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The opening concert of the Boston City Club Series will present Albert Edmund Brown, baritone, as the assisting artist.

Mr. Brown is without doubt the most successful singer on the concert platform to-day. His singing of the prominent songs by American composers is something that has been especially appreciated by all of his audiences.

He sings the songs of to-day and to-morrow, the next moment he takes us back to the days of yesterday. To hear him sing "Drink to me only with thine eyes is a rare treat, while his dramatic rendition of the Damrosch setting of Kipling's "Danny Deever " is something long to be remembered.

The Boston Philharmonic Orchestra, under the leadership of Charles H. Leave, will prove an excellent background for Mr. Brown's work. Among the orchestral numbers to be given will be the overture, Fingal's Cave," by Mendelssohn. Another number on the program will be a Spanish Suite by Marchetti..

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This concert will also serve to introduce Louis Besserer as a solo violinist. Mr. Besserer is to appear in recital programs this coming season with George Copeland, the eminent pianist, and has only just returned from a nation-wide tour:

The whole program will be under the direction of A. H. Handley.

Thursday Evening, October 12

On account of the celebration of Columbus Day by the Citizens' Public Celebration Committee, no formal entertainment has been arranged by the committee.

Thursday Evening, October 19


Assistant Secretary of State


Assistant Secretary Phillips is closely identified with the important work of the State Department during the administration of President Wilson, and his studies and interest in the consular and diplomatic service abundantly qualify him to deliver an address of tremendous interest at the present time.

HON. LEWIS A. COOLIDGE, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, will preside.

Dinner at 6 o'clock. Tickets at the office of the Civic Secretary.

Thursday Evening, October 26


Former U. S. Ambassador to Germany


Dr. Hill's address will have to do with the conditions likely to prevail in the United States at the close of the war in Europe.

JAMES P. MUNROE will preside.

Dinner at 6 o'clock. Tickets at the office of the Civic Secretary.


Tenth anniversary, December 14, 1916

The year 1916 brings with it the tenth anniversary of the Club, and arrangements are now being perfected for an appropriate celebration of this event on Thursday evening, December 14.

The old clubhouse at 9-11 Beacon Street was opened on December 10, 1906, with Geoffrey B. Lehy as its first President. The membership was then 600, and in the brief period of ten years has grown to 6,800. Detailed announcement of this will be given in a later issue of the BULLETIN.


The Board of Governors has authorized a series of forum meetings, and the following committee has been appointed to direct:

George W. Coleman, Chairman

March G. Bennett

Henry S. Dennison

Carroll W. Doten
James E. Downey

William C. Ewing

George B. Glidden
Charles Kroll
Franklin T. Kurt
Moses S. Lourie

John R. Simpson
Frank V. Thompson

The first meeting of the committee will be Thursday, October 5, at 12.30 P.M., and it is expected that the following dates will be fixed for the series, to occur on every other Monday night, at eight o'clock, in the auditorium. The first meeting, November 13, will be followed November 27, December 11, December 18, January 8, January 22, February 5, February 19.


The House Committee regretfully announces the resignation of Mr. H. Bacharach, Manager of the Club. Mr. Bacharach's successful administration under very trying conditions made a very favorable impression, not only in the Club but outside, and he leaves us to assume greater responsibilities elsewhere. The Board of Governors has voted to present Mr. Bacharach a testimonial for efficient service.

The Board of Governors has appointed H. Heinz Westerman as successor to Mr. Bacharach. The new Manager was very highly recommended. He has had experience in every department of hotel management, and for the past two years he has been manager of the Frost & Dearborn Company of this city. Mr. Westerman was chief steward of the Hamburg-American Line for several years.



On Wednesday afternoon, August 23, the Club tendered a reception to the Marquis and Marchioness of Aberdeen and Temair. Many of the members, with ladies, had an opportunity of meeting the Marquis and Marchioness, some of whom renewed the pleasure of a year ago, when Lord Aberdeen was a guest of the Club.

From three to five in the afternoon, the plans for the reconstruction of the city of Dublin were on exhibition. This is the only instance of the plans being shown in America, and immediately after the close of the exhibit they were packed and shipped to Ireland. These plans were submitted in competition for two prizes offered by Lord and Lady Aberdeen — two thousand dollars and five hundred dollars for the best solution of the rehousing of Dublin. The first prize was awarded Patrick Ambercrombie, editor of the Town Planning Review and a professor at the University of Liverpool. Second prize went to J. M. Bogle, city engineer of Liverpool. Dr. John Nolen, of Cambridge, a prominent member of this Club, was one of the three judges, and the only American.

