and materials used in the trade of fishing, or for yards and slips for the making and repair of vessels and boats, or for rope-walks, and any other public purposes in the opinion of the said Commissioners tending to promote and improve the fisheries; and the said Commissioners shall reserve such rent for all lands so demised as to them shall seem fair and reasonable, and shall in every such lease require a covenant to be inserted, binding the party or person to whom such lease shall be made to expend on such land, within a time to be in such lease limited, such sum in building or buildings, or otherwise, as to the said Commissioners shall seem fit, and to use the lands so demised for the special purpose for which it shall be demised, and no other, on pain of forfeiture of such demised premises: Provided always, that such lands shall not be let or used for the purpose of erecting thereon any messuage or dwelling-house whatever, save and except such messuage or dwelling-house as the Commissioners of the Treasury shall approve, for collectors of tolls, and the keepers of such market-houses, stores, or yards as aforesaid, or for police, revenue, or coast-guard barracks, or other such objects of a public nature.

LII. That as soon as conveniently may be after any work for the purposes of this Act shall have been completed the said Commissioners shall draw up or cause to be drawn up a final award or instrument in writing, which shall describe the work or works which shall have been so completed, and such final award shall also specify the amount of the sums which shall have been expended in and about the works which shall have been executed, and all expenses incident thereto (including the interest of all borrowed monies), and the proportions of such sums which shall have been advanced by way of grant and by way of loan towards payment of the total amount of the costs, charges and expenses of such works, or incidental thereto, and whether the monies advanced by way of loan, with interest, shall be repaid in one sum or by instalments, and if by instalments then said award shall also specify the several instalments, and the manner by and in which such proportions shall be paid, and, regard being had to the circumstances of each particular case, and the final declaration made as before directed in respect thereof, the said award shall also specify the amount of such money advanced by way of loan, which shall be charged, with interest, upon the county or counties, or district, or the lands of any proprietor or proprietors, or proportionally on such county, district, or lands, or either or any two of them, as the case may be, and describing such county, district, or lands respectively; and the said Commissioners shall also cause to be inserted in every such final award all such other determinations, matters and things as the said Commissioners shall think necessary and proper, and the said Commissioners shall sign such award under their hands.

LIII. That every such final award, when settled and signed by the said Commissioners, shall be inrolled in the Rolls Office of Her Majesty's Court of Chancery in Ireland within three months after the same shall have been finally settled, and a copy thereof shall be deposited with the clerk of the peace of each county in or near which such works shall be situate, who is hereby authorized and required to receive and deposit the same amongst the records of the county; and such award, when so finally settled and inrolled, shall be binding and conclusive on all parties and persons whomsoever, and a copy thereof, certified by the proper officer of her Majesty's Rolls Office, shall be evidence that it was duly made, and that all the requisitions of this Act in relation thereto were complied with; and the said Commissioners shall, within one month after the said award shall be finally settled, cause such award to be printed, and kept for sale at a price not exceeding 6d, for each printed copy thereof.

LIV. That any sum of money which under the final award of the said Commissioners shall be payable by any county in respect of monies advanced by way of loan for or in respect of any work under the provisions of this Act shall be payable by the grand jury of such county, and the secretary of the said Cmmissioners shall certify to the secretary of such grand jury the amount of such sum of money, and the instalments and manner by and in which the same is payable under the award of the said Commissioners, and such grand jury is hereby required, without application to presentment session, to make presentment of the amount of such costs, charges and expenses, or of the instalments from time to time payable in respect thereof, as stated in such certificate, together with interest thereon respectively at a rate not exceeding 51. per cent. per annum from the date of such award, to be raised off the county at large; and in default of such presentment the Court at such assizes shall order such amount or instalments, with interest as aforesaid, to be raised off such county, and such order shall have the force of a presentment, and the treasurer of such county shall insert such amount or instalments, with the interest thereon, as same shall be from time to time payable, in his warrant or warrants, and same shall be applotted, raised, and levied, as if the same had been duly presented; and when and so soon as such amount or instalments as aforesaid, with the interest thereon, shall be raised and received by the treasurer of the county, such treasurer shall immediately pay the same to the said Commissioners, and the same shall be by them paid over and applied as herein before directed in case of repayment of loans.

