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capable of a still greater courage." Other journals appeared with black borders. To-day the German soldiers, in large numbers, visited the Louvre, Carrousel and other places of public resort, the populace, as a rule, looking on with sorrow and resignation. The "Red" leaders still maintained their cannon and barricades in the Belleville, St. Martin, and Temple districts.

2.-Writing to Cardinal Patrizi, Dean of the College of Jesuits and Vicar-General of the Holy See, the Pope explains the nature of his connection with the Jesuits, and defends the order against attacks made on it by "the invaders of our secular dominions." "We often apply to the Fathers of the Company of Jesus and entrust them with various interests, more especially those appertaining to the holy ministry; and they have continually shown more and more of that laudable affection and zeal in their fulfilment, for which our predecessors often had occasion to praise them largely. But this most just attachment and esteem which we entertain for this order-so well-merited from the Church of Christ, the Holy See, and the Christian community in general-is far from the abject servility attributed to us by the scoffers, whose calumny we disdainfully reject from us, as well as from the humble devotion of the Fathers."

Explosion in the Victoria Pit, Ebbw Vale, Monmouthshire, causing the death of 19 out of 30 persons in the works at the time.


In the Commons to-day the sitting was chiefly occupied with a debate on the Government proposal for a Select Committee to inquire into the present disturbed condition of Westmeath, Sir Robert Peel, Mr. Osborne, and others, taunting ministers for seeking to obstruct free inquiry. On a division the Committee was carried by 256 to 175 votes.

Explosion of the powder arsenal at Morges, causing the death of twenty soldiers engaged at the time in withdrawing bullets from the French cartridges.

3.-The German soldiers begin to leave Paris on their march homeward, Count Bismarck having obtained from Jules Favre, in the forenoon, official intimation of the Treaty being ratified by the Bordeaux Assembly. The Emperor telegraphed from Versailles to Berlin :-— "I have just ratified the conclusion of peace, it having been accepted yesterday by the National Assembly in Bordeaux. Thus far is the great work complete, which by seven months' victorious battles has been achieved, thanks to the valour, devotion, and endurance of our incomparable army in all its parts, and the willing sacrifices of the whole Fatherland. The Lord of Hosts has everywhere visibly blessed our enterprises, and therefore by His mercy has permitted this honourable peace to be achieved. To Him be the honour; to the army and the Fatherland I render thanks from a heart deeply moved." This telegram was publicly read at Berlin amid salvoes of artillery

and peals from the church bells. The city was illuminated and an enthusiastic reception given to the Empress and Princesses.

3.-Acting under the advice of his medical adviser, Mr. Childers retires from the Admiralty and is succeeded by Mr. Goschen. Mr. Stansfeld afterwards succeeded to the Poor Law Board, and Mr. Baxter became Secretary to the Treasury.

- Destructive earthquake at Tanglandang Island, one of the Sanguir group in the Malay Archipelago, the sea rising to a great height and sweeping hundreds of the inhabitants off the streets and plantations on the coast.

4.-Commenced in the Commons, a debate on the proposal for a second reading of the Army Regulation Bill, Col. Lindsay moving that the expenditure necessary for the National Defences did not at present justify any vote of public money for the extinction of purchase.

Died at Haverstock Hill, aged 98, Lewis Doxat, connected with the Morning Chronicle in the early part of this century, and for fifty years editor of the Observer.

6.-The Pope congratulates the Emperor of Germany on the assumption of the Imperial dignity as an event likely to be beneficial to all Europe. "We return your Majesty, however, special thanks for the expression of your friendship for us, as we may hope that it will not inconsiderably contribute to the protection of the liberty and the rights of the Catholic religion. On the other hand, we request your Majesty to be convinced that we shall neglect nothing by which, when the opportunity presents itseli, we may be useful to your Majesty."


The ex-Emperor writes from Wilhelmshöhe, protesting against the deposition of his dynasty as unjust and illegal-"Unjust, because, when war was declared, the feeling of the nation, roused by causes independent of my wish, produced a general and irresistible enthusiasm; illegal, because the Assembly, elected for the sole object of concluding a peace, has exceeded its powers in dealing with questions beyond its competence, and because, even were it a Constituent Assembly, it would have no power to substitute its own will for that of the nation. The example of the past confirms this. The opposition of the Constituent Assembly, in 1848, yielded to the elections of the 10th of December, and in 1851 the nation, by upwards of seven millions of votes, supported me against the Legislative Assembly. Political feeling cannot overcome right, and in France the basis of all legitimate government is the plébiscite. Beyond it there is only usurpation by some for the oppression of the rest. I am ready, therefore, to submit to the free expression of the national will, but to it only. In the presence of lamentable events, which impose on everyone self-denial and disinterestedness, I could have desired to remain silent,

but the declarations of the Assembly compel me to protest in the name of truth disregarded and national rights despised."

