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The legislature of Tennessee has passed an act creating a State Board of Charities, but no report of appointments has been received.

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Alden, Percy, 454.

Appel, J. S., 443, 447.
Ayres, Philip W., 96.

Babcock, J. W., M.D., 164, 381, 472, 473, 474.

Baldwin, Henry, 472.

Beedy, Helen B. Coffin, 351, 467.

Bicknell, Ernest, 343, 451, 465.

Blackman, W. F., 472, 489.

Bliss, Mrs. A. M., 458.

Brackett, J. R., 80.

Brewer, William H., 143, 467.

Brinkerhoff, R., 317, 443, 458, 464-

Brooks, John C., 54.

Brown, Frank L., 470.

Byers, Joseph P., 376.

Charlton, T. J., 312, 317.
Clark, A. W., 362.
Clark, Mary A. J., 330.
Cooper, Sarah B., 324.
Crozier, A. O., 442, 460.

Dana, M. Mc. G., 230, 461.
Darche, Louise, 267.
De Graffenried, Clare, 101.
Denson, C. B., 375.
Dudley, R H., 317.
Dunlap, Mary J., 465, 466.
Dwight, President, 440.

Edwards, W. C., 470.

Elder, John R., 37.

Fairbanks, M. G., 238.

Faulkner, C. E., 317, 446, 447, 457, 459, 469.

Felkel, H. L., 340.

Finney, Thomas M., 361.

Fish, W. B., 460.

Fisher, Irving, 490.

Folks, Homer, 369, 468.

Follett, M.D., 462, 499.

Fort, Samuel J., 155.
Franklin, W. B., 317.
Frellson, Gustav, 391.

Gabriel, John H. 326.

Garrett, Philip C., 449, 469.

Giddings, Franklin H., 110.

Gillian, Robert, 385.

Givens, John N., 341.

Gould, E. R. L., 134, 473, 511.

Hadley, Arthur T., 117.
Hamblin, J. B., 322.

Hart, H. H., 248, 450, 457, 463.
Heg, James E., 447, 466.
Henderson, C. R., 72.
Heymann, Michel, 349.

Hill, Octavia, 497.

Hill, R. W., 346.

Hollister, Harvey J., 487.

[blocks in formation]

Lincoln, Mrs. Alice N., 448, 491, 520.

Loch, C. S., 497.

Lowell, Mrs. C. R., 44.

Ludden, L. P., 469, 479.
Lyons, Jas., 500.

Macdonald, Arthur, 474.
Macfarland, H. B. F., 333.
McLane, Kate M., 352.
Maginnis, C. P., 357-
Maddock, G. C., 448, 466.
M'Cook, J. J., 288, 328.
Millard, Mrs. F. A., 347.
Moore, Marion I., 508.
Morrill, E. W., 469.
Munger, T. T., 16.

Nibecker, F. H., 216.

Nutting, J. H., 445.

Paine, Robert Treat, 1, 478, 491, 492, 499. 502, 526.

Palmer, Sophia F., 259.

Pangborn, Z K., 465.

Perry, Mary E., 359.

Post, James A., 355.

Powers, H. H., 122.

Prescott, W. H., M.D., 285.

Quintard, L. W., 275.

Randolph, N. V., 317, 389.

Richards, Charles R., 195.

Richards, Linda, 256.

Richardson, Mrs. Anne B., 37, 452.

Richmond, Mary E., 463, 514.

Ring, Thomas F., 61.

Robinson, Maria S., 269.

Rolph, W. T., 93.

Rosebrugh, A. M., 393.

Rowe, GH. M., M.Ď., 276.

Sanborn, F. B., 186, 366, 474, 484, 486, 488.

Savage, E. P., 208, 472.

Smith, A. J., 471.

Smith, Frances A., 87.

Smith, S. G., 444, 460.

Smith, Stephen, M.D., 37.

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Aasama, care of sane m. 18.
Alabama, report from, 315

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Clean streets in

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Caorado, report from, 32

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Cooking Casses, TON

tion, 45: on Dime and Face, vet

Colored insane, number of » U.S., 184.
Commitees on Resolves



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Connecticut House R1, No. 8

Contederate Soldiers' Homes, par

Aassa, report from, 331-

Amshouse hospicas, trained nurses in r
Amshouses, remova, of children from ps

American Economic Association, on
Chanties A. G. Warner
economics in peboc schools, 125.
Antecedents of crimmas, 140.

Anthropometric measurements, 474

Apprenticeship system, 197-

Arizona, report from, 322-

Arkansas, care of insane m, 184.

Arkansas, report from, 323

Army nurses, home for, 458.

Baths, public, in Glasgow, 236.

Beauty of service, the, 520.

Belgian schools, 201

Birmingham Infirmary, 491.

Blackwell's Island hospitals, 267.
Boards of Control, 37, 447:

British Society for organizing Charity, 81.

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Coured insane, the, 1

Connecticut, report from, pas

Continued care of tami ses, S

Convict-made goods, 345

Country Week, so

County Homes in Connecticut, po

County paupers and houses of industry, 156,
Craig Colony for Epileptics, 374.

Criminal statistics, 136

Criminals, antecedents of, 140.

Custodial Asylum, New York, 180.

Custodial care of feeble-minded women, 181

"Degeneration" (Max Nordau), 111, 182

Delaware, care of insane in, 185

Delaware, report from, 330.

Denison, Edward, on people flocking to towns, 45
Denison House, 9.

