Manual of International Law, for the Use of Navies, Colonies and Consulates, Volume 2Nijhoff, 1884 - International law |
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Page 39
... interest and emo- tions . But when Conscience casts its light on an impure mind , depraved by rapacious selfish- ness or moved by angry passions , its image is distorted like the gentle moon reflected in stormy waters ; yet , the voice ...
... interest and emo- tions . But when Conscience casts its light on an impure mind , depraved by rapacious selfish- ness or moved by angry passions , its image is distorted like the gentle moon reflected in stormy waters ; yet , the voice ...
Page 50
... interest of man , pervades the whole system and is discoverable in every part of it , even to its minutest ramification , in a legal formality or in the construction of an article in a treaty . " SIR J. MACKINTOSH . Discourse on the Law ...
... interest of man , pervades the whole system and is discoverable in every part of it , even to its minutest ramification , in a legal formality or in the construction of an article in a treaty . " SIR J. MACKINTOSH . Discourse on the Law ...
Page 53
... interest with general welfare . RITTIEZ . Science des Droits , Causes de desordre , Faits Politi- ques , p . 290-293 . VICTOR COUSIN . Philosophie Moderne . 1846. " Du bien et du mal moral . " Vol . I , p . 337-343 . ORTOLAN Regl ...
... interest with general welfare . RITTIEZ . Science des Droits , Causes de desordre , Faits Politi- ques , p . 290-293 . VICTOR COUSIN . Philosophie Moderne . 1846. " Du bien et du mal moral . " Vol . I , p . 337-343 . ORTOLAN Regl ...
Page 54
... interests , in all matters affecting the Political Nationality . Different Nations can , by their common con- sent , be united into one State ; in which case all the individuals composing the State have the same political nationality 54 ...
... interests , in all matters affecting the Political Nationality . Different Nations can , by their common con- sent , be united into one State ; in which case all the individuals composing the State have the same political nationality 54 ...
Page 59
... interests International and duties of States are identical , and that the mutual interests of civilized States are so inter- woven , that each , by the due performance of its own duty , promotes the welfare of all . Again , * Thus China ...
... interests International and duties of States are identical , and that the mutual interests of civilized States are so inter- woven , that each , by the due performance of its own duty , promotes the welfare of all . Again , * Thus China ...
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acts affreightment ARNOULD authority average bankruptcy Barratry belonging bill of lading bills of exchange bottomry caused Chapt charges charter-party civilized claim collision commercial Conflict of Laws conformity Conscience consignee Consul Convention Court creditors crew curators or assignees damage declaration discharge domicile Droit Intern Edit existing foreign freight freighter Government Huascar human mind indemnity individual insolvent intercourse interest jurisdiction Justice Law of Nations Law of Nature legislation LEONE LEVI lex domicilii lex fori lex loci contractus lex mercatoria liable loss Marine Maritime Law ment Moral Law navigation obligations officers owner or master parties payment PHILLIMORE Political Nationality port principle Private International Law private vessels public vessels reason regard regulations respective Robert Phillimore rules salvage ship and cargo ship's shipper stipulated territorial waters thereof tion treaty underwriter usages voyage wages WHEATON