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a third country or the citizens thereof special privileges, rights and preferences, the same shall without special agreement also extend to the other Party or to the citizens thereof.

Note. The contracting Parties, however, shall not prefer any claims to preferential rights which one of them may grant to a third country bound to it by customs or other agreements.

XVII. The settlement of legal questions, both public and private, arising between the citizens of the contracting Parties, and also the adjustment of any separate questions between the two countries, or between the Government of one and citizens of the other Party, shall be effected by a special mixed commission of an equal number of members of the two Parties, appointed immediately upon the ratification of the present Treaty, the composition, powers and duties of which shall be fixed by an instruction, to be agreed upon between the two contracting Parties.

XVIII. The present Treaty is drawn up in the Russian and Lithuanian languages. In its interpretation both texts are to be considered authentic.

XIX. The present Treaty is subject to ratification.

The exchange of the letters of ratification is to take place at Moscow.

Wherever the time of the ratification of the Treaty is mentioned in the present Treaty, this applies to the time of the mutual exchange of the letters of ratification.

In witness whereof the Representatives of both Parties have set their hands to the present Treaty and have affixed their seals thereto.

The original was drawn up in duplicate and signed in the city of Moscow on the 12th of July, 1920.

[Signatures of Lithuanian and Russian Representatives.]

NETHERLANDS NOTIFICATON relative to the temporary reciprocal Most-favoured-nation Treatment by Bulgaria of Goods of Netherlands origin.-December 30, 1920.*


THE Minister for Foreign Affairs brings to the notice of persons interested that the Bulgarian Government, after having denounced on the 31st December, 1916, all existing Commercial Treaties, have now, in a Note dated the 13th

* Date of publication in the Netherlands "Staatsblad."

November last addressed to Her Majesty's Minister at Sofia, declared that they are prepared to apply to goods of Netherlands origin, until the 9th August, 1921, the most-favourednation clause on the basis of reciprocity.

CONVENTION between the Netherlands and Venezuela for the Re-establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the two Countries.-Caracas, May 11, 1920.

[Ratifications exchanged at The Hague, February 23, 1921.]


THE Government of Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands and the Government of the United States of Venezuela, animated with the sincere desire to re-establish diplomatic relations between the two countries, have named as their Plenipotentiaries:

Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands: M. W. B Engelbrecht, Special Delegate of the Netherlands; and

The President of the United States of Venezuela: Doctor E. Gil Borges, Minister for Foreign Affairs:

Who, having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and true form, have agreed as follows:

ART. I. Diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United States of Venezuela shall be re-established from the date of the ratification of the present Convention.

II. Both Governments shall continue to observe the Protocol of the 20th August, 1894.*

III. Pending the conclusion of a Treaty of Commerce, the High Contracting Parties guarantee to each other mostfavoured-nation treatment in matters relating to commerce, trade and navigation. This treatment shall be freely granted. if the concession made in favour of a third Power be free; and by means of the same or equivalent compensation to be fixed by agreement between the Parties, if the concession be conditional.

IV. M. H. Thielen shall be empowered to sustain before the competent Venezuelan tribunals the claims against the State of Venezuela based on the losses alleged to have been sustained by Messrs. Thielen and Co. in the events which happened at Caracas on the 13th and 14th December, 1908.

* Vol. LXXXVI, page 543.

The High Contracting Parties agree not to have recourse to diplomatic intervention except in case of a manifest denial of justice.

Should the Netherlands Government consider such a case to have arisen, they shall so advise the Venezuelan Government.

If the High Contracting Parties fail to agree in this matter, they shall submit the question to a tribunal composed of three jurists. Each of the High Contracting Parties shall nominate an arbitrator, and the arbitrators thus nominated shall elect the third.

Should the High Contracting Parties be unable to agree upon rules of arbitral procedure, they shall observe those established by the Hague Convention of 1899* for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes. In like manner they shall observe the provisions of the said Convention for the election of the third arbitrator when the two arbitrators cannot agree as to his nomination.

V. Article III of the Convention shall cease to have effect if, within five years of its ratification, the Treaty of Commerce referred to in the said Article III shall not have been con cluded.

