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neighbors so that a lubricant is needed to reduce internal friction. just as oil is needed in a bearing. Withhold the lubricating food and the fibres will get dry the whole belt will grow hard, crack, slip, and its life will be shortened. We believe further that in general to shorten (tighten) a belt is like beating a horse when it is time to feed him. The effect on both is the same, namely, it takes the life out of each of them.

Eleven years ago the Cling-Surface Co. of Buffalo began to introduce a belt food called Cling-Surface. The test of time has substantiated their claim that its use makes possible the transmission of power with practically no belt tension.

Feed all of your belts with it, applying regularly as it can be absorbed and tight belts are no longer necessary. They will not slip. When a belt is properly filled with Cling-Surface it is permanently benefited and will never get dry and hard again. It can be figured as an asset always because a pound of ClingSurface put into a belt stays there and is worth more there than when in the can.


It is natural to look askance at that, the claims of which tend to overthrow the rules of existing practise. It has always been There may be those in this room today who could have become independently wealthy had they purchased Bell Telephone stock when a generation ago it went begging at a few cents per share.

The intelligent use of this food in all belts (not the few troublesome ones only) to its full extent will accomplish the following:

I. Your friction load will be reduced at least five per cent. and may be twenty per cent. How many tons of coal per year will this represent?

2. Your belt expense (including lacings, cement, etc.) will steadily grow less.

3. Your Sunday work tightening belts will be cut out. dollars did you spend for this in 1907?

How many

4. Your product in all departments will appreciably increase and its quality improve.



You will sell less waste in proportion to your product than ever

6. Hot boxes will be unknown in your mill.

7. Your belts, rope drives and spindle bands will be unaffected by atmospheric changes. You will no longer dread fogs or dog days.

8. Your main belt (or any other) in time of flood will not come apart if the water reaches it.

9. Your shafting and hangers will not come down when excess loads come upon the belts suddenly.

10. Your mill will start up Mondays on time.

Figure these ten items of saving in dollars and cents. You will be convinced that the careful feeding of belts will pay and pay well. But it must be done with system along well defined lines. Personal prejudice or lack of interest is fatal to success in any line of investigation.

Each belt is a law unto itself and must be treated accordingly. "Sick" belts must be diagnosed with care. Their present condition and previous treatment considered before the feeding begins.

As no two things in nature even of the same kind are exactly alike so no two belts are exactly alike nor are any two laps in the same belt exactly alike. Therefore it is manifestly impossible to accurately form a judgment until not one but a number of belts (of which some should be new) have been fed for some time according to the best knowledge on the subject.

The bad effects of previous treatments are not always manifest until some time after the proper treatment has been in progress.

As it is the legitimate function of some belts to slip it may not always be wise to subject such belts to a treatment one of whose most valuable features is to stop all slippage.

Today more than ever before is it necessary to the highest success in any business that "leaks" both big and little shall be stopped. The attainment of this desirable end is not always


In the proper care of belting good judgment is the great

essential. This quality is the possession of each member of this Association or he would not be in the position he now holds. A technical education is not necessary. It must be borne in mind, however, that nothing in this life worthy of attainment is accomplished without effort. Perserverance will bring success.

The following pages show two diagrams from Prof. CARPENTER'S report and photographs of belts in operation which before being filled with Cling-Surface slipped even when run with excessive tension.

The machine which we have here while little more than a toy demonstrates that a belt properly filled with Cling-Surface will when running slack transmit more power than a similar untreated belt running tight.

Arc of Contact.

[blocks in formation]

Initial Tension per Inch width of Belt.


Upper curve shows C. S. belt at its slackest, delivering 40% more power than the untreated belt at point of greatest tension, and with relief at all points.

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Showing area of contact at time of highest delivery was 21c an slip under 2% (2% being the ideal minimum of best practice). Compare with untreated belt.



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