The Law Reports, Chancery Appeal Cases: Including Bankruptcy and Lunacy Cases, Before the Lord Chancellor, and the Court of Appeal in Chancery, Volume 7

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Council of Law Reporting, 1872 - Bankruptcy

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Page 547 - Court might think fit; that an account might be taken of what was due to the plaintiff...
Page 303 - ... to have any claim, present or future, certain or contingent, ascertained or sounding only in damages against the company, or whereby the company may be rendered liable...
Page 140 - And in the case put, the surety is held to be discharged, for this reason, because the creditor by so giving time to the principal has put it out of the power of the surety to consider whether he will have recourse to his remedy against the principal or not, and because he, in fact, cannot have the same remedy against the principal as he would have had under the original contract.
Page lvi - Chancellor, or other person intrusted by virtue of the Queen's Sign Manual with the care and commitment of the custody of the persons and estates of lunatics...
Page 174 - ... firms are in whole or in part composed of the same individuals, or that the sole contractor is also one of the joint contractors, shall not prevent proof in respect of the contracts against the properties respectively liable on the contracts.
Page 466 - ... and all the clauses and provisions of this act, save so far as they shall be expressly varied or excepted by any such act. shall apply to the undertaking authorized thereby, so far as the same shall be applicable to such undertaking...
Page 552 - ... any declaration before mentioned shall not extend to any letters patent and grants of privilege for the term of fourteen years or under, hereafter to be made of the sole working or making of any manner of new manufactures within this Realm, to the true and first inventor and inventors of such manufactures, which others at the time of making such letters patents and grants shall not use, so as also they be not contrary to the law nor mischievous to the State, by raising prices of commodities at...
Page 511 - ... inquire whether such resolution has been passed in the manner directed by this section ; and if satisfied that it has been so passed, it shall, subject to the provisions hereinafter contained, and upon being satisfied that the same is for the best...
Page 245 - A testator gave all his real and personal estate to his wife for the use and benefit of herself and all his children...
Page 571 - But — The Court said, that if that were so, no contract could ever be completed by the post. For if the defendants were not bound by their offer when accepted by the plaintiffs till the answer was received, then the plaintiffs ought not to be bound till after they had received notification that the defendants had received their answer and assented to it. And so it might go on ad infinitum.

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