6.-First_bankruptcy trial by jury under the new Act-Emanuel, jewellers, v. Talbot. Verdict for plaintiff by consent.

The Marquis of Salisbury introduces, but withdraws, after debate, a motion regarding the foreign guarantees of the British Government, and the deficiency of the naval and military forces of the country. What other people thought of us, he said, was shown by the conduct of Russia, Prussia, and the United States, the first of whom tore up a treaty in our face, the second concluded a peace on indefensible terms and in contempt of our views, while the third openly received and honoured those whom we had cast out as rebels. To maintain guarantees extending over Europe and even into other hemispheres, we had only a small army and a flet, which, since the Declaration of Paris, was valueless except for the defence of our own shores.-Earl Granville maintained that our armaments were sufficient to support our policy, and that at no time had the influence of this country in Continental politics been greater.

Public intimation given of the sale to Government, for 70,000/., of Sir Robert Peel's fine collection of paintings by old masters, including the well-known "Chapeau de Paille," and the finest Holbein in existence. They were soon afterwards arranged and hung upon the walls of the National Gallery.

-Died, aged 45, Henry Blackett, head of the publishing firm of Hurst and Blackett.

7. In reply to Mr. Disraeli, Mr. Gladstone states that Government had not been informed of any treaty negotiated last year between Prussia and Russia regarding the late war, and consequently Mr. Odo Russell had received no instructions on the point when sent to Versailles. Replying in similar terms to Lord Carnarvon on the 9th, Earl Granville ventured to ask, in return, if her Majesty's Opposition had any knowledge of the treaty in question.

The freehold of White's Club House, St. James's Street, sold at the Auction Mart for 46,000l.

8. The condition of Paris reported to be uneasy and threatening, the streets crowded with men in uniform, and the heights of Montmartre still in possession of the disaffected portion of the National Guard, with guns disposed so that they commanded the whole city.

The insurgents may at any moment drop a shell in the Tuileries, the Hôtel de Ville, the Palais Royal, or any of the crowded boulevards. The respectable portion of the press and the people begin to cry aloud for the subversion of the Government of Montmartre. Troops of the line are pouring into Paris; but the party of order does not trust them-the party of disorder does not fear them. Some soldiers are already to be seen at Montmartre fraternizing."

8. A report on the elections in Algeria submitted to the National Assembly. Gambetta, Andrien, and Colas were declared duly elected; but with respect to the fourth, General Garibaldi, the reporter proposed that, as he had already given in his resignation, a fresh election should take place. Suddenly a member rose and exclaimed that Garibaldi had no right to sit in a French Assembly, a declaration which brought M. Victor Hugo to his feet, exclaiming

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that when all Europe had abandoned France, one man came forward; but he was a power in himself. He came and fought, and was the only general who was not conquered." This speech encountered the loudest interruptions, and the tumult was such that Victor Hugo in vain endeavoured to obtain a further hearing. At length he exclaimed: "Three weeks ago you refused to sten to Garibaldi; you now refuse to listen to me. I give in my resignation." Frantic applause on the Left followed this declaration, and Victor Hugo proceeded to confirm his words in writing.

The monitor ship Glatton, commenced in 1868, from designs by Mr. Reed, undocked at Chatham, Miss Scott, daughter of the Dean of Rochester, performing the christening.

9.-Russian Five per Cent. Loan of 12,000,000/. issued at about 80 net. It was attempted to raise a popular feeling against this loan, but much more than the amount required was subscribed. A protest circulated on the Stock Exchange gave the following reasons for objecting to the loan:-1. The Conference is now sitting in London to consider the conduct of Russia in the matter of the Treaty of 1856. 2. The question raised by Prince Gortschakoff was, in the opinion of her Majesty's envoy, Mr. Odo Russell, of a nature in its present state to compel us, with or without allies, to go to war with Russia. 3. Under these circumstances, as good citizens and loyal subjects of our Queen, we consider that to supply Russia with means which might be used for aggressive purposes is most unpatriotic, and until the Conference has concluded its sittings in every way to be condemned.

