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are expected on the following subjects, and advance copies of any papers which are printed in time will be sent to members on request.

Arts of Weaving and Spinning.
Belts and Belt Transmission.
Combing Short Staple Cotton.

Conditioning Cotton Yarns.

Construction and Ventilation of a Weave Shed.

Cotton Cultivation in West Africa.

Cotton Mill Stocks as Investments.

Economic Possibilities of Good Lubrication.

Egyptian Cotton.

Heating Systems for Mills.

Improvements in the Cotton Fibre from the Storage of Seed

Needs and Advantages of a Cotton Exchange in New England.
Sea Island Cotton.

Steam Turbines.

The Steadying Power and Influence of Consolidation.

What a Manufacturer Should Know about Coal.

Yarn Testing.

The Committee on Meeting, wearing white badges, consists of Messrs. ROBERT BEATTY, Chairman; JOSEPH P. BATTLES, JOHN H. C. CHURCH, THOMAS G. COX, PHILIP DANA, DANIEL J. DANKER, JOHN A. FERNLEY, FRANK J. HALE, FREDERIC W. HOWE, JOSEPH B. JAMIESON, PARDON B. SANFORD, and G. MARSTON WHITIN, will have general charge of the sessions.

Hotel Brunswick, opposite the Institute of Technology, will serve a special lunch on Thursday and Friday in a dining room reserved from 12.30 until 2.30 for those attending the meetings. Tickets to be obtained at the hotel desk.

The souvenir badges will be given to those members who are in attendance, and the Board of Government has given instructions that duplicates shall not be given until after the adjournment, but other souvenir badges will be given to the guests of members.

Many desirable persons have not become members because they have not been invited. Candidates for membership will receive the

same privileges as members. Blank propositions are inside the front cover of the Transactions, or will be sent on application.

The Boston Museum of Fine Arts invites the members to examine their collection of Textiles at any time between 9 A. M., and 1 P. M., or between 2 P. M. and 5 P. M., on either day of the meeting. In addition to the tapestries, rugs, velvets and silks exhibited in the Textile Gallery on the second floor, a large collection of rare textiles may be seen in Room 14 in the basement of the building. Members will be admitted free on exhibition of badge, and others will pay the usual entrance fee of twenty-five cents.

A limited number of signed tickets, each admitting the bearer with friends, including ladies, to the seventy-eighth exhibition of paintings at the Boston Art Club, corner of Dartmouth and Newbury streets, open from 9 A. M., to 10 P. M., may be obtained of the Secretary.

Copies of the Report of the Fourth International Cotton Congress held at Vienna, will be sent free on application, to this Association, Postoffice Box 3672, Boston, Mass., or can be obtained at the meeting.

Members who have overlooked their postal card receipts for Transactions are requested to give the matter attention, as it is only through this means that the headquarters of the Association are able to know that members receive the volumes and notices to which they are entitled, and to keep an accurate record for sending Transactions and notices to members.

It is important that the Association should be promptly imformed of changes of address of any members, in order that they may receive their copies of Transactions.

The SECRETARY. Mr. President, I certify that a copy of the call was mailed to each member at least ten days before this date, in accordance with Article 16 of the by-laws, and that a quorum is now present for the transaction of any business which may come before this meeting.

The program of the meeting was as follows:


First Session, Thursday, April 16, 1908, at 11 A. M.

Call to Order.


Report of Secretary.

Report of Treasurer.

Report of Auditor.

Award of Association Medal.

CHARLES B. BURLEIGH, Chairman, Boston, Mass.

Welcome to the Institute.

ARTHUR A. NOYES, Ph. D., President Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass.

Welcome to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

His Honor, EBEN S. DRAPER, Lieutenant-Governor, Acting

President's Address.


The Steadying Power and Influence of Consolidation.
Hon. JAMES LOGAN, Mayor, Worcester, Mass.

The Arts of Weaving and Spinning.

WILLIAM B. WEEDEN, Providence, R. I.

Cotton Mill Stocks as Investments.

W. IRVING BULLARD, Danielson, Conn.

Propositions for membership should be in the hands of the Secretary on Thursday

Hotel Brunswick opposite the Institute of Technology will serve a special lunch on Thursday and Friday, in a dining room reserved,

from 12.30 until 2.30 for those attending the meetings. Tickets to be obtained at the hotel desk.

Second Session, Thursday, April 16, 1908, at 2 P. M.


The Need and Advantages of a Cotton Exchange in New England.
JAMES R. MACCOLL, Pawtucket, R. I.

Improvements in the Cotton Fibre from Storage of Seed Cotton.
The Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C.

Egyptian Cotton.

P. N. CARIDIA, Boston, Mass.

Sea Island Cotton.

F. G. SCHELL, Secretary Sea Island Cotton Association
Lake Butler, Florida.


Thursday evening will be devoted to a banquet in Hotel Brunswick at 6 o'clock, for 6.30 P. M. The occasion will be entirely informal as to dress. Addresses are expected from a number of excellent speakers, among whom are His Honor GEORGE A. HIBBARD, Mayor of Boston; HENRY CLEWS, LL. D., New York; Rev. FREDERICK W. HAMILTON, D.D., LL. D., President Tufts College; Hon. HARVEY N. SHEPARD, Boston; WILLIAM WHITMAN, Esq., President National Association of Woolen Manufacturers, Boston, Mass. Music will be furnished by Keene's orchestra.

The general arrangements will be in charge of the dinner committee, consisting of Messrs. NATHANIEL F. AYER, Chairman; ALBERT FARWELL BEMIS. ARTHUR T. BRADLEE, George B. Morison, George W. St. AMANT, and JAMES P. TOLMAN.

Members can obtain tickets for themselves and their guests at four dollars each before noon on Thursday, by application at the office of the Association or of the Dinner Committee at the meeting.

Candidates for membership can obtain tickets the same as members, but tickets for non-members must be obtained on their behalf by those members of whom they are personal guests.

Third Session, Friday, April 17,, 1908, at 10 A M.

Cotton Cultivation in West Africa.

WILLIAM HOWARTH, Bolton, England.

Conditioning Cotton Yarns.

ROBERT J. HOGUET, 138 Spring St., New York City.

Yarn Testing.

WILLIAM MYERS, Manchester, England.

Combing Short Staple Cotton.

JOHN W. NASMITH, Manchester, England.
(To be read by STEPHEN C. Lowe.)

Economic Possibilities of Good Lubrication.

WILLIAM F. PARISH, Jr., Briefe 1, Stubenring 2, Vienna,
Austria. (To be read by C. H. PARKER of New
York City.)

Fourth Session, Friday, April 17, 1908, at 2 P. M.

The Construction and Ventilation of a Weave Shed.

SAMUEL M. GREEN, C. E., Holyoke, Mass.

Election of Members.

Belts and Belt Transmission.

CHAS. F. CHASE, 39 Cortlandt St., New York City.

Steam Turbines.

MELDON H. MERRILL, Boston, Mass.

Election of Officers.

What a Manufacturer Should Know About Coal.

E. G. BAILEY, Chief of Coal Department, Arthur D. Little
Laboratory, Boston, Mass.

Heating Systems for Mills.

A. G. HOSMER, M. E., Clinton, Mass.

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