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his final departure. There were only, at that time, one hundred French troops in Lisbon.

The following are the principal members of the royal family of Portugal, who have embarked for the Brazils:

Maria Francisca Elizabeth, queen of Portugal and Algarva, born Dec. 17, 1735, married her uncle, Don Pedro III., king of Portugal, who died 25th May, 1806.

Juan Maria Joseph Lewis, infant of Portugal, prince regent, born the 13th of May, 1767, and married June 9, 1785.

Charlotta Joachima, infanta of Spain, and princess of Brazil.

Maria Ann Francisca Josephina, sister of the queen, born October 7, 1736.

Maria Francisca Benedictina, sis-. ter of the queen, born July 24, 1756; married Joseph Francis Xavier, prince of Brazil, who died the 10th Sept. 1788.

The following are the children of the prince regent:

Don Antonio, prince of Beira, born Aug. 12, 1798.

Michael, &c. born October 26, 1802.

Maria Theresa, born April 29, 1793.

Isabella Maria Francisca, born May 19, 1797.

Maria Francisca, born April 22, 1800.

Isabella Maria, born July 4, 1801. New York papers have been received to the 6th of last month. A debate took place in the house of representatives respecting the motion for referring the memorial of the Philadelphia merchants, against the Non-importation act, to a committee. The grounds on which the motion was opposed, was the hostile disposi

tion of Britain; now clearly apparent from her hostile preparations, from the activity with which her emissa ries were decoying the Indians to the frontiers of America, and from the arming of the militia in Canada and Nova Scotia. It was argued, that it was useless to refer the petition to the committee, when they were on the eve of a war. "The house," said Mr Randolph," had now been five weeks in session, and on the eve of a war, and the country was in no better state of defence than it was when the house first assembled."

On the 30th November, Mr Cooke moved for an account of the number of frigates and armed vessels, and of the number of seamen actually employed. The motion, however, relative to the number of frigates and armed vessels, was withdrawn, the house having received information of the number from the secretary at war. The other was agreed to.

The amount of the British navy up to this day, is as follows:---At sea, 85 ships of the line; 9 from 50 to 44 guns; 121 frigates; 150 sloops, &c., and 159 gun-brigs and other vessels; total, 524. In port and fitting, 29 ships of the line; 6 from 50 to 44 guns; 46 frigates; 71 sloops, &c.; and 65 gun-brigs and other vessels; total, 217. Guard-ships, hos pital-ships, &c. 30 ships of the line; 5 from 50 to 44 guns; 11 frigates; 5 sloops, &c.; and 3 gun-brigs and other vessels; total, 54. Building, 47 ships of the line, 18 frigates, 23 sloops, &c.; and 10 gun-brigs and other vessels; total, 98. In ordinary,62 ships of the line, 9 from 50 to 44 guns, 65 frigates, 50 sloops, &c., and 21 gun-brigs and other vessels; total, 207. Grand total, 1,100.

An inquisition was taken on Tues


day, at a public-house, in Maddoxstreet, on the body of Mrs Corner, a reputable housekeeper, who met her death by her cloathes taking fire. The circumstances attending this accident were truly distressing. It appeared in evidence that the deceased, whose husband had been for some time confined to his bed, had sent her servant for some porter, and being herself but feeble, she took the candle to lock the door. She, by some means, set fire to her shawl, and, in giving an alarm, her husband left his bed to her assistance, but the poor woman was burnt dread fully; and, after surviving a week, she died. Her husband caught cold in flying to her assistance, which, together with the alarm, deprived him of life in two days after the accident. Verdict, Accidental Death.

POLICE-OFFICE, MARLBOROUGH STREET.-On Thursday, a woman of the name of Martha Davis, was charged with violently assaulting Charles Titwell, a youth 15 years of age, dragging him into a loathsome dark room, and there, with menaces and violence, robbing him. The youth is servant to Mr Lewis of Covent Garden Theatre, of whom his master spoke in the highest praise. He stated, in evidence, that he had been sent with several messages on Wednesday evening, to different parts of the town, and on his return home, through Dyot-street, St Giles's, he perceived the prisoner standing at the door of a wretched habitation; she seized him by the arm, and dragged him through a passage into a dark room, where there was another wretched female. Terrified at the sudden deprivation of liberty, the youth attempted to excite alarm, when the prisoner knocked him down, and with horrid imprecations

threatened him with instant death, if he persisted in making any resistance. The youth was partly stripped; his hat, which had on it a silver band, was taken off by the prisoner, and concealed under a bedstead, and she and her associate took from his pocket half a crown, being all the money he had. The door of the room was at length thrown open, and the youth retired with his hat, which he had taken from under the bedstead; but on the prisoner perceiving that he had got it, she followed him, and, assisted by a man, took it from him. The man who thus assisted took the youth in his arms, threatening to take him to the watchhouse. He continued to resist, and some watchmen interfered, when the man escaped, but the prisoner was secured. She was fully committed for trial, and the parties bound over to prosecute. The woman has since been tried, and convicted.


