BRITISH AND FOREIGN STATE PAPERS. 1914. (Part II.) VOL. CVIII. COMPILED AND EDITED BY EDWARD C. BLECK, Esq., C. M.G., WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF JOHN W. FIELD, ESQ., AND LESLIE R. SHERWOOD, Esq., LONDON: PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from IMPERIAL HOUSE, KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C. 2, and 28, ABINGDON STREET, LONDON, S.W 1 or from E. PONSONBY, LTD,, 116, GRAFTON STREET, DUBLIN; Price Ten Shillings. N.B.-Although assistance is given towards this compilation from public funds on the ground of its general utility, it must be understood that it is not an official publication, and that the Editors are responsible for its contents. LIST OF VOLUMES. [For Volumes I to XXVI, compiled by the late Lewis Hertslet, Esq., Volumes XXVII to LXIII, compiled by the late Sir Edward Hertslet, K.C.B., and Volumes LXV to LXXXII, compiled by thel ate Sir Edward Hertslet, K.C.B., and Sir Cecil Hertslet, see List in Volume LXXXII.] General Index to the first 63 volumes (Chronologically and Alphabetically arranged). Vol. LXIV. COMPILED BY SIR AUGUSTUS OAKES, C.B., and SIR WILLOUGHBY MAYCOCK, K.C.M.G., WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF COMPILED BY RICHARD W. BRANT, ESQ., C.M.G., AND SIR WILLOUGHBY MAYCOCK, K.C.M.G., WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF HARRY L. SHERWOOD, ESQ. 1901-1902 1902-1903. 1903-1904. 1904-1905 1911.... COMPILED BY RICHARD W. BRANT, ESQ., C.M.G., AND HARRY L. SHERWOOD, Esq., WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF COMPILED BY EDWARD C. BLECK, ESQ., C.M.G., AND COMPILED BY EDWARD C. BLECK, ESQ., C.M.G., WITH THE ASSISTANCH OF JOHN W. FIELD, ESQ., AND LESLIE R. SHERWOOD, ESQ. 342067 Vol. CVIII. |