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Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

(Acts of 1895, Chap. 163.)


Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

SECTION 1. The New England Cotton Manufacturers' Association is hereby authorized to hold its meetings in any state or territory of the United States and in the District of Columbia; provided, however, that its annual meeting shall be held in this Commonwealth at least once in five years.

SECT. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved March 23, 1895.]

No. 252.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

BE IT KNOWN that whereas


a corporation organized under the laws of this Commonwealth and subject to the provisions of chapter one hundred and twenty-five of the Revised Laws has complied with the provisions of chapter one hundred and nine of the Revised Laws, as appears from the certified copy of the order of the Commissioner of Corporations, authorizing said corporation to change its name and adopt the name of

THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COTTON MANUFACTURERS, and the certificate of the Vice-President and Acting President, Treasurer and Directors of said corporation duly filed in this office pursuant to the provisions of section ten of the aforesaid chapter one hundred and nine of the Revised Laws.

NOW THEREFORE, I, William M. Olin, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, that the name which said corporation shall bear is

THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COTTON MANUFACTURERS, which shall hereafter be its legal name.

Seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

WITNESS my official signature hereunto subscribed, and the Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts hereunto affixed this twenty-fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and six.


Secretary of the Commonwealth.








ARTICLE I. Any person who is actively engaged as President, Treasurer, Agent, Superintendent or Manager in the manufacture, printing or finishing of cottons shall be eligible for active membership.


ARTICLE 2. All nominations for membership shall be made in writing, at least one week before the date of any regular meeting, and shall be considered by the Board of Government, and reported to the meeting, favorably or adversely, for the action of the Association. Provided, that in case the Board shall decide to report adversely upon any nomination, the member who shall have made it shall be informed of the intention so to report, in order that he may have an opportunity to withdraw the name. Upon such report active members may be admitted, if they obtain a majority of votes of the members present and voting therefor, by acceptance in writing, and paying an admission fee of ten dollars, and maintaining their membership by the payment. of an annual assessment not exceeding ten dollars.* Any member failing to pay two successive assessments shall cease to be a member at the end of six months from the date when such second assessment shall become due. Any member may withdraw from the Association upon payment of all arrearages, first giving notice of his intention so to do, in writing, to the Secretary, and the Board of Government may

*This assessment has never exceeded five dollars for active members and ten dollars for associate members.

accept such resignation; and any member may be expelled for cause, at any regular meeting, two-thirds of the members present voting therefor.


ARTICLE 3. Persons engaged in the manufacture of cotton or cotton fabrics, or the manufacture of textile machinery, or industries kindred to the cotton manufacture, may become associate members of the Association. The methods of application, nomination, election and withdrawal from the Association being under the same conditions as those provided for active members in Article 2 excepting that this class of membership does not carry with it the privilege of voting or speaking, except by permission from the Board of Government or a vote of the Association to allow permission.

The initiation fee for associate members shall be twenty-five dollars, and the annual assessment shall be double the sum annually voted for active members.

Associate members may be expelled by a majority vote of the Board of Government.


ARTICLE 4. Honorary members may be elected, when recommended by the Board of Government, at any regular meeting of the Association, who shall be enrolled as such, and shall be entitled to attend the meetings of the Association and participate in its proceedings, without the right to vote. They shall not be subject to payment of admission fees or assessments. No person actively engaged in cotton manufacture shall be eligible to honorary membership.


ARTICLE 5. Any active or associate member by the single payment of one hundred dollars shall be exempt from all future payments for dues and shall become a life member having all the privileges of active members.

All moneys thus paid shall be invested as a permanent fund by the Treasurer acting under the direction of the Board of Government, of which the income only shall be subject to appropriation for current ..expenses.

ARTICLE 6. It shall be the duty of all members of the Association to make returns to the Secretary of such statistics as may be called for by him, under the direction of any committee duly appointed for the collection of statistics, when not incompatible with private interests.


ARTICLE 7. The officers of this Association shall be a President, two Vice-Presidents, nine Directors, a Treasurer, Secretary, and Auditor of Accounts.


ARTICLE 8. At each annual meeting there shall be chosen by ballot a President, two Vice-Presidents and three Directors; the President and Vice-Presidents to serve one year, and the three Directors shall be chosen for terms of three years, unless sooner removed as hereinafter provided.


ARTICLE 9. The President, or in his absence the senior Vice-President present, shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Government. All officers shall hold their respective offices until their successors shall be chosen and accept their positions.

ARTICLE 10. The President, Vice-Presidents and Directors shall constitute a Board of Government, and have under their care and direction all matters pertaining to the management of the Association; and five of their number shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Meetings of the board may be called by the President, at such time and place as he may deem expedient, giving each member a written or printed notice of the same at least five days before the day of meeting. At their first meeting the board shall elect a Treasurer, Secretary, and Auditor of Accounts for the year ensuing, and fix the amount of compensation of the Secretary. All vacancies in their board occasioned by death or resignation or removal, shall be filled by the board; and the persons so elected shall hold their offices until the next annual meeting except as hereinafter provided. The board may, from time to time, as they shall deem expedient, appoint committees, from among their own board or from the members at large, to collect statistical information, examine new inventions or processes in manufacturing goods, as also to prepare essays on subjects of interest to the Association.

ARTICLE II. The Treasurer shall keep a book in which all receipts and payments of money shall be entered, collect all moneys due the Association, and disburse the same upon the written order of the Board of Government. At the annual meeting in each year he shall make an exhibit of his accounts, or oftener if the Board of Government require it. He shall notify the members of assessments voted, and cause them to be collected in a reasonable time.

ARTICLE 12. The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Association and of the Board of Government, and keep accurate records of their doings. In the absence of the Secretary at any meeting, a Secretary pro tem. may be appointed by the presiding officer, who shall be sworn to do all things, while in office, required of the Secretary.

ARTICLE 13. The Auditor shall examine the accounts of the Treasurer annually, and report at each meeting the state of the finances. ARTICLE 14. Any officer who shall unreasonably absent himself from three consecutive meetings of the Board of Government of which he is a member, or shall otherwise neglect or refuse to perform the duties of his office, may be removed from office at any regular meeting of the Board of Government by a vote of a majority of the members present and voting thereon, a notice of such proposed action to be sent to him by mail at least one week previous to the meeting.


ARTICLE 15. The annual meeting of the members of the Association shall be held on the last Wednesday of April, or at such other time, and at such hour and place as the Board of Government may appoint. There shall also be a semi-annual meeting of the Association on the last Wednesday of October, in each and every year, or at such other time, and at such place and hour as the Board of Government may appoint.

Special meetings may be called by the Board of Government whenever they deem it expedient, or upon the written application of any ten members, made to the Secretary.

ARTICLE 16. All meetings of the members of the Association shall be in pursuance of a written or printed notice, addressed to each member, with the name of the President or Secretary attached thereto, and deposited in the Post Office ten days at least before the day of meeting, specifying the time and place of meeting; and at all such meet

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