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2. Armistice Convention of the 11th November, 1918, Clause XII; obligation to withdraw the German troops in Russian territory within the frontiers of Germany as soon as the Allies shall think the moment suitable. The withdrawal of these troops has not been effected, despite the reiterated instructions of the 27th August, the 27th September, and the 10th October, 1919.

3. Armistice Convention of the 11th November, 1918, Clause XIV; obligation to cease at once all requisitions, seizures or coercive measures in Russian territory. The German troops have continued to have recourse to such


4. Armistice Convention of the 11th November, 1918, Clause XIX; obligation to return immediately all documents, specie, stocks, shares, paper money, together with plant for the issue thereof, affecting public or private interests in the invaded countries. The complete lists of specie and securities carried off, collected or confiscated by the Germans in the invaded countries have not been supplied.

5. Armistice Convention of the 11th November, 1918, Clause XXII; obligation to surrender all German submarines. Destruction of the German submarine "U.C. 48" off Ferrol, by order of her German commander, and destruction in the North Sea of certain submarines proceeding to England for surrender.

6. Armistice Convention of the 11th November, 1918, Clause XXIII; obligation to maintain in Allied ports the German warships designated by the Allied and Associated Powers, these ships being intended to be ultimately handed over. Clause XXXI; obligation not to destroy any ship before delivery. Destruction of the said ships at Scapa Flow on the 21st June, 1919.

7. Protocol of the 17th December, 1918, Annex to the Armistice Convention of the 13th December, 1918;* obligation to restore the works of art and artistic documents carried off in France and Belgium. All the works of art removed into the unoccupied parts of Germany have not been restored.

8. Armistice Convention of the 16th January, 1919, † Clause III and Protocol 392/1, Additional Clause III of the 25th July, 1919; obligation to hand over agricultural machinery in the place of the supplementary railway material provided for in Tables 1 and 2 annexed to the Protocol of Spa of the 17th December, 1918. The following machines had not been delivered on the stipulated date of the 1st October, 1919: 40" Heucke" steam plough outfits, all the cultivators for the outfits, all the spades, 1,500 shovels, 1,130 T. F. 23.26

* Vol. CXI,
page 627.

+ Vol. CXII, page 896.

ploughs, 1,765 T.F. 18 21 ploughs, 1,512 T. F. 23/26 ploughs, 629 T.F. 0-20 m. Brabant ploughs, 1,205 T.F. 0·26 m. Brabant ploughs, 4,282 harrows of 2.500 k., 2,157 steel cultivators, 966 2:50 m. manure distributors, 1,608 3:50 manure distributors.

9. Armistice Convention of the 16th January, 1919, Clause VI; obligation to restore the industrial material carried off from French and Belgian territory. All this material has not been restored.

10. Convention of the 16th January, 1919, Clause VIII; obligation to place the German merchant fleet under the control of the Allied and Associated Powers. A certain number of ships whose delivery had been demanded under this clause have not yet been handed over.

11. Protocols of the Conferences of Brussels of the 13th and 14th March, 1919; obligation not to export war material of all kinds. Exportation of aeronautical material to Sweden, Holland and Denmark.

A certain number of the above provisions which have not been executed or have not been executed in full have been renewed by the Treaty of the 28th June, 1919, whose coming into force will ipso facto render the sanctions there provided applicable. This applies particularly to the various measures to be taken on account of reparation.

Further, the question of the evacuation of the Baltic Provinces has been the subject of an Exchange of Notes and of decisions which are being carried out. The Allied and Associated Powers expressly confirming the contents of their notes, Germany by the present Protocol undertakes to continue to execute them faithfully and strictly.

Finally, as the Allied and Associated Powers could not allow to pass without penalty the other failures to execute the Armistice Conventions and violations so serious as the destruction of the German fleet at Scapa Flow, the destruction of “U.C. 48" off Ferrol and the destruction in the North Sea of certain subinarines on their way to England for surrender, Germany undertakes:

1.-(A.) To hand over as reparation for the destruction of the German fleet at Scapa Flow:

(a.) Within sixty days from the date of the signature of the present Protocol and in the conditions laid down in the second paragraph of Article 185 of the Treaty of Peace the five following light cruisers: "Königsberg,' "Pillau," Graudenz," "Regensburg," "Strassburg.

(b.) Within ninety days from the date of the signature of the present Protocol, and in good condition and ready for service in every respect, such a number of floating docks, floating cranes, tugs and dredgers, equivalent to a total displacement of 400,000 tons, as the Principal Allied and Asso

ciated Powers may require. As regards the docks, the lifting power will be considered as the displacement. In the number of docks referred to above there will be about 75 per cent. of docks over 10,000 tons. The whole of this material will be handed over on the spot.