Derwent lake was frozen over by the late severe frost; and on Sunday the 20th ult. two boys (sons of Mrs Barbara Rigg, of Newlands, near Keswick) were both drowned. The elder was about 16 years of age, the other 14. The ice giving way, the elder first slipped in about 100 yards from the shore, on the west side of the lake, and about 30 yards below the small island called Ling Holm; and keeping his head above water, the younger ran and brought a hedge-stake, and, endeavouring to throw it to his brother, he fell in also, at about 20 yards distance. In this situation they were seen by many, who had not the means of affording them timely assistance. At length a boat was launched on the ice from the shore next Keswick, (being a full mile from the place,) which was hauled about half way, when, unfor

tunately, it broke through the ice. It was then carried by a young man and a boy (only) one pushing the ice, and the other pulling or hauling it: by which means they got so near the elder brother, that he cried out, "It is well you are coming. You will save my life." But before they could reach the spot, he sunk. The younger had disappeared long before. It is supposed that the elder brother kept his head above water for an hour at least.

EDINBURGH, 4th.-A curious cause was recently decided in the Court of Session. A number of sheep having, about four years ago, been worried and destroyed by dogs, in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, a reward of 50 guineas was offered, for "obtaining a discovery in the premises." A poor washer-woman, at Stockbridge, soon afterwards, accidentally, during the night, saw a dog worrying some sheep, traced him to his owner's house, and gave information. After a long litigation, the dog was convicted and executed. The poor woman then claimed the reward, which was refused, on the ground that the information had not been given in the terms of the advertisement. The sheriff of the county, upon petition, adjudged her entitled to the reward. The sheriff's judgment was brought before the Court of Session, which, after a litigation of three years, confirmed the decision of the sheriff with all expences.

This day came on before the High Court of Justiciary, the trial of Robert Dow, accused of stealing money from a gentleman's house, where he was intimately acquainted. He pled guilty. The libel was restricted to an arbitrary punishment, and a jury being chosen, he adhered to his con

fession, which he signed. The jury retired to the robing room, and returned in a short time with a verdict finding him guilty. He was sentenced to be transported beyond seas for life.

Tuesday, came on the trial of Barbara Malcolm, present prisoner in the tolbooth of Edinburgh, for the murder of her bastard child.-The indictment stated,

"That upon the forenoon of Tuesday the 8th of December last, the prisoner did, in the house of Adam Gordon, labourer, in Lady Lawson's Wynd, Edinburgh, take her daughter, known by the name of Margaret Sutherland, who was then about 18 months old, and lodged in the house of the said Adam Gordon, upon her knee, and did wickedly and barbar ously pour a quantity of what is commonly called oil of vitriol, or some other substance of a poisonous nature, to the public prosecutor unknown, over its throat, pretending that she was giving it raw sugar to clear its throat; and the said Margaret Sutherland was immediately after seized with violent reaching and vomiting, and other symptoms incident to those who have been poisoned; and, notwithstanding medical assistance was procured, languished in excruciating torment till the evening of the said 8th day of December, when she died."

The examination of witnesses lasted till pretty late in the afternoon, when the jury were enclosed in the robing room, and, in a short time thereafter, returned into court, and gave in a verdict all in one voice finding the prisoner guilty; and she received sentence of death, ordaining her to be executed at Edinburgh on Wednesday the 10th of February

next, and her body thereafter to be given for dissection, in terms of the act of parliament.

A numerous meeting of Roman Catholics took place on Tuesday, at Dublin, the Earl of Fingal in the chair, when it appeared to be the unanimous sense, that it would be advisable to have a petition presented in the ensuing sessions to the Imperial Parliament, praying for the repeal of the remaining penal laws; and it was agreed, that a further meeting should take place on the 19th instant, when a petition would be agreed to, and the mode of its presentation settled.