A party of French sailors excite a disturbance at the Column of July by fastening a tri-coloured flag round the statue of Liberty on the top.

- Riotous proceedings at Zurich, originating in a meeting held by Germans in the Town-hall to celebrate the restoration of peace.

10.-The National Assembly, by a majority of 461 to 104 votes, resolve to remove from Bordeaux to Versailles. Speaking of the situa tion of Paris in the debate which preceded the division, M. Thiers said the action of a certain part of the population did not originally amount to anything culpable, because it was directed against the Prussians. It had, how


ever, degenerated into a culpable and factious attitude, but the Government hoped to be able to bring back the deluded people, and to avoid civil war. As regards myself and my colleagues," said M. Thiers, "we are all of one mind. If the peace should be disturbed, you may count on our patriotism to repress disturbances with the utmost energy. We shall never fail in this, but let us hope that this extremity, which has been momentarily feared in France, will be finally avoided. If we can avoid the shedding of blood, we shall consider it an honour to have done so."

10.- Gustave Flourens and M. Duvorne sentenced to death by a council of war for taking part in the riots of Oct. 31.

11.-The Sun newspaper, established in 1792, discontinued.

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Fire at Tooting, causing the death of an aged couple, Mr. and Mrs. Binfield, who were found suffocated in their room.

13.-Died, aged 70, Madame BonaparteWyse, widow of Sir Thomas Wyse, and daughter of Lucien Bonaparte.

The Black Sea Conference terminates its labours by agreeing to a treaty abrogating the restrictions imposed in 1856, and permitting the Porte to receive ships of war of friendly and allied Powers, in case the Porte should deem it necessary to do so in order to ensure the execution of the stipulation of the Treaty of Paris. The treaty also provided for the prolongation of the European Commission of the Danube for twelve years, for the continual neutrality of the works already created or to be created by the Commission, and reserved the right of the Porte as a territorial Power to send ships of war into the Danube.

14.-Trades Union Bill read a second

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17.-Earthquake shocks experienced in Yorkshire, Lancashire, and Durham.

18.-Revolutionary outbreak in Paris. Early this morning a Government proclamation was issued, announcing that, after having given to the disturbers of public tranquillity time to return to duty and obedience, seeing that no attention was paid to counsels and injunctions, they were now determined to act in the interests of the city and of France. "Those culpable individuals who have pretended to institute a Government of their own are about to be given up to justice. Your carmons are about to be returned to the arsenals, and to execute this urgent act of justice and reason the Government counts on your assistance." To carry out this determination strong detachments of troops, under the command of Generals Vinoy and Lecomte, were marched in the direction of Montmartre. The artillerymen of the troops mounted the hill, armed with their muskets, and engaged in parley with the officers in command, who made no opposition to the cannon being taken away. Meantime, the rappel sounded through the neighbourhood, and brought out great numbers of disaffected National Guards. Rushing upon the cannon, they were received with shots, when some of the Guards and a woman and child fell. After this words were exchanged between the National Guards and the soldiers, the ranks broke up, and they went off to fraternise and drink together. The 88th regiment joining the insurgents, seduced other troops of the line, and all together made an attack on the gendarmerie posted on the Place Pigal. The officer in command here drew his sword, and ordered his men to fire, but he was shot down, and his detachment thereupon withdrew. In a state of wild agitation the insurgents, now complete masters of the butte Montmartre, rushed upon General Lecomte, whom Vinoy, Military Governor of Paris, had placed in command of the faithless 88th regiment. He was led, amid circumstances of gross indignity, to the Rue des Rosiers, where he was joined, later in the day, by General Clément Thomas, who had ventured there, in plain clothes, to look after his comrade. These two generals were shot in a small garden adjoining the place of detention without trial, not, so far as could be learned, by the National Guard, but by infuriated soldiers, aided by some Mobiles who bore a grudge against General Thomas on account of the severity of his discipline during the siege. It was afterwards said that at the last moment General Lecomte, till then dignified and resolute, felt his courage fail. He tried to struggle, to fly, he ran several steps in the garden; then, instantly retaken, shaken, dragged, hustled, he fell on his knees and spoke of his children. "I have five!" said he, sobbing. The father's heart burst through the soldier's tunic. There were fathers in that crowd, and some voices replied with emotion to this heart-stirring appeal; but the implacable linesmen would not hear a word,


