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for reasons of force majeure, or for calls due to the declaration of the port of registry, provided the ship shall not carry out any trade transaction therein.

In the event of the wreck or damage of a ship belonging to the Government or the subjects of Czechoslovakia on the coast of Italy or of her colonies, not only will all assistance be given to the persons wrecked, but in addition the ships, their parts and wreckage, their utensils and all objects. belonging to them, the ship's documents found on board, as also the effects and goods which thrown overboard shall have been recovered, or the price arising from their sale, will be remitted to the proprietors in full upon their demand or upon the demand of their duly authorised agents and with no other payment than for salvage and conservation, and in general the same dues which national ships would be bound to pay in similar cases.

In the absence of the owner or of his special agent, delivery will be made to the Consular authorities. It is understood, however, that if the ships, the effects and goods thereof, should during the wreck be the subject of a judicial claim, the matter shall be settled by the competent tribunals of the place where such wreck took place.

XXII. All goods, no matter what their nature or origin, of which the importation, exportation, transit and warehous ing may be effected in Italy by national ships, may also be imported, exported, transhipped or warehoused by Czechoslovak ships and enjoy the same privileges, reductions, benefits and restrictions without being subject to other or higher customs dues or taxes, nor to other or more onerous restrictions than those which are in force for goods imported, exported, in transit or warehoused, by national ships.

XXIII. Czechoslovak ships shall be treated in Italian ports, on entry, during their call and on leaving, on the same footing as national ships, both with reference to dues and taxes, of whatever nature or denomination, paid to the State, communes or corporations, public functionnaries or establishments, whatever they may be, as also regarding the assignment to such ships of their berth for loading or unloading, and generally for all formalities, to which ships, their crews and cargoes may be made subject.

XXIV. Czechoslovak ships and their cargoes will not enjoy the special treatment afforded to Italian shipping in regard to(a.) Special laws for the protection of the national mercantile marine as regards new constructions and the premiums and facilities for the running of ships.

(b.) Special privileges afforded to yacht clubs.

(c.) The services of the port and coasting trade which are reserved to national shipping.

(d.) Fisheries.

XXV. Articles XXI, XXII, XXIII and XXIV, in so far as applicable, are extended by way of reciprocity to Italian ships and boats in the ports and internal waters of Czechoslovakia.

XXVI. The nationality of the ships of each of the High Contracting Parties will be ascertained in accordance with the `laws and regulations of the State to which the ships belong.

The High Contracting Parties will accept as a proof of the tonnage of the respective ships the displacement certificates issued in conformity with the laws of the State to which the ships belong.

XXVII. The Italian Government consents that the Czechoslovak Government shall by special agreement concluded with the said Italian Government make use of the port of Trieste as a port of registry of mercantile ships belonging to Czechoslovak citizens.

The concession of port of registry does not exonerate the aforesaid shipping from observance of the general and special measures which regulate the stay of ships in the port, either in the zone of commercial operations, or in the zones reserved for repairs, despatch or laying up.

Czechoslovak ships, during their stay in port, will, in addition, be bound to observe all the port police rules the enforcement of which is entrusted to the Italian maritime authorities. The use of the plant and fixtures of the port of Trieste by Czechoslovakia will be regulated by a special


XXVIII. The nationals of each of the High Contracting Parties will be free in the territory of the other to make use, upon the same conditions and upon payment of the same dues as nationals, of the main and other roads, canals, locks, ferries, bridges, swing-bridges, ports and wharves, signals and lighthouses which indicate navigable waters, of pilots, cranes, public weighing apparatus, stores and warehouses for the salvage and deposit of cargoes of ships and other articles, in so far as such establishments and institutions are destined to public use, whether they be administered by the State or by private individuals. No dues will be charged unless regular use of such establishments and institutions has been made, except as provided by special regulations in regard to lighthouses and signals or pilotage.

XXIX. The inhabitants of the territories of the two High Contracting Parties, their luggage and their merchandise, will receive the same treatment on the railways, both as regards cost and method of conveyance and as regards delivery, dues and public taxes.

XXX. The High Contracting Parties will take care that the reciprocal traffic on the railways in their territories shall be facilitated as far as possible, and undertake that the respec



tive railway administrations shall provide for the conclusion of agreements with each other and with the railway managements of intermediate States for the organisation of direct traffic for the conveyance of persons, baggage and goods and the connection of trains so as to satisfy the requirements of such conveyancé.

XXXI. In the case of one of the High Contracting Parties requiring to draw up through-traffic rates for the conveyance by rail from their own territory to the territory of a third State across the territory of the other High Contracting Party, the latter will be bound to co-operate in the making of the said through-traffic rates.

The High Contracting Parties undertake to grant to each other reciprocally the freight rates for rail and navigable waterways, which may be in force for a third State; in every case they will apply reasonable freight rates for the shipments of one of the High Contracting Parties in transit in their own territory. Nevertheless, Czechoslovakia will facilitate the transit of foodstuffs of Italian production by granting the most reduced rates which are given under the home tariff on the same line and by the same railway management.