Lord Aberdeen spoke of the causes leading up to the improvement of Dublin, saying the need of rehousing was clearly shown during the Civics Exposition held in 1914, especially in the poorer districts.


Members Learn He is Donor of the Living Room Furnishings

James J. Storrow, President of the Boston City Club, was exposed in his rôle of benefactor to that organization, last night.

Several hundred members of the Club learned that he was the mysterious donor of the luxurious furnishings of the big living room, at its formal opening last evening.


For weeks speculation has been rife as to just who was behind the renovating and redecorating work which has been going on at the clubhouse. Word was soon passed around that the spacious lounge was being

fixed up from top to bottom as a surprise to the members. It was also known that this work entailed no expense upon the club treasury.

Last night came the dénouement. First Vice-President George Smith, in his address of welcome in their new apartment, stated that the entire renovation and furnishings were the gift of President Storrow. The opening was made the occasion of a dual celebration. It marked the semi-opening of the entertainment season which is to start October 14.

6,800 Members

It opened with orchestral selections and solos. Vice-President Smith, in his address, stated that the Club membership was 6,800, with 800 names on the waiting list.

"Your entertainment committee seized upon this time, coincident with the formal opening of this living room, to celebrate the semi-opening of the entertainment season. The increase in membership has made a corresponding increase on the demands of the entertainment committee, and this year will see a larger, better and more varied entertainment program than ever before.

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As has been indicated in print, these decorations, new furnishings and paintings, are the gift of one member of the Club. That member is James J. Storrow, President of the Club.

Expression of Loyalty

"It was his pleasure to express in this form his loyalty to the Club, and that loyalty is great. Your loyalty in responding to the invitation is also great.

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Loyalty is becoming more and more to be recognized as a component part of the great moral code of American citizenship. Therefore let us all here to-night determine in ourselves to show a greater degree of loyalty to our city, state and nation."-Boston Post.

Barber Shop

The patronage of the barber shop has increased so rapidly that another chair has been installed, making five in all. It is hoped that with this addition all members of the Club using the barber shop will be adequately cared for.

Individual Articles for Members' Accommodation

Members will find, in the barber shop, collars of all styles and sizes, whenever desired.

Some time ago the committee, in deference to the many requests, purchased a supply of umbrellas to be rented to members who might be caught unprepared in a rainstorm. Pajamas, tooth-brushes and paste are also to be had for members who may be called upon to stay at the Club overnight on short notice.

All these articles may be obtained of the Room Clerk, on the street floor.

Billiard Instruction

The House Committee has set apart Room W, on the tenth floor, to be used for instruction. Arrangements may be made with George F. Slosson, in charge of the billiard room, who will give personal lessons to members.


Entries for Billiard and Cowboy Pool Tournaments will be received up to and including November 1, 1916. A book for the purpose will be found at the desk in the billiard room. Entrance fee, fifty cents, to be charged when entry is made.




H. M. Bartlett Wins Tournament

The final standing in the Billiard Tournament, held last season, showed H. M. Bartlett as the billiard champion.


The following committee has been appointed on bowling: Charles J. Martell, chairman; Charles M. Goodnow, Percy A. Goodale, John G. Wallace, and Walter H. Collins.

Plans have been formed for a lively and interesting season. During the summer, arrangements have been made for the betterment of the service, and the condition of the alleys has been improved. The Bowling Committee expects that the alleys will be one of the most popular resorts in the Club for the next nine months.

The alleys were opened September 25, at noon. It is contemplated that one of the most interesting matches of the season, a match between the professional champion, Paul Poehler, and the amateur champion, Willis Baker, will be bowled on the alleys the opening night.

There will be two tournaments; the first, a Boston Pin Tournament, which will open about October 15, and the second, a Candle Pin Tournament, later in the season. There will also be, later in the season, a contest open to all members of the Club, for the individual club championship. Beginning the latter part of October, there will be weekly roll-off contests. Those bowling the highest scores each week will be qualified to roll for the weekly championship. Weekly champions will be qualified to roll for the monthly championship, for which suitable prizes will be given.

Early in October there will be an elimination contest for those who desire to compete for the team representing the Boston City Club in the Amateur Boston Pin League.

Rules governing these various contests will be announced by bulletins in the bowling alleys.

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