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"If we do not shoot him to-day, he will have us shot to-morrow." He was pushed against the wall. A sergeant of the line almost immediately advanced towards him. "General," said he, if you will promise- Suddenly changing his mind, he stepped two paces back and discharged his Chassepôt full in the General's chest. The others had only to finish the deed. Clément Thomas never showed a moment's weakness. His back against the same wall as Lecomte, but two paces from his corpse, he made head against death to the end, and spoke very harshly. When the guns were lowered, he by an instinctive gesture placed his left arm before his face; and this old Republican died in the attitude of Cæsar. Later in the day the insurgents took possession of the Hôtel de Ville, the Ministère de Justice, and the military head-quarters in the Place Vendôme. Barricades also began to appear in all directions. A proclamation signed by "The Central Committee of the National Guards" was posted up in the afternoon :--" Citizens, The French people, until the attempt was made to impose upon it by force an impossible calm, has awaited without fear and without provocation the shameful fools who desired to touch the Republic. This time our brothers of the army would not raise their hands against the arch of our liberties. Thanks to all, and that you and France have proclaimed the Republic, with all its consequences, the only Government which can close for ever the era of invasions and civil wars. The state of siege is raised. The people of Paris are convoked in their comitia for the communal elections. The security of all citizens is assured by the co-operation of the National Guard." At ten o'clock at night an eye-witness writes:-" The rebels are gaining upon the town point by point. They have come down from Montmartre and taken possession of the Prince Eugène barracks; they have planted the red flag on the column of the Bastille; we are expecting them on the boulevards every hour; half Paris is in their hands; and when we wake in the morning we expect that the town will be under the Government of the Red Republic. Private persons are in consternation, and the Government offices are in the greatest anxiety. On the exterior boulevards hardly any civilians are to be seen-none but armed men; and those few civilians who venture out in this quarter are immediately followed and suspected of being police spies. With the help of lanterns, the insurgents (it is now ten o'clock at night) are busily engaged in erecting barricades. The barricade at the top of the Rue Rochechouart is becoming quite formidable. The makers of the barricades encourage themselves with solemn oaths that they will die rather than surrender."

18. Dr. Payne Smith installed as Dean of Canterbury, in succession to Dr. Alford.


The Paris elections were to have taken place to-day, but the Mayors put aside the

action of the Committee till the consent of the National Assembly could be obtained. The Paris press also published a joint declaration counselling the electors not to vote. The Committee thereupon deferred their election scheme till the 22nd, seizing in the interim such of the mairies as were not already in their power.

18.-Died, aged 64, Professor Augustus De Morgan, an eminent authority in mathematical


The Queen of the Thames steamer lost near Cape Agulhas, on her homeward voyage, after making a trip of only 58 days to Sydney, the shortest known.

20.-The "Central Committee " issue an official organ, with a manifesto declaring that it is the offspring of the free expression of the suffrage on the part of 215 battalions of the National Guard. It repels the accusation brought against the Committee of being the promoter of disorder, for it says the National Guard which directs it has shown itself imposing and strong by the wisdom and moderation of its conduct. The manifesto further accuses the Government of having calumniated Paris, and of having incited the provinces against the capital. It adds:-" The Government has endeavoured to impose a commanderin-chief upon you, it has sought by nocturnal attempts to deprive us of our cannon, and has finally intended to take from Paris her crown of capital of France." A second proclamation fixed the election to "The Communal Council of Paris" for the 22nd (afterwards deferred to the 26th), and a third intimated that the Committee would, after the elections, lay down its provisional power in the hands of the people.

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M. Rouher, ex-Minister of the Empire, mobbed at Boulogne, and afterwards placed in arrest at the Hôtel de Ville.

Died, at Heidelberg, aged 66, Professor George Gottfried Gervinus, historian, and Liberal politician.

21.-The German Reichstag opened by the Emperor in person. He described its first duty to be the healing as much as possible of the wounds inflicted by war, and the commencement of those works by which the representatives of the German people sought to fulfil the mission entrusted to them by the Constitution.

Marriage of the Marquis of Lorne and the Princess Louise in St. George's Chapel, Windsor.

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21. The Government of Versailles issue a circular to prefects declaring the news from all parts of France to be entirely reassuring.

