Manual of International Law, for the Use of Navies, Colonies and Consulates, Volume 2Nijhoff, 1884 - International law |
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Page 97
... Territorial Rights of a State comprehend : Territorial 1st . All within the limit of the State , mainland as well as the islands adjacent to its coasts , also the seas , lakes and rivers , which are conterminous with the territory ...
... Territorial Rights of a State comprehend : Territorial 1st . All within the limit of the State , mainland as well as the islands adjacent to its coasts , also the seas , lakes and rivers , which are conterminous with the territory ...
Page 100
... waters adjacent thereto , are to be held and deemed to have been done or committed on the high seas , on board a ... TERRITORIAL RIGHTS . ] .
... waters adjacent thereto , are to be held and deemed to have been done or committed on the high seas , on board a ... TERRITORIAL RIGHTS . ] .
Page 107
... territorial waters , have a right to expect from all other Powers acknowledgment and res- pect of the treaties concluded with the respective Native Chiefs for such purposes . In the case of a country not under actual terri- torial ...
... territorial waters , have a right to expect from all other Powers acknowledgment and res- pect of the treaties concluded with the respective Native Chiefs for such purposes . In the case of a country not under actual terri- torial ...
Page 116
... territorial waters . 4th . To armed forces of a friendly Power passing through the territory of a State , with the expressed or implied consent of the latter . 5th . To Foreign Merchant Vessels and their crews , in cases expressedly ...
... territorial waters . 4th . To armed forces of a friendly Power passing through the territory of a State , with the expressed or implied consent of the latter . 5th . To Foreign Merchant Vessels and their crews , in cases expressedly ...
Page 134
... territorial waters , provided this constitutes simple or disciplinary desertion , punishable by merely disciplinary punishment . But criminal or quali- fied desertion , that is desertion combined with or complicated by offences , which ...
... territorial waters , provided this constitutes simple or disciplinary desertion , punishable by merely disciplinary punishment . But criminal or quali- fied desertion , that is desertion combined with or complicated by offences , which ...
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acts affreightment ARNOULD authority average bankruptcy Barratry belonging bill of lading bills of exchange bottomry caused Chapt charges charter-party civilized claim collision commercial Conflict of Laws conformity Conscience consignee Consul Convention Court creditors crew curators or assignees damage declaration discharge domicile Droit Intern Edit existing foreign freight freighter Government Huascar human mind indemnity individual insolvent intercourse interest jurisdiction Justice Law of Nations Law of Nature legislation LEONE LEVI lex domicilii lex fori lex loci contractus lex mercatoria liable loss Marine Maritime Law ment Moral Law navigation obligations officers owner or master parties payment PHILLIMORE Political Nationality port principle Private International Law private vessels public vessels reason regard regulations respective Robert Phillimore rules salvage ship and cargo ship's shipper stipulated territorial waters thereof tion treaty underwriter usages voyage wages WHEATON