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Intolerance, 381-383.

Investitures, see under Papacy.

Brehon law, 189.

Christian but not Roman, 13 note.
Empire, relations with, 190.
Henry VIII's claim to kingship of,
266 note".

Iceland visited from, 186 note h
Imaginative vision in, 346.
Missionaries from, in Germany, 333
note i.

Papal gift of, to Henry II, 169

Papal supremacy, late admission
of, 190 note.

Round towers of, 526.

Scots of, tributary to Charlemagne,
70 and note*.
Irene, Empress, 46-47, 61-62.
Irminsul, 70, 516.

Isaac Angelus, Emp., 200, 343,

Isidore, Decretals of (see under
Church, Latin sub-heading False

Isolation, principle of, 125.
Italy -


Archchancellorship of, 243 and

[blocks in formation]

James III, King of Scotland, 189 and


Council of, 95.

Kingship of, claimants for, 369
and note P.

Jesuits, 376.

Germany, in, 232.

Separateness of, in second century,

Joachim II, Elector of Brandenburg,
451 note.

John VIII, Pope, 85 note3, 156, 221

note q

John XII, Pope, 88, 133-136.
John XXII, Pope, quarrel of, with
Lewis IV, 221-224, 297; wide-
spread disgust against, 223 and
note"; pretensions of, 224.
John, Archduke of Austria, 466, 467.
John, King of Bohemia, 233.
John of Constantinople, 187.
John of Jandun, 222, 223, 224 note,

John of Salisbury, cited, 295.
John Tzimiskes, Emp., 139, 140, 325.
Joseph I, Emp., 400.

Joseph II, Emp., titles of, 203;

career and policy of, 403-404;
proposal as to Austrian Nether-
lands, 531; otherwise mentioned,
274, 406, 455.
Jovian, Emp., 34.
Julian, Emp., 526.

Julius II, Pope, 369 and noteTM, 536.
Julius Nepos, Emp., 25.
Jurisprudence, see Law.
Justin I, Emp., 29 note.
Justinian, Emp., Corpus Iuris of, see

that title; conquers Italy and
Sicily, 29, 323; study of works
of, 254, 272-273; war of, against
Ostrogoths, 288; church kept
in subjection by, 337; men-
tioned, 17.

Jutland, 142, 474, 534.

Kalisch, Proclamation of, 458.
Kalo-Joannes, Emp., 343.
Kant, Immanuel, 486.
Kaunitz, 404 note".

King of the Romans, title of, 540–541.

Kings, Imperial right of creating,

Knighthood, 266 and note°, 412
note i.

Königgrätz, 417, 477.

Krakow, Treaty of, 451 note.

Lactantius quoted, 20-21.
Laeti, 16.

Lambert of Lombardy, 83.
Langensalza, 417.

Latin language, 94, 97, 119, 263, 347,

Latin races, French claims to pro-
tectorate of, 420 and note.

Latin renaissance, 254.
Lauenburg, 474, 476, 533.
Lauresheim quoted, 53-54.

Autocracy of, in Middle Ages, 429.
Brehon, 189.

Canon Law, 101-102, 348, 436

Capitulary of 802, 66.

Commercial, Code of, in Germany,

Ecclesiastical imitation of, 101-

[blocks in formation]

Law (continued) –

Uniformity through, the aim of
Charlemagne, 74, 92.

Leo I, Emp., 526.

Leo the Isaurian, Emp., 38, 332.
Leo I, Pope, 154.

Leo III, Pope, accession of, 44;
Charles the Great crowned by,
2, 48-49, 52-61, 154-155, 220,
283, 344; charter issued by, on
Charles's coronation, 106 note;
Charles's letters to, 65; triclin-
ium constructed by, 116.
Leo IV, Pope, Leonine city named
from, 306 note".

Leo VIII, Pope, 135, 137, 156.
Leo IX, Pope, 220 note", 338

Leopold I, Emp., 244, 400, 452.
Leopold II, Emp., 404.
Lessing, 406.

