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fishing vessels, and the Treaties belonging to these Agreements, nor to the special privileges which Denmark accords or in future may accord to Sweden or Norway or to both these countries with respect to intercommunication and fishing in frontier waters based on such considerations as caused the conclusion of the above-named Agreements.

Both the Contracting Parties likewise undertake to accord to the other party in all the above-named respects at least as favourable treatment as that which is observed in relation to any Power whatever other than that country or those countries to whom the above-named privileges in accordance with the aforesaid indications are or in future may be given.

XXIII. Finland has not by the agreements in this Treaty accorded to Denmark the special privileges which are mentioned in Articles II and VI of the Commercial Treaty between Finland and France concluded on the 13th July, 1921, (2) in such manner, however, that this reservation does not apply to the case mentioned in paragraph (2), Article X, of the present Treaty, nor to the goods named in the annexed list, (3) which originate from and are imported from Denmark to Finland, in respect to which Denmark shall, so long as the Convention with France remains in force, enjoy the same privileges as are accorded to the latter country. So far as concerns goods referred to in Article II of the Convention in question other than those included in the above-mentioned list, Denmark shall enjoy most-favoured-nation treatment in so far as the privileges accorded to France for such goods are given to more than one other country.

XXIV. The decisions in this Treaty shall not apply to the territory of Greenland.

XXV. This Treaty shall be ratified, and the instruments of ratification exchanged in Helsingfors as soon as possible. It enters into force from the day of the exchange of ratifications, and shall thereafter be valid until the expiry of one year after it has been terminated by either of the parties.

In witness whereof the representatives of both parties have signed this contract and set hereto their seals.

Given in Helsingfors, in duplicate, the 3rd August, 1923. (L.S.) HJ. J. PROCOPE. (L.S.) F. LERCHE. (L.S.) EEMIL HYNNINEN. (L.S.) W. BORBERG.

Additional Protocol.

On the signature this day of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Finland and Denmark, the representatives of both parties, being properly authorised thereto, have come to the following further Agreement:

(2) Page 297.

(3) See "League of Nations Treaty Series," No. 547.

Apart from Article VIII of this Treaty, either party may on the ground of general regulations forbid the import from the territory of the other party, as from the territory of any other country, of seed which there is reason to fear will not thrive in the country of import, provided that the principles which are applied in relation to the seeds of the other party shall be the most favourable of those which are applied to such seeds from any third country whatever.

In witness whereof the accredited representatives have drawn up this Protocol, which shall have the same force and validity as if its decisions were included in the Treaty itself. Given in Helsingfors, in duplicate, the 3rd August, 1923. HJ. J. PROCOPE. F. LERCHE. W. BORBERG.


Final Protocol.

On the signature this day of the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Finland and Denmark, the accredited representatives of both parties, being properly authorised thereto, have agreed on the following:

With respect to the relations prevailing between Denmark and Iceland in accordance with the contents of the DanishIcelandic Prohibition Law of the 30th November, 1918, it is hereby agreed that Finland cannot by virtue of the decisions in the above-named Treaty claim the special privileges which are accorded or in future may be accorded by Denmark to Iceland.

In witness whereof the accredited representatives of both. parties have signed this Protocol and affixed thereto their seals.

Given in Helsingfors, in duplicate, the 3rd August, 1923. (L.S.) HJ. J. PROCOPE. (L.S.) F. LERCHE. (L.S.) EEMIL HYNNINEN. (L.S.) W. BORBERG.

AGREEMENT between Denmark and Finland respecting Workmen's Insurance against Accidents.-Helsingfors, November 30, 1923.(1)


LES Plénipotentiaires soussignés, dûment autorisés à cet effet par leurs Gouvernements respectifs, ont conclu l'Accord


I. La Finlande déclare que les ressortissants danois jouiront, à tous égards, des mêmes droits que ceux dont

(1) League of Nations Treaty Series," No. 571. Signed in the Danish, Finnish and Swedish languages.


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jouissent les ressortissants finlandais, aux termes du décret finlandais relatif aux assurances contre les accidents du travail, en date du 18 août 1917, et du décret de même date, relatif aux assurances contre les accidents du travail maritime.

II. Le Danemark convient d'accorder aux ressortissants finlandais le bénéfice de l'exemption des dispositions prévues dans la dernière clause du § 37 de la loi danoise relative aux assurances-accidents, en date du 28 juin 1920, c'est-à-dire que ladite clause ne s'appliquera pas aux ayants droit survivants de ressortissants finlandais.

III. A d'autres égards, des indemnités seront accordées, et le montant en sera fixé, conformément aux règlements habituels en vigueur dans le pays qui accorde les dites indemnités; d'autre part, les bénéficiaires des indemnités seront également soumis, en ce qui concerne tous leurs droits et obligations vis-à-vis de l'assurance, aux lois relatives aux assurances-accidents en vigueur dans le pays dont ils reçoivent une indemnité.