LV. That any sum of money which under such final award as aforesaid shall be payable as aforesaid by any district in respect of monies advanced by way of loan for or in respect of any work under the provisions of this Act, together with interest on such sum at a rate not exceeding 51. per centum per annum from the date of such award, shall be charged upon the occupiers of and other persons rateable in respect of lands and hereditaments within such district, and rated under the

then last preceding rate or rates made or from time to time made in respect of the same under the provisions of an Act, 1 & 2 Vict. c. 56, intituled 'An Act for the more effectual Relief of the Destitute Poor in Ireland,' and any Act amending the same, and shall be payable either in one sum or by instalments, as specified in such award, by the respective rate-payers who under the said last preceding rate or rates shall have paid or contributed or been liable to pay or contribute rate in respect of property in such district, according to the several valuations according to which respectively such last preceding rate or rates shall have been so made charged upon and payable by the rate-payers in respect of such lands or hereditaments respectively: Provided always, that any such sum of money or instalment thereof, with interest as aforesaid, shall be assessed and levied by the said Commissioners as a poundage assessment equally upon the net annual value of the several lands and hereditaments within such district, rated as aforesaid, as such net annual value shall have been stated in such last preceding rate as aforesaid.

LVI. That for the purpose of ascertaining the rateable property and the ratepayers within any such district as aforesaid it shall and may be lawful for the said Commissioners to apply to the guardians of the union, or respective unions within which the respective lands forming such district as aforesaid shall be situate; and such respective guardians are hereby required to permit and suffer any person authorized by the said Commissioners to take a copy or copies of so much of any such last preceding rate or rates as aforesaid as relates to any of such lands or hereditaments within any such district; and in case any person or persons having the custody of any such rate or rates refuse to permit or shall not permit such person so authorized by the said Commissioners to take such copy or copies thereof, or extracts therefrom respectively as aforesaid, the person or persons refusing or not permitting such copy or extract to be made shall for each and every such offence forfeit and pay any sum not exceeding 51.

LVII. That it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners from time to time, by any warrant or warrants under their hands and seals, to appoint any person or persons whom they may think fit to collect the several and respective sums of money payable as such assessment under the provisions aforesaid in respect of the rateable property in any such district, which warrant or warrants shall specify the amount of money to be levied for the purposes of this Act on the several and respective lands and hereditaments within such district, and the portion thereof to be paid by each occupier of rateable lands, and hereditaments, or other persons liable to pay the same, according to such then last preceding rate, and on receipt of such warrant such collector is hereby authorized and required to levy the money therein mentioned according thereto; and such money shall and may be collected and levied, sued for and recovered, by such and the same ways and means as any grand jury cess, or the money applotted on the several persons liable to pay any grand jury cess, may be collected and levied. LVIII. That when any person occupying such lands or hereditaments within any such district shall be liable to pay a rent in respect of the same, he may deduct from such rent, for each pound of the rent which he shall be liable so to pay, one half of the sum which he shall have paid as such assessment in respect of each pound of the net annual value (whether such rent shall be greater or less than such net annual value), and so in proportion for any less sum than a pound.

LIX. That where any person receiving rent in respect of any such rateable property within such district shall also pay a rent in respect of the same, he shall be entitled to deduct from the rent so paid by him a sum bearing such a proportion to the amount of such assessment deducted from the rent received by him as the rent paid by him bears to the rent received by him: Provided always, that every lessor assessed instead of any occupier of rateable property shall be entitled to deduct from any rent paid by him in respect of such property a sum bearing such a proportion to one half of the assessment on such property as the rent paid by him bears to the net annual value of such property.

