The committee on meeting, wearing white badges, consists of Messrs. ROBERT BEATTY, Chairman; JOSEPH P. BATTLES, JOHN H. C. CHURCH, THOMAS G. Cox, PHILIP DANA, DANIEL J. DANKER, JOHN A. FERNLEY, FRANK J. HALE, FREDERIC W. HOWE, JOSEPH B. JAMIESON, PARDON B. SANFORD and G. MARSTON WHITIN, who will have general charge of the sessions. The souvenir badges will be given to those members who are in attendance, and the Board of Government has given instructions that duplicates shall not be given until after the adjournment, but other souvenir badges will be given to the guests of members. The Boston Museum of Fine Arts invites the members to examine their collection of Textiles at any time between 9 A. M. and 1 P. M., or between 2 P. M. and 5 P. M., on either day of the meeting. In addition to the tapestries, rugs, velvets and silks exhibited in the Textile Gallery on the second floor, a large collection of rare textiles may be seen in room 14 in the basement of the building. Members will be admitted free on exhibition of badge and others will pay the usual entrance fee of twenty-five cents. A limited number of signed tickets, each admitting the bearer with friends, including ladies, to the seventy-eighth exhibition of paintings at the Boston Art Club, corner of Dartmouth and Newbury streets, open from 9 A. M. to 10 P. M., may be obtained from the Secretary. Copies of the Report of the Fourth International Cotton Congress of Master Cotton Spinners' and Manufacturers' Association held at Vienna, may be obtained at the meeting, or will be sent free on application to this Association, Postoffice Box 3672, Boston, Mass. The Secretary read the records of the last meeting, held at the New Willard Hotel, Washington, D. C., October 3 and 4, 1907, and on motion of Mr. JOHN GREGSON, the same were approved. The SECRETARY. Mr. President, it is my duty to announce that after the close of this meeting the terms of the following officers expire by limitation: PRESIDENT. WILLIAM D. HARTSHORNE. VICE PRESIDENTS. CHARLES T. PLUNKETT, GEORGE OTIS DRAPER. DIRECTORS. ROBERT BEATTY, FREDERICK A. FLATHER, ROSCOE S. MILLIKEN. This awaits the pleasure of the meeting. Mr. CHARLES H. FISH. Mr. President, I move that the President appoint a committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year. The motion was seconded and adopted, and the President appointed the following as the Committee on Nominations: J. R. MONTGOMERY, chairman, Windsor Locks, Conn.; ARTHUR O. DAWSON, Montreal, Canada; Gen. WILLIAM AMES, Providence, R. I.; RUSSELL W. EATON, Brunswick, Me.; DANIEL MOORE BATES, Wilmington, Del.; WILLIAM T. WESTERMAN, Philadelphia, Penn.; EDWARD W. THOMAS, Baltimore, Md.; DANIEL A. TOMPKINS, Charlotte, N. C. The PRESIDENT. There is another committee which ought to be appointed at this time, the Committee on Resolutions. Has any one a motion to make on that point? Mr. JAMES R. MACCOLL. Mr. President, I move the appointment of a Committee on Resolutions. The motion was seconded by Mr. CHARLES H. FISH and adopted, and the President appointed the following as the Committee on Resolutions: JAMES R. MACCOLL, chairman, Providence, R. I.; WALTER E. PARKER, Lawrence, Mass.; GEORGE OTIS DRAPER, Hopedale, Mass.; JOSEPH MERRIAM, Middletown, Conn.; WILLIAM L. LYALL, Passaic, N. J.; JOHN P. WOOD, Philadelphia, Penn.; EDWIN FARNUM GREENE, Boston, Mass.; JOHN B. WILD, Utica, N. Y.; BROADUS E. WILLINGHAM, Macon, Ga. The PRESIDENT. The next in order is the report of the Secretary. 409381 THE SECRETARY'S REPORT. The additions to the membership have been greater during the past year than that of any year in its history, with one exception; but the numerical increase in membership is not a full measure of its growth because the influence resulting from the force of larger numbers applies to a wider scope, and has imposed upon this organization certain added duties and even responsibilities in respect to the interests of its members. It has always been the policy of this Association to attend to such needs even to the smallest details, as an organization must be managed upon such a policy that membership in it will be distinctly advantageous to those who are competent to be of its number. A careful tabulation of the relations of each of its members as indicated by their positions was made last summer and showed that a majority were in positions whose responsibilties were upon the financial side of cotton manufacturing, and this was without any diminution of their duties pertaining to the technical side of the industry. The growth of the industrial unit and the competitions of more extensive lines of manufacture, and also those of wider markets have increased the responsibilities of those in charge of such establishments particularly in connection with systematic methods of organization without which the management of a large mill would involve duties beyond the physical strength or the mental capacity of any one individual. The establishments whose managers comprise the membership of this Association amounted last July to 17,157,637 spindles; 1,472 sets of woolen and worsted cards: 5,849 knitting machines. and 67 printing machines; and these with the industries represented in the associate membership, amounted to a capital of $734,586,700. A careful estimate of the net accessions since. that time warrants the belief that the capitalization represented at the present time is over $750,000,000. This Association has received a greater number than usual of requests to affiliate with other organizations, especially in various patriotic and commercial movements of undoubted merit; but the Board of Government as heretofore have continued to avoid any such affiliations, because, irrespective of other conditions, this is an Association of individuals and not of manufacturing establishments. During the past year the Association has to a certain extent deviated from previous customs upon which there were no rules to the contrary, when the condition of legislation relative to the establishment of forest reservations by the Federal Government in the White Mountains and eastern slope of the Appalachians was brought to its attention. The importance of a uniform water supply by forests conserving the rainfall which it gives out in the summer and mitigates the severity of low water during the warm months has been a matter which all manufacturers using water power have long viewed with the most serious apprehension.. At the annual meeting of April 26, 1906, the Association passed resolutions in favor of such legislation. Three bills providing for this measure have passed the United States Senate, but have failed to pass the House and it was felt by many that this failure has been due to the fact that the importance of the measure to the manufacturing interests of the country and the employment of labor which their operation implies had not been fully set forth by the manufacturers. Your secretary and four of the members attended a hearing and have presented this side of the matter to the Committee on Agriculture, by whom it is believed that these facts have received. careful consideration. The Association has also sent to the |