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list, or if one of the therein-mentioned landing places cannot be made use of temporarily.

XII. In emergency landings, outside one of the landing places mentioned in Article XI, the nearest police and Customs authority must immediately be informed, and until the arrival of such authority the crew and the passengers must remain by the aircraft and see that no part of the aircraft, its accessories or cargo is removed.

XIII. The Contracting States are agreed that aircraft domiciled in one Contracting State, as also their crews and passengers, when they are within the jurisdiction of the other State, shall be subject to the regulations in force there respecting air traffic in general, Customs duties and imposts, liability to insure against accidents, import and export prohibitions, the carrying of passengers and goods, as well as concerning the public safety and order, unless it shall have been otherwise decided by this Agreement, and that they besides shall be subject to the obligations which are laid down in the ordinary laws and regulations in such State.

XIV. The certificates concerning air traffic, which in one of the Contracting States have been issued for the aircraft and crews domiciled there, shall in the other Contracting State have the same validity as the corresponding certificates issued by such State itself.

In so far as air traffic within its own borders and over its own territory is concerned, each of the Contracting States can refuse to recognise flying certificates which are issued to one of its own subjects by the other Contracting State.

XV. Aircraft, their crews and passengers must neither carry or in any other manner take along weapons, ammunition, poisonous gases or explosives. Carrier pigeons and photographic apparatus may only be carried by permission from the proper authority in the State in whose air territory the aircraft is travelling.

XVI. Aircraft under way shall be prohibited from throwing out any other ballast than fine sand or water.

XVII. While under way all discharging or the throwing out of any other object or matter than ballast shall be prohibited, unless special permission for that purpose shall have been granted by the State in which such discharge takes place.

XVIII. The Contracting States will reciprocally inform each other of any regulations which are of importance for the air navigation within their own borders.

XIX. This temporary Agreement can by three months' notice from either of the two Contracting States be terminated on any date whatsoever.

Denmark shall furthermore be entitled to give notice of termination of this Agreement if it should ratify the Inter

national Agreement respecting Air Navigation, which was signed by various States at Paris on the 13th October, 1919.(2) XX. This Agreement must be ratified, and the ratifications must as soon as possible be exchanged at Copenhagen, and it shall come into force on the day when the ratifications are exchanged.

In confirmation hereof the undersigned have signed this Agreement and affixed their seals thereto.

Signed at Copenhagen, the 25th April, 1922, in duplicate, in the Danish and the German languages.



1. In compliance with Article 10, every aircraft must, as far as practicable, shape its course above Danish land and sea territory, in such a manner that it can be observed from one or more of the following points

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56° 44' 16" N.
11° 39′ 15′′ E.
56°26′ 36′′ N.
10° 57′ 40′′ E.
54° 33' 50" N.
11° 58′ 03′′ E.
55° 17′ 12′′ N.
14° 45′ 50′′ E.

56° 06′ 47′′ N.
8° 36′ 08′′ E.
57° 35' 06" N.

9° 56′ 45′′ E.
57° 29′ 09" N.

10° 37′ 43′′ E.

54° 43′ 52" N.
10° 43′ 31′′ E.
55° 17′ 25′′ N.

10° 51′ 21′′ E.

56° 02′ 22′′ N.
12° 37′ 36′′ E.

Sejro Lighthouse

Skagen Lighthouse

Sprogo Lighthouse

Stevns Lighthouse

Vestborg Lighthouse

55° 44' 36" N.

10° 52′ 23′′ E.

55° 55' 09" N.

11° 05′ 07′′ E.

57° 44′09′′ N.

10° 38′ 03′′ E.

55° 19′ 51′′ N.

10° 58′ 25′′ E.

55° 17′ 26′′ N.

12° 27′ 28′′ E.

55° 46' 11" N.

10° 33′ 17′′ E.

57° 12′(48") N.

10° 41'(38") E.

57° 26'(30") N.

Laeso-Rende Lightship

Laeso Trindel Lightship

(2) Vol. CXII, page 931.

11° 16′(45") E.

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2. If one of the Contracting States stipulates liability insurance for aircraft, then an insurance, which for the purpose of meeting this obligation to insure has been effected in an insurance company approved by the other Contracting State, shall be sufficient for an aircraft domiciled in such State, provided the settling of insurance claims can be made through a representative for the insurance company concerned in the first mentioned State.

The two Contracting States reserve the right for themselves to make special agreements respecting other arrangements and the covering of compensation claims.

3. The two Contracting States reserve the right for themselves to make agreements regarding the obligation of aircraft, as a safeguarding measure, to carry radio-installations.

4. Should there, on the arrival of an aircraft, be observed any discrepancy between the cargo list and the goods carried, the Customs Authorities at the arrival landing place will immediately inform the Customs Authorities in the country of departure to that effect.