Lewis I, Emp. (the Pious), crowned
by his father, 61, 77; re-
crowned by the Pope, 156;
ius eligendi, &c., renounced by,
155; receives Danish homage,
184; tomb of, 525; otherwise
mentioned, 536, 540 noteh.
Lewis II, Emp., letter of, to Basil the
Macedonian, 110 and note, 219
note; Basil's reproach of, 342;
tomb of, 524; otherwise men-
tioned, 201 note x, 291, 441, 540.
Lewis IV. Emp. (the Bavarian),
territories adjudged by, to Ed-
ward III of England, 185 note;
homage demanded by, from Ed-
ward, 188; struggle with Papacy
maintained by, 220-225, 227
note, 229, 438; in Rome, 222-
224, 279-280, 297; on Wittels-
bach dispute, 243; cited to
appear before Rienzo, 298; ex-
communication of, 521; tomb
of, 525; otherwise mentioned,
234, 265 note m, 355, 373.
Lewis XI, King of France, 354.
Lewis XII, King of France, 368.
Lewis XIV, King of France, 398, 450.
Lewis of Burgundy, 83 and note.
Lewis the Child, Emp., 80, 121,

[blocks in formation]


Desire for, conditions determining,

Sentiment of, in Italy, in twelfth

century, 177.
'Ligurinus,' 199 note ".

Eastern Empire, in, 350 and note.
German, 406, 432, 496.

Revival of (1100-1400), 254, 270.
Lithuania, Duke of, 266 note ".
Lithuanians, 183, 286, 452.
Liudprand, Bp., on Pope John XII,
134-135, 136 noted; on the
Franks, 141 note; otherwise men-
tioned, 201.

Liudprand, King of the Lombards,

[blocks in formation]

of Westphalia, 393; by re-
unions, 398-399.

Germany, included in, 183.
Tuscany, bartered for, 401.
Lothar I, Emp., territories assigned
to, 78; tomb of, 525; otherwise
mentioned, 150, 268, 291, 539,
540 note

Lothar II, Emp. (the Saxon), election
of, 238; homage of, to the Pope,
166, 169, 302-303; tomb of,
525; otherwise mentioned, 198,

Lothar, King of Italy, 84.
Lotharingia (see also Lorraine) –
German Empire joined by, 141.
Henry the Fowler's recovery of, 80.
Separation of, from Italy and Bur-
gundy, 78.

Louis, St., 179.

Louis Napoleon, Emperor of France,
letter of, to General Forey, 420
note; Schleswig-Holstein ques-
tion, 474 note; precipitates war
with Germany, 480-481; other-
wise mentioned, 478 note ".
Louis d'Outremer, King of France,


Louis Philippe, King of France, 465.
Lübeck, 180 note, 483.
Luneville, Peace of, 413.
Luther, Martin, 371, 386.
Luxemburg, 246, 477, 480.

Magnus the Good, King, 75 note".
Magyars, 80, 133, 368 note 1, 467, 478.
Malarich, 34.

Manfred (son of Frederick II), 211.
Marcian, Emp., 526.

Marcus Aurelius, Emp., 16; column
of, 304.

Maria Theresa, 403.
Marseilles, Frankish acquisition of,
29 note.

Marsilius of Padua, Arnold of Brescia
a forerunner of, 295; Lewis IV
supported by, 222-228 and notes;
on Mohammedanism, 514; career
of, 520-521.

Mary of Burgundy, 357, 361, 531.
Matilda of Tuscany, Countess, 160,
168, 207, 278.
Matthias, Emp., 387.

Maurice, Emp., 154.
Maurice of Saxony, 374 and note .
Maximilian I, Emp., on financial state
of the Empire, 233 noted; reason
for choice of, 361; power of
Hapsburgs founded by, 361 and
note; Netherlands acquired by,
357; struggle with the Swiss,
357; establishes Hofrath, 366;
scheme of, as to the Papacy, 370;
tomb of, at Innsbruck, 514, 525;
title of, 369, 536, 540 note i;
epoch of, 362 et seq.; otherwise
mentioned, 402 note i.
Maximilian II, Emp., 375, 525.
Maximilian, King of Bavaria, 244.

Maximin, Emp., 15.
Mazzini, 497, 500.

Mecklenburg, position

of, in twelfth

century, 183.

Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 487.

Mediterranean Sea, Ottoman suprem-
acy in, 354.