XXXII. The High Contracting Parties undertake, with a view to preventing the propagation of phylloxera, to apply as regards reciprocal importation, the provisions laid down by the International Convention of Berne, dated the 3rd November, 1881, (3), and by the Additional Declaration of the 15th April, 1889.(4)

XXXIII. The High Contracting Parties will keep each other informed of all the traffic restrictions established for reasons of public health.

XXXIV. The High Contracting Parties undertake to enforce the International Convention of Paris, dated the 20th March, 1883, for the protection of industrial property, revised at Washington on the 2nd June, 1911,() as also any other international conventions which especially relate to patents of inventions to which they respectively adhere.

The High Contracting Parties undertake, in addition, to enforce the International Convention of Berne, dated the 9th September, 1886, for the protection of literary and artistic works, revised at Berlin on the 13th November, 1908, and completed by the Additional Protocol signed at Berne on the 20th March, 1914.(*)

XXXV. The High Contracting Parties undertake to open negotiations as soon as possible for the conclusion of one or more special agreements with a view to insuring to the workmen of one of the two countries in the territories of the other

(3) Vol. LXXIII, page 323.
(4) Vol. LXXXI, page 1311.

(5) Vol. CIV. page 116.
(6) Vol. CVII, page 353.

and to their legal dependents, equality of treatment, for all that regards the application of the laws relating to the protection of labour, medical and hospital assistance, social insurance against various risks, education and free professional association and organisation.

XXXVI. The High Contracting Parties reciprocally agree to appoint consuls in all the ports and in all the commercial markets of the territories of the other High Contracting Party in which consuls of a third State are admitted.

The consuls of one of the High Contracting Parties will enjoy, on condition of reciprocity, all the facilities and exemptions in the territories of the other which are or shall be enjoyed in the future by consuls of any other Power.

As regards exemption from direct taxes, it is agreed that only career consular officers will enjoy such immunity, provided, however, that they be not citizens of the High Contracting Party in the territories in which they carry out their functions and in no case in a greater degree than the diplomatic representatives of the High Contracting Parties


XXXVII. In the event of controversies arising between the High Contracting Parties as to the interpretation of the application of the clauses of the present Treaty, such controversies will be settled, if one of the High Contracting Parties applies for this, by arbitration.

For each controversy the Arbitration Tribunal will be composed as follows: The two High Contracting Parties will each nominate a competent person as arbiter from among their nationals, and will come to an agreement upon the choice of a third arbiter, who shall be a national of a third friendly State. The High Contracting Parties reserve the right to nominate beforehand the person who will in the event of a difference act for a determined period of time as the third arbiter.

XXXVIII. The present Treaty will come into force upon the date of the exchange of ratifications thereof, and will remain in force until the 31st December, 1925.

In the event of neither of the High Contracting Parties giving notice, twelve months before the date of the lapsing of the Treaty, of its intention to denounce the Treaty, the Treaty shall remain binding for one year as from the date on which one or the other of the High Contracting Parties shall have denounced it.

XXXIX. The present Treaty, drawn up in duplicate, one copy in the Italian tongue, the other in Czech, shall be ratified and the ratifications shall be exchanged in Rome as soon thereafter as possible.

In the event of divergence, the Italian text shall hold good as being the language known by all the Plenipotentiaries. [CXVIII]

2 A 3

In witness whereof the Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Treaty and have hereto affixed their seals.

Done at Rome, the 23rd March, 1921.

[blocks in formation]

[For Final Protocol and Annexes, see "League of Nations Treaty Series, No. 815."]

AGREEMENT between Italy and the Serb-Croat-Slovene State for the carrying out of the Provisions agreed upon at Rapallo on November 12, 1920.-Rome, October 23, 1922.(1)

[Ratifications exchanged at Rome February 26, 1923.]

SA Majesté le Roi des Serbes, Croates et Slovènes et Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie, ayant pris en considération les difficultés à surpasser et les problèmes à résoudre pour arriver à l'exécution définitive des stipulations arrêtées à Rapallo le 12 novembre 1920, (2) s'inspirant des mêmes sentiments avec lesquels le Traité de Rapallo a été conclu, c'est-à-dire du désir d'établir entre les deux Etats un régime sincère et de relations cordiales pour le bien commun des deux peuples, ont résolu de conclure des accords à cet effet et ont nommé leurs Plénipotentiaires :

Sa Majesté le Roi des Serbes, Croates et Slovènes :
Son Excellence Voislav Antonievitch, son Envoyé
extraordinaire et Ministre plénipotentiaire;
Sa Majesté le Roi d'Italie:

Son Excellence Carlo Schanzer, Sénateur du Royaume,
son Ministre des Affaires étrangères;

Lesquels, après avoir échangé leurs pleins pouvoirs, trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus de ce qui suit:


Au moment de la ratification du présent accord le Gouvernement italien donnera aux autorités compétentes les ordres nécessaires pour l'évacuation de la Troisième Zone d'occupation et pour la remise du territoire respectif aux autorités du Royaume des Serbes, Croates et Slovènes dans un délai de douze jours à partir de la ratification même.

(1) Also signed in the Italian language.

(2) Vol. CXIII, page 1087.

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