LX. That any sum of money which under any such final award shall be payable as aforesaid by any proprietor of lands in respect of monies advanced by way of loan for or in respect of any works under the provisions of this Act, together with interest for such sum at a rate not exceeding 51. per cent. per annum from the date of such award, shall, from the date of the final declaration herein directed to be made, be charged upon the lands of such proprietor or proprietors as specified in such final declaration and award, and that in preference to and with priority over all charges and incumbrances on such lands, except quit rent and rent-charge in lieu of tithe; and if any sum of money so charged as aforesaid, or any instalment thereof, or any interest in respect thereof, shall remain unpaid for the space of three calendar months next after the time appointed for payment of the same by the said award, then it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners, or any person authorized by them, to enter upon the land charged with or liable to the payment of the sum of money or interest so in arrear, or any part thereof, but subject nevertheless to such quit rent or rent-charge in lieu of tithes (if any) as aforesaid, and the rents and profits of such land to receive and take until thereby or otherwise the sum and interest so due (together with all costs and expenses attending or occasioned by such entry, and receipt of the rents, profits, and issues of such land,) shall be fully paid and satisfied; and it shall be lawful for the Court of Chancery or Exchequer in Ireland, upon the application by petition of the said Commissioners, to appoint a receiver of the rents, profits, and issues of such land, which receiver shall have full power to receive the same rents, profits, and issues, and apply the same, after deduction of the necessary expenses of the application to the said Court, and of such quit rent or rent-charge in lieu of tithe issuing out of such lands and premises (if any), in payment of the sum and interest so due, until the same shall be fully paid; and it shall also be lawful for the said Commissioners, if they shall so think fit, to raise such sum and interest, and all costs and expenses attendant thereon, by mortgage of such land or a competent part thereof; and every such mortgage, and every receipt given for the consideration money, shall be valid and effectual to all intents and purposes whatsoever; and no mortgagee shall be bound to see to the application of his mortgage money, or to inquire whether the mortgage made by the said Commissioners is hereby authorized."

LXI. That in any case where the lands of any proprietor shall be charged by such final award with any sum of money in respect of any loan as aforesaid, then, in addition to all and every the sums and interest so charged by such final award of the said Commissioners upon such lands under the provisions of this Act, there shall be paid to said the Commissioners 1s. in the pound on the total amount of the same respectively, as and for receiver's fees thereon to be charged, payable and recoverable in like manner as such sums and interest aforesaid: Provided always, that no party or person, or the lands or property of

such party or person, shall be liable to such additional charge of 1s. in the pound who shall within thirty-one days next after the time appointed by any such award for the payment of any such sum and interest as aforesaid pay the amount to the credit of the said Commissioners into the Bank of Ireland, or into such other bank as the said Commissioners shall for that purpose appoint.

LXII. That in any case where the lands of any proprietor shall be charged by such final award with any sum of money in respect of any loan as aforesaid, every occupier of any such land who, not being a proprietor thereof within the meaning of this Act, shall pay for the land in his occupation, on account of his landlord, any sum of money charged thereupon under and by virtue of the provisions of this Act, shall and he is hereby authorized to deduct and retain out of his rent the amount of the sum of money which he shall so pay as aforesaid, and the next immediate landlord of such occupier, if not himself a proprietor of such land within the meaning of this Act, shall and he is hereby authorized to make the like deduction from the rent payable by him, and so on, each sub-lessee and sub-lessor of such land, not being a proprietor thereof within the meaning of this Act, being entitled to deduct the sum so charged upon such land under or by virtue of this Act from the rent payable to his next immediate landlord, until such deduction shall be made from the rent payable to a person being a proprietor within the meaning of this Act who shall not be entitled to make any such deduction from the rent (if any) payable by him; and every such occupier, sub-lessee or sub-lessor paying any such sum of money shall be acquitted and discharged of the sum so paid by him as fully and effectually as if the same had been actually paid to his landlord (except where there shall or may be any lease or agreement to the contrary); but nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to enable any occupier or lessee to deduct from his rent any costs or expenses incurred by non-payment of the monies hereby imposed or authorized to be levied.