Meissen, Mark of, 139.
Mellobaudes, 34.

Mentz, Abp. of —

Archchancellorship of Germany
held by, 243 and note.
Electoral privilege of, 241 and
note ", 243.

Primacy of Germany held by, 127.
Mentz, Archbishopric of, transferred
to Regensburg, 245 note b.
Merovech, 35.

Merovingians, deposition of, 39.
Merseburg, battle of, 85.
Merseburg, Diet at, 185.
Metternich, Prince, 458-461, 465.
Michael, Emp., 62 and note °.
Michael the Scot, 211 note d.
Micklegarth, 328 note e.
Middle Ages

Antichrist, views concerning, 516–

Antiquity, reverence for, 253, 267-
268, 270-276, 318.
Art of, 115-118.

Church, conception of, 423-424.
Concrete thinking, tendency tow-
ards, 96-97, 99.

Conduct and theory in, divergence
of, 119-120, 132-133.

Dead, treatment of, 294 note *.

[blocks in formation]


Eastern Empire's conflicts with,
321, 325, 332.

Spain conquered by, 45 note.

Naples -

Angevin and Aragonese rule in,

190, 212.

French and Austrian claims as to,

Henry VI's acquisition of, 190, 205.
Napoleon's policy regarding, 411


Norman rule of, 190.
Napoleon I, Emp. of France, changes

by, in German constitution, 245;
parallel between Charles the
Great and, 408-410, 528; Pius
VII's relations with, 410, 411
and note; court of, 412 and
note; policy regarding Ger-
many, 413-415,457; forms Con-
federation of the Rhine, 456;
Prussia scorned by, 456; calls
his son King of Rome,' 540.
Nassau, 245 note".
Nationalities, formation of, 256.
Nationality, principle of -

Germany, in, see under Germany.
Growth of, 269.

Imperial opposition to, 440.
Italy, in, 138, 177, 299, 319, 496.
Triumph of, 505.
Naulobatus, 16.
Neo-Platonism, 6.
Nero, Emp., II.

Hapsburg acquisition of, 357.
Philip II's accession to, 375.
Roman Law in, 366.

Venice, bartered for, by Austria,

Neustria, 73, 78.

Nicaea, Council of, 352.
Nicephorus, Emp., 62, 139, 140.
Nicholas I, Pope, 61, 153, 268, 336.
Nicholas II, Pope, 158.
Nicholas III, Pope, 221.
Nicholas V, Pope, 300, 313.
Nicholas Breakspear, see Hadrian

Nicomedia, Imperial residence at,
6 note, 7.

Normandy, Edward III declared en-
titled to, 185 note1.


Apulian dominions of, 150, 158
note h

Comnenus, repulse by, 326.
Naples and Sicily under, 190, 212.
Rise of (eleventh century), 44.
Norsemen, ravages of (ninth century),
Norway -

Iceland, relations with, 211 note,
280 note.

Imperial crown offered to Hakon
of, 211 and note®.
Independence of (twelfth century),

Nürnberg, 275 and note.

Ockham, William of, 222, 225, 227
note b, 339, 521, 523.
Odo (Eudes), King of France, 82.
Odoacer, recognized position of, 24-
26; rule of, 27; called 'patri-
cian,' 40; merges Western Em-
pire in Eastern, 62.
Oecumenical councils, 94.
Olmütz, conferences at, 467.
Optatus on the early church, 13



Orthodox Church, see Church, Eastern.
Osnabrück, Treaty of, 388, 391, 393.
Ostrogoths -

Extinction of, in Italy, 29, 336.
Rome adorned by, 23; ravaged in
war against, 288.

Otto I, Emp. (the Great), Holy
Roman Empire created by, 80;
Edith the wife of, 84 note 1, 142;
first expedition into Italy (951),
84; descent into Italy (962),
88; coronation feast at Aachen,
122; title assumed by, 128,
position of, on assumption of
Imperial crown, 127; policy
towards the nobles, 124; cleri-
cal policy of, 127-128, 143, 166,
204; in Rome, 133-137, 305;
deposes Pope John XII, 135;
rule in Italy, 138-139; foreign
policy, 139-142; policy towards
West Franks, 140-141; Danish
victories of, 142, 184, 533;

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