5. The two Contracting States will issue the requisite regulations, which shall make it incumbent for their aircraft, and for the crews and passengers thereof, to comply with the rules of this Agreement, also when within the jurisdiction of the other Contracting State. Should the State over which the flying takes place take no steps to carry out the prosecution of a violation of this Agreement, it will, if need be, inform the authorities in the other contracting State.

6. This appendix shall be regarded as a part of the Agreement. Copenhagen, April 25, 1922.

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EXCHANGE OF NOTES between the German and Danish Governments concerning the Abrogation of all Existing Agreements between the German States and Denmark regarding the Extradition of Military Deserters and Fugitives from Military Service..-Berlin, March 29, 1922, to March 31, 1923.(1)

(No. 1.) The Danish Legation at Berlin to the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

[blocks in formation]

LA question de savoir si la Convention d'extradition (cartel) du 25 décembre 1820, (2) entre le Danemark et la

(1) "League of Nations Treaty Series," No. 436.
(2) Vol. VII, page 1045.

La Légation royale de Danemark ose espérer que le Gouvernement allemand voudra bien lui notifier qu'il partage le point de vue exprimé ci-dessus.

Légation Royale de Danemark,
Berlin, le 22 mars 1923.

(No. 4.) The German Ministry for Foreign Affairs to the Danish Legation at Copenhagen.

Note verbale.

LE Ministère des Affaires étrangères a l'honneur d'accuser réception à la Légation royale de Danemark de sa note verbale du 22 courant-Journal No. 31, A. 7.-relative à la validité des Conventions d'extradition, conclues entre le Danemark et certains Etats allemands.

Le Gouvernement allemand s'associe au point de vue, exprimé dans cette note verbale, suivant lequel tous les Arrangements, relatifs à l'extradition des déserteurs et des insoumis, qui existeraient encore entre le Danemark et un certain nombre d'Etats allemands, doivent être désormais considérés comme abrogés.

Ministère des Affaires étrangères,
Berlin, le 31 mars 1923.

EXCHANGE OF NOTES between Denmark and Japan providing for the Mutual Recognition of Tonnage Measurement Certificates.-Tokyo, May 17-22, 1922.(1)

(No. 1.) The Danish Minister at Tokyo to the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs.

M. le Comte,

Tokio, le 17 mai 1922. Il a été constaté que les lois et règlements actuellement en vigueur au Japon concernant le jaugeage des navires sont en substance analogues aux lois et règlements en vigueur au Danemark.

En conséquence, je me trouve chargé d'informer votre Excellence que mon Gouvernement s'engage à reconnaître les certificats de jaugeage des navires délivrés régulièrement par les autorités compétentes du Japon depuis la date du 1er octobre 1914 et à exempter de tout autre mesurage les navires japonais munis desdits certificats, au Danemark et dans les territoires placés sous l'administration danoise, à

(1) “League of Nations Treaty Series," No. 376.

condition que le Gouvernement impérial du Japon, de son côté, reconnaisse les certificats de jaugeage des navires délivrés régulièrement par les autorités compétentes du Danemark depuis la date du 1er avril 1895 et exempte de tout autre mesurage les navires danois munis desdits certificats, au Japon et dans les territoires placés sous l'administration japonaise.

Je vous prie, &c.

(No. 2.) The Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Danish Minister at Tokyo.


M. le Ministre,

Tokio, le 17 mai 1922. J'AI l'honneur d'accuser réception à votre Excellence de sa lettre en date du 17 mai contenant sa déclaration relative à la reconnaissance entre les Gouvernements du Japon et du Danemark.

Le Gouvernement du Japon, ayant constaté que les lois et règlements concernant le jaugeage des navires actuellement en vigueur au Danemark sont en substance analogues aux lois et règlements en vigueur au Japon, s'engage à reconnaître les certificats de jaugeage des navires délivrés régulièrement par les autorités compétentes du Danemark depuis la date du 1 avril 1895 et à exempter de tout autre mesurage les navires danois munis desdits certificats au Japon et dans les territoires placés sous l'administration japonaise, à condition que le Gouvernement du Danemark, de son côté, reconnaisse les certificats de jaugeage des navires délivrés régulièrement par les autorités compétentes du Japon depuis la date du 1er octobre 1914 et exempte de tout autre mesurage les navires japonais munis desdits certificats, au Danemark et dans les territoires placés sous l'administration danoise.

Veuillez agréer, &c.

COMTE YASUYA UCHIDA, Ministre des Affaires étrangères.

(No. 3.) The Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Danish Minister at Tokyo.


M. le Ministre, Tokio, le 17 mai 1922. EN me référant à la lettre de votre Excellence et à ma lettre No. 17 datées du 17 mai 1922 visant un Arrangement au sujet de la reconnaissance réciproque des certificats de jaugeage des navires entre les Gouvernements du Japon et du Danemark, j'ai l'honneur d'appeler l'attention de votre Excellence sur ce fait qu'il reste au Japon encore, à l'heure

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