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Α Commission composed of seven members, five nominated by the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, one by Hungary and one by Austria, shall be constituted within fifteen days from the coming into force of the present Treaty to trace on the spot the frontier line referred to above.

The nationality of the inhabitants of the territories referred to in the present article shall be regulated in conformity with the dispositions of Articles 61 and 63 to 66.

(6.) Russia and Russian States.

72.-(1.) Hungary acknowledges and agrees to respect as permanent and inalienable the independence of all the territories which were part of the former Russian Empire on the 1st August, 1914.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 193, Part IX (Financial Clauses) and Article 227, Part X (Economic Clauses) of the present Treaty, Hungary definitively accepts so far as she is concerned the abrogation of the Treaties of Brest-Litovsk and of all other Treaties, Conventions and Agreements entered into by the former Austro-Hungarian Government with the Maximalist Government in Russia.

The Allied and Associated Powers formally reserve the rights of Russia to obtain from Hungary restitution and reparation based on the principles of the present Treaty.

(2.) Hungary undertakes to recognise the full force of all treaties or agreements which may be entered into by the Allied and Associated Powers with States now existing or coming into existence in future in the whole or part of the former Empire of Russia as it existed on the 1st August, 1914, and to recognise the frontiers of any such States as determined therein.

Section IX.-General Provisions.

73. The independence of Hungary is inalienable otherwise than with the consent of the Council of the League of Nations. Consequently, Hungary undertakes in the absence of the consent of the said Council to abstain from any act which might directly or indirectly or by any means whatever compromise her independence, particularly, and until her admission to membership of the League of Nations, by participation in the affairs of another Power.

74. Hungary hereby recognises and accepts the frontiers of Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Roumania, the SerbCroat-Slovene State and the Czecho-Slovak State as these frontiers may be determined by the Principal Allied and Associated Powers.

Hungary undertakes to recognise the full force of the Treaties of Peace and additional Conventions which have been or may be concluded by the Allied and Associated Powers with the Powers who fought on the side of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and to recognise whatever dispositions have been or may be made concerning the territories. of the former German Empire, of Austria, of the Kingdom of Bulgaria and of the Ottoman Empire, and to recognise the new States within their frontiers as there laid down.

75. Hungary renounces so far as she is concerned in favour of the Principal Allied and Associated Powers all rights and title over the territories which previously belonged to the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and which, being situated outside the new frontiers of Hungary as described in Article 27, Part II (Frontiers of Hungary), have not at present been otherwise disposed of.

Hungary undertakes to accept the settlement made by the Principal Allied and Associated Powers in regard to these territories, particularly in so far as concerns the nationality of the inhabitants.

76. No inhabitant of the territories of the former AustroHungarian Monarchy shall be disturbed or molested on account either of his political attitude between the 28th July, 1914, and the definitive settlement of the sovereignty over these territories, or of the determination of his nationality effected by the present Treaty.

77. Hungary will hand over without delay to the Allied and Associated Governments concerned archives, registers, plans, title-deeds and documents of every kind belonging to the civil, military, financial, judicial or other forms of administration in the ceded territories. If any one of these documents, archives, registers, title-deeds or plans is missing, it shall be restored by Hungary upon the demand of the Allied or Associated Government concerned.

case the archives, registers, plans, title-deeds or documents referred to in the preceding paragraph, exclusive of those of a military character, concern equally the administration in Hungary, and cannot therefore be handed over without inconvenience to such administrations, Hungary undertakes, subject to reciprocity, to give access thereto to the Allied and Associated Governments concerned.

78. Separate conventions between Hungary and each of the States to which territory of the former Kingdom of Hungary is transferred, and each of the States arising from the dismemberment of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, will provide for the interests of the inhabitants, especially in connection with their civil rights, their commerce and the exercise of their professions.


79. In territory outside her frontiers as fixed by the present Treaty Hungary renounces so far as she is concerned all rights, titles and privileges in or over territory outside Europe which belonged to the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, or to its allies, and all rights, titles and privileges whatever their origin which it held as against the Allied and Associated Powers.

Hungary undertakes immediately to recognise and to conform to the measures which may be taken now or in the future by the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, in agreement where necessary with third Powers, in order to carry the above stipulation into effect.

Section I.-Morocco.


80. Hungary renounces so far as she is concerned all rights, titles and privileges conferred on her by the General Act of Algeciras of the 7th April, 1906, and by the Franco-German Agreements of the 9th February, 1909,† and the 4th November, 1911. All treaties, agreements, arrangements and contracts concluded by the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy with the Shereefian Empire are regarded as abrogated as from the 12th August, 1914.