LXIII. That all works constructed, altered, repaired, or improved under the provisions of this Act shall be vested in the said Commissioners and their successors, and shall be maintained, sustained, upheld, and repaired by said Commissioners out of any tolls, rates, or rents which under the provisions of this Act shall accrue to the said Commissioners for or in respect of such works, or the lands purchased by or vested in said Commissioners.

LXIV. That all such harbours, piers, quays, landing places, and other works on the sea coast of Ireland which have been heretofore within forty-five years made wholly or in part with public money advanced for the purposes of the improvement of the fisheries, and which are not now private property, as the said Commissioners shall deem fit, and still useful for the purposes of the sea fisheries, and with respect to which the said Commissioners shall give and publish such notice as hereinafter provided, shall, together with all ways, rights, members, and appurtenances thereto belonging, be and the same are hereby declared to be public property, and the same shall, from and after the expiration of twelve calendar months from the passing of this Act, be vested in the said Commissioners and their successors; and all the provisions in this Act contained with reference to the making of grants and loans for the construction of new works, or with reference to such works, and the several proceedings, matters, and things in any manner relating thereto, shall be deemed and construed to apply and be applied, so far as the same may be applicable, to the first repair, alteration, or improvement of such harbours, piers, quays, landing places, and other works as aforesaid; and after such first repair, alteration or improvement (if any) the same shall be maintained as any other work under this Act: Provided always, that the said Commissioners shall as soon as conveniently may be, and within twelve calendar months from the passing of this Act, by a notice or instrument in writing under their hands, declare and describe the several harbours, piers, quays, landing places, and other works which they shall so deem fit and useful for the purposes of the sea fisheries, and to be vested in the said Commissioners; and that a copy of such notice or instrument shall be published within such period of twelve months in the "Dublin Gazette," and in some one or more newspapers circulating in the neighbourhood of each such harbour, pier, quay, landing place, or other work respectively, and also, if the said Commissioners deem fit, be posted at some public place at or near such harbour, pier, quay, landing place, or other work as aforesaid.

LXV. That when and so often as any pier, harbour, quay, landing place, engine, or other work shall have been constructed, either wholly or in part, under the provisions of this Act, or become vested in the said Commissioners under this Act, it shall and may be lawful for the said Commissioners and they are hereby authorized to levy or cause to be levied and paid, for the use of such pier, harbour, quay, landing place, engine, or other work, such tolls and rates as the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall from time to time approve of: Provided always, that the amount of such tolls and rates shall not exceed the probable average annual expense of maintaining and repairing such pier, harbour, quay, landing place, engine, or other work, and of the contingent expenses to be incurred by the said Commissioners in relation thereto, and of the amount of interest at the rate of not less than 57. per cent. per annum on the capital, whether public or private, expended on such work: And provided further, that in case it shall appear to the said Commissioners that it would promote the public advantage that a less amount of tolls or rates should be levied, under the provisions of this Act, for the use of any such pier, harbour, quay, landing place, engine, or other work, or that such tolls or rates should be at any time increased with a view of thereby creating a fund for the improvement of such pier, harbour, quay, landing place, engine, or other work, it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners and they are hereby authorized to increase or to lower such tolls or rates to such extent and for such period as the said Commissioners shall from time to time direct, with the approbation of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury.

LXVI. That the said Commissioners shall cause an account or list, printed or painted in large legible characters, of the several rates and tolls which the said Commissioners shall from time to time direct and appoint to be taken, and which shall be payable by virtue of this Act, to be affixed on boards in some conspicuous place, and continued and renewed as often as the same shall be obliterated or defaced, to, upon, or near every work or building at which any such rates or tolls shall be collected or received.

LXVII. That it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners, if they shall so think fit, by public bidding, from time to time to let, and from time to time to relet, all or any of the tolls or rates payable under the provisions of this Act, for terms not exceeding ten nor less than five years on such conditions, and with such security for payment of the rent reserved on such

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