upon which, at right angles, are bolted wooden timbers. To the top of these wooden timbers a four inch matched plank is spiked, and on the top of this is a % inch hard wood floor. IO. It will be noted from Figure 2 that the looms are driven from overhead counters and shafting. A great many weave sheds are driven from shafting in the basement, but experience seems to have proven that with the belts below there is a great deal of loss of time of loom fixers going into the basement, in order to throw the belts on. The convenience of handling the belts with the overhead drive, in the opinion of Mr. STEARNS, more than offsets the inconvenience and dirt occasioned by having the drive overhead. The method of drive is by electric motors, belted to the main line shafts, these line shafts being belted to various counters and from the counters direct to the looms. VENTILATING AND HEATING. After a thorough investigation of the methods in vogue in various weave sheds throughout the country, it was decided to heat this shed by direct radiation, and to accomplish this result, steam pipes were placed around the walls of the building, near the floor, and also run lengthwise of the building, underneath. the skylights. One-third of the amount of pipe in this building is at the roof, and two-thirds near the floor line. The direct system of radiation was adopted because of the fact that it is more economical to operate. For the ventilating, cooling and humidifying, fans were placed in the basement. There are two (2) steel plate blowers, having wheels ninety inches in diameter and forty-eight inch face. They are arranged as shown in Figures 4 and 5, and they can either draw air from outside, from the basement, or from both sources. These fans are each driven by a 25 horse power motor, and they run at 150 revolutions per minute. The builders' rating for each of these fans, at this speed, is about 48,000 cubic feet of air per minute. Each of the fans, when running at its rated speed, requires 20 horse power to operate it. 1 The air is drawn from outside or from the basement, or from both sources at the same time, as shown by Figures 4 and 5. For cooling and humidifying the air in the summer there is a system of spray nozzles placed in the conduit through which the air from outside passes to the fans. These spray nozzles are of special design and deliver the water in an exceedingly fine spray into the air current. There are forty-eight of these nozzles and they require thirty gallons of water per minute, under about forty pounds pressure. The water to supply them is pumped from the ground by a triplex power pump, requiring about 31⁄2 horse power to operate it. The temperature of the water from these wells always remains at 54 degrees Fahrenheit. After the air passes through this fine. spray of water it encounters baffle plates which remove the entrained water, and the air then passes on to the fans, and is carried by galvanized iron piping to various sections of the basement, and from there passes up into the weave room above through pipes in the walls, and is delivered into the weave room at about eight (8) feet above the floor. Deflectors have been arranged on these outlets so that the air can be guided in the proper direction, as it was found that if this current of air strikes the weavers they feel chilly. It is therefore guided just over their heads. On each sawtooth there are provided four (4) sixteen inch ventilators. Roof ventilators have been a constant source of annoyance, owing to the fact that they condense the moisture from the outgoing air, which drips into the room below. To obviate this difficulty these ventilators were designed as is shown by Figure 6. The walls of both the stationary and revolving parts are made double and the space between is filled with nonconducting material. In order to tightly close the ventilators, to prevent condensation in winter, a damper was designed as is shown in Figures 3 and 6. This damper shuts against soft packing and has proved satisfactory. A slight amount of condensation, however, has occurred even with this tight-closing damper, and this is cared for by a metal trough, as is shown in Figure 6, into which this condensation drips. It alternately collects in this trough and then re-evaporates. Both fans are operated at their maximum capacity during the summer. For humidifying and ventilating in winter, one fan is operated, drawing part of its air from the basement and part from out of doors. The air is humidified by passing over an iron trough in which water is boiled. The steam arising from this boiling water accomplishes the proper humidification. There are a large number of openings from the weave room into the basement, at the floor line. These openings are protected by automatic dampers, so that in case of fire they will |