IV. Les conseils d'assurance danois et finlandais se prêteront mutuellement assistance, dans les cas visés par le présent Accord, pour le paiement des indemnités dues; et, s'ils y sont invités, ils prêteront également leur assistance à toutes autres compagnies d'assurances qui se chargent d'un service d'assurances contre les accidents du travail, confor mément à l'une ou à l'autre des lois susmentionnées, pour l'obtention de renseignements ou le paiement des indemnités.

V. Le présent Accord pourra être dénoncé par l'une ou l'autre des deux parties, avec un préavis d'au moins un an, qui devra être donné à la fin d'une année civile.

VI. Le présent Accord sera applicable à tous les accidents qui se seront produits le jour qui aura suivi la date de signature de l'Accord, ou à partir de ce jour. Toutefois, les dispositions de la clause 4 s'appliqueront également aux accidents qui se seront produits avant cette date.

VII. Le présent Accord ne s'appliquera pas aux lois qui ont été ou pourront être promulguées au Danemark ou en Finlande, concernant le paiement aux marins d'une indemnité plus élevée, en raison d'un état de guerre.

VIII. Le présent Accord entrera immédiatement en vigueur.

En foi de quoi, les soussignés ont revêtu le présent Accord de leur signature et y ont apposé leur cachet.

Fait en double expédition à Helsingfors, le 30 novembre 1923.

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AGREEMENT between Denmark and Germany respecting Air Traffic.-Copenhagen, April 25, 1922.(1)

[Ratifications exchanged at Copenhagen, June 4, 1923.]


As the Danish and the German Governments intend to conclude a temporary Agreement between Denmark and Germany respecting air traffic, the undersigned have, after being duly authorised by their Governments, agreed as follows:

ART. I. Each of the two Contracting States shall, in peace time, permit private aircraft, which are duly registered in the other Contracting State, free access for peaceful air traffic over its land and sea territory, subject to due observation of the Regulations which are laid down in this Agreement.

II. Each of the two Contracting States can, for military reasons, or out of regard for the public safety, prohibit air navigation over certain parts of its territory.

The territories, over which air navigation is thus prohibited, shall be made known to the other Contracting State.

III. Any aircraft, which has come above a territory, over which air navigation is prohibited, shall give that signal of distress which is stipulated in the regulations respecting air navigation in the State above which such flying takes place, and it must immediately descend in one of the landing places. within that State and outside the prohibited area.

IV. Aircraft and their personnel must carry all proofs and logbooks which are prescribed for air navigation by the authorities in their home country, as well as other special certificates, which may be requisite according to the legislation in the State above which the flying takes place. The aircraft must also carry distinct and visible markings, which make their identification possible during flight.

V. The crew and passengers must carry the papers of identity and passports, which are required by the regulations in force for other international traffic. The members of the crew must on all occasions carry documents which establish their identity, nationality and occupation.

VI. An aircraft, which is navigating above the territory of the other Contracting State, may only carry radio installation in so far that it is lawful according to the regulations in both the Contracting States. Any such installation may only be worked by those members of the crew who carry a special licence for that purpose, issued by the State in which such aircraft is domiciled.

(1) Signed in the Danish and German languages. [cxvIII]

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VII. An aircraft which lands on or starts from the territory of the other Contracting State may, under the proviso of the regulations in Article IX, carry passengers and goods, and must, in addition, carry a list giving the names of the passengers, and a cargo list stating the nature and quantity of the goods, as well as the requisite Customs declarations.

The carrying of mails may be regulated by special Agreement directly between the postal authorities in the two States.

VIII. The authorities in one of the Contracting States shall, within its own sphere of authority, in all cases be entitled to inspect aircraft domiciled in the other State at their departure or landing, and also to test the correctness of the requisite documents and lists.

IX. Each of the Contracting States shall be entitled to make the commercial carrying of goods to, from or within its own territory dependent on a special licence or concession issued by its own competent authorities.

This regulation shall, however, not be applicable to the occasional journey of an aircraft from the State in which it is domiciled, direct to the other Contracting State.

The commercial carrying of persons or goods between two points within the territory of either State can be reserved for the aircraft domiciled in such State.

The establishing of marked air routes and the working of scheduled air routes above the territory of one of the Contracting States can be made subject to the obtaining of a special licence.

X. The frontiers of the two Contracting States may, until otherwise decided, be passed over at any point. When above Danish land and sea territory, the aircraft shall, as far as practicable, take its route in such a manner that it can be observed from one or several of the points which are enumerated in the Appendix to this Agreement.

XI. Aircraft, which are domiciled in one of the Contracting States, must, within the jurisdiction of the other State, only land in a landing place which is open for public use of air traffic; they shall be entitled to make use of all such landing places in the other Contracting State against payment of the same charges, and subject to the same conditions, as the aircraft domiciled therein; they shall likewise, both at ordinary landings and in emergency landings, within the jurisdiction of the other Contracting State, be entitled to the same assistance as the aircraft domiciled therein. Each of the Contracting States shall furnish the other State with a list of the landing places which at the time are open for public use of air traffic. Either State shall immediately inform the other of any change in such

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