| Great Britain - Law - 1807 - 732 pages
...reason only, or on the answer°que*soU ground, that the answering of such question may establish tions. or tend to establish that he owes a debt, or is otherwise subject to a ctril suit, either at the instance of his Majesty, or of any fier person or persons. CAP. XXXVIII.... | |
| William Sampson - Catholics - 1813 - 278 pages
...or to expose him to a penalty or forfeiture of any nature whatever, by reason only, or on the sole ground that the answering of such question, may establish...owes a debt, or is otherwise subject to a civil suit, either at the instance of his majesty or of any other person or per,, sons." This statute has settled... | |
| Samuel March Phillipps - Evidence (Law) - 1815 - 600 pages
...no tendency to accuse himself, or to expose him to penalty or forfeiture of any nature whatsoever,) on the ground, that the answering of such question...a debt, or is otherwise subject to a civil suit." But the right, which the parties to a suit have, to refuse answering any question, is not in any degree... | |
| William Dickinson - Criminal law - 1815 - 488 pages
...expose him to penalty or forfeiture of any nature whatsoever, by reason only, that the answering snch question may establish or tend to establish that he...owes a debt, or is otherwise subject to a civil suit, at the instance of his Majesty, or of any other person.J 3. Persons interested. It is a general rule... | |
| Joseph Chitty - Foreign exchange rates - 1818 - 892 pages
...or to expose him to penalty or forfeiture of any nature whatsoever, by reason only, or on the sole ground that the answering of such question may establish...owes a debt or is otherwise subject to a civil suit, cither at the instance of his majesty or of any other person*." But it has recently been determined1,... | |
| William Dickinson - Criminal law - 1820 - 922 pages
...to expose him to penalty or forfeiture of any nature whatsoever, by reason only, that the answering such question may establish or tend to establish that...owes a debt, or is otherwise subject to a civil suit, at the instance of his Majesty, or of any other person. * But otherwise, if in his opinion the answering... | |
| Thomas Peake - Evidence - 1822 - 668 pages
...or to expose him to penalty or forfeiture of any nature whatsoever, by reason only, or on the sole ground, that the answering of such question may establish...owes a debt, or is otherwise subject to a civil suit, either at the instance of his majesty or of any other person or persras. A rated inhabitant of a parish... | |
| Thomas Peake - Evidence - 1822 - 666 pages
...tendency to accuse himself, or to expose him to any penalty or forfeiture, but the answering of which may establish or tend to establish that he owes a debt, or is otherwise subject to a civil suit at the instance of his majesty, or of some other person or persons : Be it therefore declareu and enacted,... | |
| Great Britain - 1823 - 800 pages
...or to expose him to Penalty or Forfeiture, of any Nature whatsoever, by Reason only, or on the sole Ground, that the answering of such Question may establish...owes a Debt, or is otherwise subject to a Civil Suit, either at the Instance of His Majesty, or of any other Person or Persons. CAP. XXXVIIL An Act for repealing... | |
| Thomas Peake - Evidence (Law) - 1824 - 838 pages
...or to expose him to penalty or forfeiture of any nature whatsoever, by reason only, or on the sole ground, that the answering of such question may establish...establish that he owes a debt, or is otherwise subject to н uivil suit, either at the instance of bis majesty or of any other person or persons. A rated inhabitant... | |
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