In no case can Hungary avail herself of these Acts and she undertakes not to intervene in any way in negotiations relating to Morocco which may take place between France and the other Powers.

81. Hungary hereby accepts all the consequences of the establishment of the French Protectorate in Morocco, which had been recognised by the Government of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, and she renounces so far as she is concerned the régime of the capitulations in Morocco. This renunciation shall take effect as from the 12th August, 1914.

82. The Shereefian Government shall have complete liberty of action in regulating the status of Hungarian nationals in Morocco and the conditions in which they can establish themselves there.

Hungarian-protected persons, semsars persons, semsars and "associés agricoles" shall be considered to have ceased, as from the 12th August, 1914, to enjoy the privileges attached to their status, and shall be subject to the ordinary law.

83. All movable and immovable property in the Shereefian Empire belonging to the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy passes ipso facto to the Maghzen without compensation.

+ Vol. CII, page 435.

* Vol. XCIX, page 141.

Vol. CIV, page 948.

For this purpose, the property and possessions of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy shall be deemed to include all the property of the Crown, and the private property of members of the former Royal Family of AustriaHungary.

All movable and immovable property in the Shereefian Empire belonging to Hungarian nationals shall be dealt with in accordance with Sections III and IV of Part X (Economic Clauses) of the present Treaty.

Mining rights which may be recognised as belonging to Hungarian nationals by the Court of Arbitration set up under the Moroccan Mining Regulations shall be treated in the same way as property in Morocco belonging to Hungarian nationals.

84. The Hungarian Government shall ensure the transfer to the person nominated by the French Government of the shares representing Hungary's portion of the capital of the State Bank of Morocco. This person will repay to the persons entitled thereto the value of these shares, which shall be indicated by the State Bank.

This transfer will take place without prejudice to the repayment of debts which Hungarian nationals may have contracted towards the State Bank of Morocco.

85. Moroccan goods entering Hungary shall enjoy the treatment accorded to French goods.

Section II.-Egypt.

86. Hungary declares that she recognises the Protectorate proclaimed over Egypt by Great Britain on the 18th December, 1914,* and that she renounces so far as she is concerned the régime of the Capitulations in Egypt.

This renunciation shall take effect as from 12th August, 1914.



87. All treaties, agreements, arrangements and tracts concluded by the Government of the former AustroHungarian Monarchy with Egypt are regarded as abrogated as from the 12th August, 1914.

In no case can Hungary avail herself of these instruments, and she undertakes not to intervene in any way in negotiations relating to Egypt which may take place between Great Britain and the other Powers.

88. Until an Egyptian law of judicial organisation establishing Courts with universal jurisdiction comes into force. provision shall be made by means of Decrees issued by His Highness the Sultan, for the exercise of jurisdiction

* Vol. CVIII, page 185.

over Hungarian nationals and property by the British Consular Tribunals.

89. The Egyptian Government shall have complete liberty of action in regulating the status of Hungarian nationals and the conditions under which they may establish themselves in Egypt.

90. Hungary consents, so far as she is concerned, to the abrogation of the Decree issued by His Highness the Khedive on the 28th November, 1904,* relating to the Commission of the Egyptian Public Debt, or to such changes as the Egyptian Government may think it desirable to make therein.

91. Hungary consents, so far as she is concerned, to the transfer to His Britannic Majesty's Government of the powers conferred on His Imperial Majesty the Sultan by the Convention signed at Constantinople on the 29th October, 1888, relating to the free navigation of the Suez Canal.

She renounces all participation in the Sanitary, Maritime and Quarantine Board of Egypt and consents, so far as she is concerned, to the transfer to the Egyptian authorities of the powers of that Board.

92. All property and possessions in Egypt of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy pass to the Egyptian Government without payment.

For this purpose, the property and possessions of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy shall be deemed to include all the property of the Crown, and the private property of members of the former Royal Family of AustriaHungary.

All movable and immovable property in Egypt belonging to Hungarian nationals shall be dealt with in accordance with Sections III and IV of Part X (Economic Clauses) of the present Treaty.

93. Egyptian goods entering Hungary shall enjoy the treatment accorded to British goods.

Section III.-Siam.

94. Hungary recognises, so far as she is concerned, that all treaties, conventions and agreements between the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and Siam, and all rights, title and privileges derived therefrom, including all rights of extraterritorial jurisdiction, terminated as from the 22nd July,


95. Hungary, so far as she is concerned, cedes to Siam all her rights over the goods and property in Siam which belonged to the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, with * Vol. XCVII, page 41. + Vol. LXXIX. page 18.

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