Loans of Local Authorities (England and Wales). |
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Common terms and phrases
Act of Parliament aforesaid amount of stock annual Article authorized to borrow Burial Acts cent certificate to bearer Classes Act Commissioners Consent Order consolidation county boroughs County Stock Regulations coupons debenture stock Ditto Ditto Ditto dividends fund Education Act exceeding expenses Government Act Government Board Government Depart Health Acts Amendment Housing invested issue of stock Limitation of ment Loans Act local authority Local Government Board London County Council ment Act ment Board Metropolitan Board money borrowed mortgage Municipal Corporations paid parish council payable payment period for repayment person pounds prescribed Provisional Order provisions authorizing borrowing Public Health Act Public Works Loans Purpose of borrowing redemption fund account registrar repaid respect revenues rowing is necessary rural sanitary authority sanction sanitary authorities separate account sinking fund statutory borrowing power Statutory provisions authorizing stock certificate Stock Regulations Amendment stockholder thereof tion town councils transfer urban authority Vict
Popular passages
Page 257 - CD the share [or shares] numbered standing in my name in the books of the company, to hold unto the said CD, his executors, administrators, and assigns, subject to the several conditions on which I held the...
Page 397 - I am directed by the Local Government Board to state that they have...
Page 304 - In nominal or inscribed stock issued, or to be issued, by the corporation of any municipal borough, having according to the returns of the last census prior to the date of investment a population exceeding fifty thousand, or by any county council, under the authority of any Act of Parliament or Provisional Order...
Page 227 - To consolidate and amend the statute law of England and Ireland relating to indictable offences by forgery...
Page 254 - Act shall be so incorporated as aforesaid ; and the word "prescribed," used in this Act in reference to any matter herein stated, shall be construed to refer to such matter as the same shall be prescribed or provided for in the special Act, and the sentence in which such word shall occur shall be construed as if instead of the word '
Page 404 - Now therefore, We, the Local Government Board, in pursuance of the powers given to us in that behalf, do hereby...
Page 280 - ... shall be executed both by the transferor and transferee, and the transferor shall be deemed to remain owner of such security until the name of the transferee is entered in the register in respect thereof.
Page 312 - Acts, determine the amount of costs, and shall have power to disallow as costs in the arbitration the costs of any witness whom he considers to have been called unnecessarily, and any other costs which he considers to have been caused or incurred unnecessarily.
Page 304 - ... which is liable to be redeemed at par or at some other fixed rate, at a price exceeding fifteen per centum above par or such other fixed rate.
Page 253 - ... and upon the expiration of such period the principal sum, together with the arrears of interest thereon, shall, on demand, be paid to the party entitled to receive such principal...