Desertion by parents, 208,

Development of ethical forces, 16.

Directory of Chicago Charities, 67.

Discharged prisoners, aid for, 12.

Discussions: on State Boards, 449; on soldiers'

homes, 458; on the care of feeble minded, 400,

on insanity, 472; on immigration, 487.

District nursing in London, 273-

District of Columbia, report from, 333, 335, 338.
Dockers in London, 454-

Ecole Diderot, Paris, 202.

Economic policy, science and sentiment in, 117.

[blocks in formation]

:orgia, care of insane in, 180.
orgia, report from, 340.


"Inner Mission," the, 72.
der, R. W., on kindergartens, 232.

es, H. H., resolutions with reference to, 485.
ver beschulen, 201.

abitual Criminality" (Dr. Olive Ferona), 232.
p given by poor to the poor, 522.
editary criminality, statistical study of, 134.
ckley fire, the, 492.

ne for army nurses, 458.

ies for soldiers and sailors, 310.

es, influence of, 235.

sekeeping classes, 107.

House, 342.

[blocks in formation]

Juvenile criminals, antecedents of, 233.
Juvenile criminals, parental condition of, 233.
Juvenile delinquency, lessening of, 234.
Juvenile Offenders Bill, 352.

Juvenile reformation, 216.

Kansas, report from, 348.

Kentucky, care of insane in, 171.
Kentucky, report from, 349.
Kindergarten, influence of, 232.

Kindergarten methods for feeble-minded, 157.
Kindergartens for children's hospitals, 275.

"Labor and Life of the People" (Charles Booth),


"Leitfaden" (Pastor Schäfer), 74

Letters: from E. W. Morrill, 469; from T. L.
Brown, 470; from W. C. Edwards, 470; from
A. J. Smith, 471; from C. S. Loch, 495; from
Octavia Hill, 497; from S. H. Waterlow, 498.
Limit of speeches, 443.

Liquor saloons, number of, 519.

Loan Associations, 5.

Loan Bureau, 7.

Loan Closets, 58.

Loaning of money, 265.

Loans to the poor, 507.

London, relief by work in, 10.

Louisiana, care of insane in, 184.

Louisiana, report from, 349.

Louisville Charity Organization Society, 93.

Maine, report from, 350.

Married vagabonds, 514.

Maryland, care of insane in, 174.
Maryland, report from, 352.

Massachusetts, outdoor public relief in, 61.
Massachusetts, report from, 354.

Massage as occupation for the blind, 360.
Medical charity, 285.

Michigan, report from, 355.

Migration between States, 248.

Minnesota, report from, 357.

Minutes and Discussions, 440.

Mississippi, care of insane in, 175.

Mississippi, report from, 358.

Missouri, care of insane in, 182.

Missouri, report from, 359, 361.

Mont-de-Piété system, 507.

Montana, report from, 361.

Monthly allowance per family of outdoor relief, 67.

Moral influence of trained nurses, 256.

Mother Bikerdike, 459.

Nebraska, relief for drought in, 479.

Nebraska, report from, 362, 364.

Negro, insanity in, 164.

Negroes, United States home for, 337.

Neighborhoods, permanent improvement of, 101.

Nevada, report from, 365.

New Hampshire, report from, 365, 366.

New Haven, aid for discharged prisoners, 12.
New Haven, charitable societies in, 57.

New Jersey, report from, 367.

New Mexico, report from, 369.

New York, density of population of, 236.
New York, report from, 369.

New York Trade School, 198.

Night lodging-houses, 59.

North Carolina, care of insane in, 183.

North Carolina, report from, 375.

North Dakota, report from, 376.
Norwich method, 516.

Nurses' Club, 261.

Nurses in settlement work, 264.

Nurses, training schools for, 256.

Nursing in almshouses, cost of, 282.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

"Present and Future of the Negro (James
Bryce), 186.

President's address, 1.

Prison system of Delaware, 331.

Probation for good conduct, act to establish, in
Maryland, 353.

Problems of an institution, 204.

Protection and training of feeble-minded women,

Provident Loan Society, 7, 375.

Provident Loan Society, New York, 507.
Provident Medical Associations, 285.
Public and private relief, 44.

Public and private relief in Chicago, 66.

Public Charities, State Boards of, 28.

Public relief in Chicago, 67.

Public sanitation, 149.

Pullman strike, 8.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Soldiers' homes, 303..

Soldiers' homes, statistical tables of, 314.
South Carolina Asylum for Negroes, 167.
South Carolina, care of insane in, 173.
South Carolina, report from, 381.
South Dakota, report from, 382.
State Boards, discussion on, 442.
State Boards, mission of, 445..

State institutions, tables relating to, 397.
State Primary School, Massachusetts, 355.
State Boards of Public Charities, 28.
State institutions, mismanagement in, 40.
State provision for colored insane, 169.
State, the, obligations of, to juveniles, 238.
States, reports from, 318.

Statistical study of hereditary criminality, 154.
Statistics of criminals, 136.

St. John's Guild, work of, for sick children, 269.
Stock-breeding, 147.

Tables relating to State institutions, 397.
Tennessee, report from, 382.

Tennessee, care of insane in, 177.

Tewksbury Almshouse, trained nursing in, 280.

Tewksbury Almshouse, training school in, 490.

Texas, care of insane in, 181.

Texas, report from, 383.

Text-books for study of economics, 129.

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