(B.) To deliver within ten days from the signature of the present Protocol a complete list of all floating docks, floating cranes, tugs and dredgers which are German property. This list, which will be delivered to the Naval Inter-Allied Commission of Control referred to in Article 209 of the Treaty of Peace, will specify the material which on the 11th November, 1918, belonged to the German Government or in which the German Government had at that date an important interest.

(C.) The officers and men who formed the crews of the warships sunk at Scapa Flow and who are at present detained by the Principal Allied and Associated Powers will, with the exception of those whose surrender is provided for by Article 228 of the Treaty of Peace, be repatriated at latest when Germany has carried out the provisions of paragraphs (A) and (B) above.

(D.) The destroyer "B. 98" will be considered as one of the forty-two destroyers whose delivery is provided for by Article 185 of the Treaty of Peace.

2. To hand over within ten days from the signature of the present Protocol the engines and motors of the submarines "U. 137" and "U. 138" as compensation for the destruction of U.C. 48."


3. To pay to the Allied and Associated Governments before the 31st January, 1920, the value of the aeronautical material exported, in accordance with the decision which will be given and the valuation which will be made and notified by the Aeronautical Inter-Allied Commission of Control referred to in Article 210 of the Treaty of Peace.

In the event of Germany not fulfilling these obligations within the periods laid down above, the Allied and Associated Powers reserve the right to take all military or other measures of coercion which they may consider appropriate. Done at Paris, the 10th day of January, 1920, at 4 o'clock






AGREEMENT between Germany and Hungary with regard to the through Transport of their respective Prisoners of War.-Berlin, May 8, 1920.


THE German Government, represented by the Commissioner for Prisoners of War and Civilian Prisoners, Herr Daniel Stücklen, Member of the German National Assembly, and the Royal Hungarian Government, represented by Dr. Michael Jungerth, Head of Department in the Royal Hungarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs,

Have agreed on the following terms:

On condition that the Russian Soviet Government agrees to evacuate Hungarian Prisoners of War from Russia, the Government of the German Reich and the Royal Hungarian Government have concluded the following Convention:

ART. I. In so far as the evacuation of German prisoners of war is not thereby prejudiced, the German Government is prepared to take over from Russia Hungarian as well as German prisoners of war, and to transport them, at the expense of the Royal Hungarian Government, across the territory of the German Reich to Passau on the Danube or to such other despatching station as may be later determined according as traffic traffic conditions may permit; individual Hungarian prisoners of war who are returning home shall be dealt with according to the above terms.

II. The International Red Cross shall take care of the returning Hungarian prisoners during their period of transportation through Germany.

III. The Royal Hungarian Government undertakes to refund to the account of the International Red Cross all disbursements arising from the transport and maintenance of returning Hungarian prisoners. The transport rates shall be reckoned on the same scale as for German prisoners.

IV. To guarantee the expenditure incurred by the German Government, the Royal Hungarian Government is placing a sum at the disposal of the International Red Cross with the Bank of Mendelssohn & Co., for the Geneva Bank of Pictet & Co.

V. The Royal Hungarian Government shall provide for the clothing of the returning Hungarian prisoners taken over from the German Government.

VI. The Royal Hungarian Government declares itself prepared, in consideration of payment, to transport all returning German prisoners who enter Hungarian territory to

League of Nations Treaty Series," No. 50.

a frontier station indicated by Germany, and to maintain them while in Hungarian territory.

VII. The German Government shall provide for the clothing of returning German prisoners in Hungary.

VIII. This Agreement shall come into force immediately on ratification by both parties.

Berlin, May 8, 1920.




AGREEMENT between Germany and Latvia concerning the Exchange of their respective Prisoners.-Berlin, April 20,


[Ratifications exchanged May 31, 1920.]


THE Government of the German Reich represented by: Herr Daniel Stücklen, State Commissioner for Military and Civil Prisoners, Member of the German National Assembly, and

The Government of the Latvian Republic represented by: 1. Dr. Med. Jahnis Jankowskis, President of the Latvian Red Cross,

2. M. Hermann Albat, Legal Expert of the Latvian Ministry for Foreign Affairs,

3. Madame Austra Osolin-Krause, Councillor of the Latvian Legation in Berlin,

4. Baron Eduard Rosenberg, Member of the Latvian Red Cross Commission,

after exchange of their full powers, which were found to be in good and due form, agreed to the following conditions:

ART. I. Military and civil prisoners on both sides are to be repatriated in all cases where they so desire. The repatriation shall begin immediately and be carried out with the utmost speed.

II. The Agreement with regard to repatriation of German military and civilian prisoners includes all persons of German nationality who are desirous of returning to Germany. This comprises

1. German subjects who have been interned in Latvia as the result of military activities of any kind whatsoever.

* "League of Nations Treaty Series," No. 49.

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