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the Seas, Emperor of India, Earl Granville, his Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary;

His Majesty the King of the Hellenes, M. Nicolas E. Politis, his Minister for Foreign Affairs:

Who, after having communicated their full powers found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles:

ART. I. Greece having recognised the Protectorate in Egypt, promulgated by Great Britain on the 18th December, 1914, renounces in her favour all the rights and privileges which she holds in Egypt under the Capitulations.

II. From the coming into force of the new judicial system in Egypt under the authority of Great Britain, the Greek Consular Courts will cease to sit, except to dispose of current proceedings.

III. Greek nationals shall enjoy in Egypt, in regard to public liberties, the administration of justice, private rights. including landed property and mining rights, the liberal, industrial and commercial professions, and taxes and duties, the same treatment as British nationals.

Children born in Egypt of a father who is a Greek national enjoying there the privileges accorded to foreigners shall be entitled to Greek nationality; they shall not become Egyptian subjects.

IV. The Consuls-General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, and Consular Agents of Greece in Egypt shall enjoy, from the closing of the Consular Courts, the same immunities as in Great Britain.

They shall continue to exercise in the interests of private persons, so far as is consistent with the laws of Egypt, all their non-judicial functions under the same conditions as formerly.

V. Pending the conclusion of Special Agreements relating to Egypt or between Greece and Egypt, the following Treaties in force between Great Britain and Greece will apply in Egypt, that is to say-

(1.) The Agreement relating to the surrender of seamen deserters of the 7th/19th August, 1875;*

(2.) The Agreement concerning the reciprocal recognition of joint-stock companies and other associations of the 23rd July 4th August, 1888;+

(3.) The Extradition Treaty of the 11th/24th September, 1910; and

(4.) All the mutilateral Treaties, Conventions and Agreements affecting Great Britain and Greece to which Egypt is not a party.

* Vol. LXVI, page 92.

+ Vol. LXXIX, page 8.

Vol. CIII, page 297.

In the execution of the Treaty of the 24th September, 1910, relating to the extradition of criminals, it is agreed that the condition attached by Article III of the abovementioned Treaty to the extradition of the nationals of the High Contracting Parties shall apply, in the case of refugees in Egypt, to the subjects of His Highness the Sultan as well as to all British nationals.

On condition of reciprocity, the regulations now applied in Greece and in Egypt respectively to imports coming from the other country or to exports to the other country shall not be altered unless notice to that effect has been previously given twelve months in advance. It is understood, however, that the present Agreement shall not limit the right of the Hellenic Government and of the Egyptian Government to introduce into the régime in force between the two countries modifications which may be applicable to all other countries without distinction.

VI. Corporations, foundations and associations under Hellenic protection which at present possess a juridical personality shall continue to be recognised as foreign juridical personalities and to enjoy all the rights and privileges pertaining to them as such. They may in particular maintain their institutions for charitable purposes, for relief, for assistance and for instruction, such as churches, hospitals, infants' homes, schools, &c. They will be qualified to own movable and immovable property devoted to the maintenance of these institutions, to manage them and to dispose of them according to their objects. They shall have the right to be parties to legal proceedings, and generally to carry out all acts necessary for their mission of social progress, by their duly appointed managers and directors according to their rules and regulations.

Nevertheless, the above-mentioned corporations, foundations and associations are subjected to all legislative control, regulation and supervision applicable to all similar European institutions in Egypt, including all legislation bearing on the right to acquire immovable property.

Greek nationals will enjoy in Egypt the same rights as British nationals in regard to the establishment of new corporations, foundations and associations.

VII. Greece agrees that, subject only to the unanimous consent of the Powers concerned, all the rights and duties of the International Quarantine Commission in Egypt are transferred to the Anglo-Egyptian authorities.

VIII. The present Agreement shall be ratified and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at Athens as soon as practicable.

In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have

signed the present Agreement and have affixed thereto the seal of their arms.

Done at Athens the 22nd August/4th September, 1920.




EXCHANGE OF NOTES between His Majesty's Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and the Swiss Minister in London relative to the Accession of Greece to the International Copyright Convention, signed at Berlin, November 13, 1908.-London, December 1/6, 1920.*

(No. 1.)-The Swiss Minister in London to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

Légation de Suisse, Londres,

le 1" décembre 1920.

M. le Comte, D'ORDRE de mon Gouvernement, j'ai l'honneur de faire connaître à votre Seigneurie que le Gouvernement de la Grèce a notifié, le 9 novembre 1920, au Conseil fédéral suisse sa décision d'adhérer à la Convention de Berne revisée du 13 novembre 1908 pour la protection des œuvres littéraires et artistiques.