Should neither of the contracting Parties notify, within three months of the termination of the period mentioned in the preceding paragraph, its intention of putting an end to the effect of Article III, the duration of the said Article III shall be considered to be prolonged for successive periods of one year

VI. This Convention shall be ratified in accordance with the Constitutions of the contracting States, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Caracas in the shortest time possible after the date of its approval.

In faith whereof we, the undersigned, do sign the present Convention, which is done in duplicate in the Dutch and Spanish languages, and do seal it with our respective seals. Done at Caracas, May 11, 1920.



[blocks in formation]

EXCHANGE OF NOTES between Norway and Portugal relative to the reciprocal Treatment of Commerce and Navigation after the Termination on December 13, 1920, of the Treaty of Commerce between the two Countries, signed at Lisbon, December 31, 1895.-Lisbon, October 14, 1920.*

(No. 1.)-The Norwegian Minister at Lisbon to the
Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs.

M. le Ministre,

Légation de Norvège,

Lisbonne, le 14 octobre 1920. LE Traité de Commerce et de Navigation entre la Norvège et le Portugal expirant le 13 décembre prochain et les circonstances ne permettant pas de conclure un nouvel arrangement avant cette date, j'ai l'honneur de porter à la connaissance de votre Excellence qu'en attendant la conclusion d'un tel arrangement et sous réserve de réciprocité, le Gouvernement norvégien se fera un devoir de ne pas appliquer un traitement différentiel au commerce et à la navigation du Portugal en Norvège sans en avoir donné un avis préalable de trois mois.

Je serais heureux de savoir que le Gouvernement portugais procédera de la même manière pour ce qui regarde le traitement du commerce et de la navigation de la Norvège en Portugal et profite, &c.


(No. 2.) The Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs to the Norwegian Minister at Lisbon.

M. le Ministre,

Lisbonne, le 14 octobre 1920. J'AI eu l'honneur de recevoir la note de votre Excellence en date du 14 de ce mois par laquelle elle a bien voulu me faire savoir qu'en attendant la conclusion d'un nouvel arrangement remplaçant le Traité de Commerce et de Navigation qui expire le 13 décembre prochain, le Gouvernement norvégien se fera un devoir, sous réserve de réciprocité, de ne pas appliquer un traitement differentiel au commerce et à la navigation du Portugal en Norvège sans en avoir donné un avis préalable de trois mois.

En prenant acte de cette déclaration, je m'empresse de

* Portuguese "Diário do Governo," December 10, 1920.

porter à la connaissance de votre Excellence que le Gouvernement portugais adoptera de son côté la même manière de procéder et profite, &c.


(No. 3.)-The Norwegian Minister at Lisbon to the
Portuguese Minister for Foreign Affairs.

M. le Ministre,

Légation de Norvège,

Lisbonne, le 14 octobre 1920. J'AI eu l'honneur de recevoir la note de ce jour par laquelle votre Excellence a bien voulu me faire savoir que le Gouvernement portugais est d'accord avec le Gouvernement norvégien au sujet de l'avis préalable qu'il y aura lieu de donner après l'expiration du Traité de Commerce et de Navigation le 13 décembre prochain au cas où un des deux pays appliquera un traitement différentiel au commerce et à la navigation de l'autre.

En me référant à cette communication, j'ai l'honneur de porter à la connaissance de votre Excellence que le Gouvernement du Roi, pour satisfaire au désir exprimé par le Gouvernement portugais de prendre des mesures contre la falsification des marques des vins portugais et contre l'attribution des noms de ces marques à des produits qui n'ont pas le droit à ces noms, s'engage volontiers à déposer un projet de loi afin d'assurer aux marques tant régionales que nationales des vins portugais une protection efficace en Norvège aussi longtemps que notre commerce et navigation ne seront pas soumis à un traitement différentiel Portugal.



CONSTITUTION of the Republic of Peru.-Lima,
December 27, 1919.


Title I.-The Nation and the State.

ART. 1. The Peruvian nation is the political association of all Peruvians.

2. The nation is free and independent and cannot enter into covenants contrary to its independence or integrity, or which may in any way affect its sovereignty.

*For original Spanish text see "El Peruana," January 20, 1920.

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