Disorder is nowhere triumphant. In Paris the citizens are organising the suppression of the insurrection. At Versailles the National Assembly and the Government have collected an army of 45,000 trustworthy troops around them, and are masters of the situation to-day. The National Assembly yesterday held its first sitting, showing itself calm, united, and resolute. Jointly with the Executive power, it formed a committee upon the measures demanded by the circumstances. A proclamation will be shortly published to the people. Lille, Lyons, Marseilles, and Bordeaux are tranquil. You may publish this news to the people. It is strictly true, for the Government which communicates it is a truthful Government. Let it be well understood that every Government agent who tries to make terms with disorder will be prosecuted, and will forfeit his position.—THIERS."

The insurgent Journal Officiel demands that Paris shall not be separated from the provinces, nor the provinces from her. "Paris has been, is still, and must definitely remain the capital of France, the head and heart of the Democratic Republic one and indivisible. Paris has, therefore, an unquestionable right to proceed with the elections of the Communal Council, to govern herself as becomes every democratic city, and to protect herself, supported by the National Guards, composed of all citizens electing their own chiefs by universal suffrage. 'The Central Committee of the National Guard, in taking the necessary measures for the establishment of a Paris Communal Council and the elections of all the chiefs of the National Guards, has, therefore, taken very wise and most indispensable measures. It is now the duty of the electors and of the National Guard to support the decisions of the Government to assure the safety of France and the future of the Republic, in returning by their votes proved and devoted Republicans. To-morrow they will hold their fate in their own hands, and we are already convinced they will make a proper use of their rights. Let Paris deliver France and save the Republic. (Signed) THE DElegates of tHE 'OFFICIAL JOURNAL.'"

22.--The Party of Order in Paris muster in large numbers and march to the Place Vendôme, where an interview is held with insurgent leaders, ending in the latter causing the National Guards to fire on the defenceless people. Ten were said to be killed. The "Central Committee" officially explained this outrage as having its origin in an attack made upon the Guards after the Party of Order had been asked to retire.

The Emperor William's 75th birthday celebrated at Berlin with unusual splendour, Count Bismarck, on the occasion, being created a Prince, and Count Moltke presented with the Order of the Iron Cross.

22.-M. Jules Favre reads in the Assembly a letter from Count Bismarck, complaining that the telegraph which the Germans want to use has been cut at Pantin, and requiring its restoration in twenty-four hours. Count Bismarck stated, moreover, that the condition of things in Paris offers scarcely any chance of the engagements entered into with Germany being kept, and that if the émeute be not put down forthwith Paris will be bombarded. M. Jules Favre said he had begged for time, in order that innocent people might not suffer, and had told General Fabrice that the émeute was a surprise, and that all France was faithful, but he gave it to be understood that if Paris did not submit he would concert with the Prussians in subduing it. The reading of the letter gave rise to great excitement.

23.- Found dead in his bed, Dr. Karl Schultzensteim, aged 73, German botanist and physiologist.

Garibaldi elected General-in-Chief of France by the "Central Committee." At Versailles the Mayors of Paris appear in the Assembly, wearing their scarfs of office, to demand that permanent communication be opened up with the capital, but the tumult was so great that nothing could be settled. Two days later a communication to the same effect was laid on the table of the Assembly.

24.-Commenting, in the Lords, on the Tien-tsin Massacre, Lord Carnarvon attributed the outbreak to ill-feeling against foreigners generally, countenanced and encouraged by the local authorities. Earl Granville admitted that the massacre was wholly unjustifiable, but pointed out that the conduct of the Catholic missionaries was apt to excite misapprehensions among a jealous and irritable people like the Chinese. There could be no doubt about the prejudice of the people against foreigners, but the moral he drew from that was the necessity of avoiding hostile language as far as possible, and of showing toleration for habits and customs handed down from generation to generation, which must necessarily take much time and patience to eradicate.

25.-Vice-Chancellor Stuart retires from the Court of Chancery. He was succeeded by Mr. Wickens.

26.-Fire in a house in Pavilion Road, Chelsea, causing the death of Mrs. Winsor and four of her children.-At Blackburn, a few hours earlier, Mrs. Kilner and two assistant female confectioners were burnt to death.

Paris elections take place, about 140,000 voting for the men on the lists of the Central Committee, and 60,000 for their opponents. Flourens, Blanqui, Félix Pyat, and Gambon, were among the elected. In abdicating its functions, to-day, the Committee advised the people to avoid those whom fortune has too greatly favoured, for it but seldom happens that he who possesses fortune is willing to look upon the working-man as a brother. "Seek men with

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