Cette adhésion produit ses effets à partir du 9 novembre 1920, soit de la date de la note adressée au Conseil fédéral. Elle comporte toutefois les réserves suivantes, formulées sur la base de l'article 25, alinéa 3, de la Convention précitée :

1. En ce qui concerne le droit exclusif des auteurs de faire ou d'autoriser la traduction de leurs œuvres, le Gouvernement de la Grèce, au lieu d'adhérer à l'article 8 de la Convention revisée du 13 novembre 1908, entend rester lié par les dispositions de l'article 5 de la Convention de Berne du 9 septembre 1886;‡

2. En ce qui concerne la reproduction des articles de journaux et de recueils périodiques, le Gouvernement de la Grèce, au lieu d'adhérer à l'article 9 de la Convention revisée du 13 novembre 1908, entend rester lié par l'article 7 de la Convention de Berne du 9 septembre 1886:

3. En ce qui concerne le droit de représenter publiquement les œuvres dramatiques ou dramatico-musicales et celui d'exécuter publiquement les œuvres musicales, le Gouvernement de la Grèce, au lieu d'adhérer à l'article 11 de la Convention revisée du 13 novembre 1908, entend rester lié par l'article 9 de la Convention de Berne du 9 septembre 1886.

Treaty Series, No. 3 (1921)."

+ Vol. CII, page 619. [cxIII]

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‡ Vol. LXXVII, page 22.

Pour sa contribution aux frais du Bureau international, la Grèce désire être rangée dans la quatrième classe.

J'ai l'honneur de vous prier de bien vouloir consentir à me donner acte de la présente communication, tant au nom du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni qu'au nom du Gouvernement de l'Union de l'Afrique du Sud, et saisis, &c.


(No. 2.) The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to the Swiss Minister in London.


Foreign Office, December 6, 1920. I HAVE the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 1st instant, in which you communicate to me the formal notification of the accession of Greece on the 9th ultimo to the revised Berne Convention of the 13th November, 1908, for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, subject to the reservations mentioned.

2. Due note has been taken of this communication, which has been forwarded to the various Departments of His Majesty's Government concerned.

I have, &c.


DECLARATION by Great Britain and Japan made to the League of Nations regarding the Anglo-Japanese Agreement, signed at London, July 13, 1911.-Spa, July 8, 1920.*

THE Government of Great Britain and Japan have come to the conclusion that the Anglo-Japanese Agreement of the 13th July, 1911, now existing between the two countries, though in harmony with the spirit of the Covenant of the League of Nations, is not entirely consistent with the letter of that Covenant, which both Governments earnestly desire to respect. They accordingly have the honour jointly to inform the League that they recognise the principle that if the said Agreement be continued after July 1921, it must be in a form which is not inconsistent with that Covenant.



Spa, July 8, 1920.

League of Nations, Treaty Series, No. 2."

+ Vol. CIV, page 173.

AGREEMENT prolonging for one year the duration of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Muscat, signed at Muscat, March 19, 1891.-Muscat, February 11, 1920.

WE, the Undersigned, have agreed to what follows: that the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and Oman, signed on the 8th day of Shaban 1308 H., corresponding to the 19th March, 1891,* will be prolonged by this writing, notwithstanding all, or any, correspondence between His late Highness Syud Faisal-binTurki and the glorious British Government in the matter of the revision of that Treaty. And it will remain in force for a period of one year from this 11th day of February, 1920, corresponding to the 20th Jamadi-ul-Awwal 1338 H., unless a suitable Treaty by agreement between His Highness the Sultan of Muscat and Oman and the glorious British Government be substituted for that ancient Treaty aforesaid.

In confirmation thereof, we, that is, I, Taimur-bin-Faisal, Sultan of Muscat and Oman, with my own hand, and I, R. E. L. Wingate, Esquire, I.C.S., duly authorised agent for that purpose on behalf of the glorious British Government, have signed this writing and five copies and have affixed our seals thereto.

Done at Muscat this 11th day of February, 1920, corresponding to the 20th Jamadi-ul-Awwal 1338 H.


Political Agent, Muscat.

Seal and Signature of the
Sultan of Muscat and Oman.

TREATY between

Great Britain and the Netherlands respecting Extradition between certain British-protected States in the Malay Peninsula and the Netherlands.London, April 13, 1920.+

[Ratifications exchanged at London, August 4, 1920.]

His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India, and Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, considering it advisable to regulate by a Treaty

* Vol. LXXXIII, page 11.

"Treaty Series, No. 14 (1920)." Signed also in the Dutch language. [cxIII]

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