Manual of International Law, for the Use of Navies, Colonies and Consulates, Volume 2Nijhoff, 1884 - International law |
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Page 218
... freight , commission , insurance , gene- ral average , and whatever else may have been expended for the preservation of the merchandise . 6o . Where the vendee has acccepted a bill of exchange or other commercial paper , for the full ...
... freight , commission , insurance , gene- ral average , and whatever else may have been expended for the preservation of the merchandise . 6o . Where the vendee has acccepted a bill of exchange or other commercial paper , for the full ...
Page 232
... freight to be earned . Insurance can be made on the whole or on a part of the above combined or separate ; in time of peace , or of war , before , or during the voyage of the ship ; for the voyage out and home , or either of them ; for ...
... freight to be earned . Insurance can be made on the whole or on a part of the above combined or separate ; in time of peace , or of war , before , or during the voyage of the ship ; for the voyage out and home , or either of them ; for ...
Page 238
... freight and expected profit , the French writers and the French Legis- lature declare that , though the capital lent on bottomry may be insured , yet the maritime interest , which the lender on bottomry is to receive on the prosperous ...
... freight and expected profit , the French writers and the French Legis- lature declare that , though the capital lent on bottomry may be insured , yet the maritime interest , which the lender on bottomry is to receive on the prosperous ...
Page 240
... freight , but , in effect , was an unauthorized mortgage of these interests , the Court held , that the lender had no insurable interest in the ship . ' 11 * 19 ° . Goods may be insured for the full value they have at the time and place ...
... freight , but , in effect , was an unauthorized mortgage of these interests , the Court held , that the lender had no insurable interest in the ship . ' 11 * 19 ° . Goods may be insured for the full value they have at the time and place ...
Page 241
Jan Helenus Ferguson. on freight ( infra No. 25 ) led to the prohibition of insurance there on expected profit . " 11 * " In Hamburg , in Holland , in Sweden , in Portugal , in Italy , in the United States and in England insurances on ...
Jan Helenus Ferguson. on freight ( infra No. 25 ) led to the prohibition of insurance there on expected profit . " 11 * " In Hamburg , in Holland , in Sweden , in Portugal , in Italy , in the United States and in England insurances on ...
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Common terms and phrases
acts affreightment ARNOULD authority average bankruptcy Barratry belonging bill of lading bills of exchange bottomry caused Chapt charges charter-party civilized claim collision commercial Conflict of Laws conformity Conscience consignee Consul Convention Court creditors crew curators or assignees damage declaration discharge domicile Droit Intern Edit existing foreign freight freighter Government Huascar human mind indemnity individual insolvent intercourse interest jurisdiction Justice Law of Nations Law of Nature legislation LEONE LEVI lex domicilii lex fori lex loci contractus lex mercatoria liable loss Marine Maritime Law ment Moral Law navigation obligations officers owner or master parties payment PHILLIMORE Political Nationality port principle Private International Law private vessels public vessels reason regard regulations respective Robert Phillimore rules salvage ship and cargo ship's shipper stipulated territorial waters thereof tion treaty underwriter usages voyage wages WHEATON