Loss OF THE ANSON FRIGATE.— The Anson frigate of 40 guns sailed from Falmouth the 24th ult. to resume her station off the Black-rocks, as one of the look-out frigates of the channel fleet. In the violent storm of Monday, blowing about W. S. W. she stood across the entrance of the channel towards Scilly, made the Land's End, which they mistook for the Lizard, and bore up, as they thought, for Falmouth. Still doubtful, however, in the evening of Monday, captain Lydiard stood off again to the southward: when a consultation being held, it was once more resolved to bear up for Falmouth Running eastward and northward, still under the fatal persuasion, that the Lizard was on the north-west of them, they did not discover their mistake till the man on the look-out a-head, called out "breakers!" The ship was instantaneously broached to, and the best bower let go, which happily brought her up; but, the rapidity with which the cable had veered out, made it impossible to serve it, and it soon parted in the hawsehole. The sheet anchor was then let 80, which also brought up the ship;

but after riding end-on for a short time, this cable parted, from the same cause, about eight in the morning, and the ship went plump on shore, upon the ridge of sand which separates the Loe-pool from the bay.... Never did the sea run more tremendously high. It broke over the ship's masts, which soon went by the board; the main-mast forming a floating raft from the ship to the shore; and the greater part of those who escaped, passed by this medium. One of the men saved, reports, that captain Lydiard was near him on the mainmast; but he seemed to have lost the use of his faculties, with horror of the scene, and soon disappeared. We have not room to go further into particulars, nor language that will convey an adequate picture of the terrific view that presented itself; but justice demands that we notice the conduct of a worthy member of a sect perhaps too much vilified.

At a time when no one appeared on the ship's deck, and it was supposed the work of death had ceased, a methodist preacher, venturing his life through the surf, got on board over the wreck of the main-mast, to see if any more remained; some ho nest hearts followed him. They found several persons still below, who could not get up; among whom were two women and two children. The wor thy preacher and his party saved the two women, and some of the men, but the children were lost. About two P. M, the ship went to pieces; when a few more men, who, for some crime, had been confined in irons be low, emerged from the wreck. One of these was saved. By three o'clock, no appearance of the vessel remain. ed. She was an old ship-(a 64, cut down)-which accounts for her beating to pieces so soon on a sandy

bottom. The men who survived, were conveyed to Helston, about two miles distant, where they were taken care of by the magistrates, and afterwards sent to Falmouth, in charge of the regulating captain at that port. Among the officers saved, we have heard of the following:-Captain Sullivan, a passenger; Messrs Hill and Brailey, midshipmen; Mr Ross, assistant surgeon, and some others.

The King's Theatre opened on Saturday last for the season, un der authority of the lord chamberlain's licence, issued to Mr Taylor, some difficulties between him and Madame Catalani having been previously removed. This charming singer made her first appearance in the arduous character of Semiramide. The public are already so well acquainted with the wonderful powers of this lady, and with the amazing effect produced both by her performance and singing in this grand opera, that it is unnecessary to dwell upon the various perfections she displays in it. We shall only say, that her voice appeared still more powerful than last year, particularly in the lower notes; her intonation more firm and perfect, and her execution more correct, without being less rapid and brilliant. But, greatly as we admire those qualities, we confess, that we were still more pleased with the exquisite taste and delightful expression with which she sang the charming air, Frenar vorei lagrime, in the second act.

When Madam Catalani entered upon the stage, she was greeted with loud and reiterated plaudits, which instantly drowned the impotent attempts made by a few of her envious Countrymen to counteract the kind reception she met with from the Bri

tish public; and, when the curtain dropped, five distinct peals of ap plause attested the universal satisfaction.

The expedition under General Spencer and Sir Charles Cotton has been obliged to return into port, after having encountered much damage in a dreadful gale of wind the 27th ult., the same which proved fa tal to the Anson frigate.

At a numerous and respectable meeting of the merchants and manufacturers, held in the Town-hall of Glasgow, in consequence of public advertisement, the Lord Provost in the chair, the following resolution was carried unanimously:

"Resolved, That it will be proper, in this meeting, at this important and momentous crisis, when the unbounded ambition of our enemy calls forth all the energies of his government, and of his people, to address his majesty, and to assure him of our firm determination to support, at all times, and by every means in our power, his just rights, and the interests of the British empire; and to state to him, at the same time, that, although we must be supposed to feel the effects of his adversary's exertions against the commerce and manufactures of the country, yet we have no interests but what are identified with the dignity of his crown, and the independence of these kingdoms. And further, that we are fully satisfied it is only by persevering in prompt, wise, and vigorous measures, that we are to hope for the attainment of our wishes, a safe, honourable, and lasting peace.

JAMES MACKENZIE, Provost." The thanks of the meeting were then voted to the Lord Provost for his conduct on the occasion.

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