ings fifteen members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE 17. Amendments to the By-Laws may be made at any stated meeting of the Association by a two-thirds vote; provided, notice of such proposed amendment be given in writing at a previous meeting, and also notice be given to each member by the Secretary, of the pendency of such amendment, ten days at least before any such meeting. AMENDMENT TO CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. The following amendment was adopted at the seventy-fifth meeting of the Association, September 30, 1903: "ARTICLE 5. Any active or associate member by the single payment of one hundred dollars shall be exempt from all future payments for dues and shall become a life member having all the privileges of active members. All moneys thus paid shall be invested as a permanent fund by the Treasurer acting under the direction of the Board of Government, of which the income only shall be subject to appropriation for current expenses. All articles of the Constitution and By-Laws, beginning with Article 5, shall be increased in number to the next cardinal number." |