Eclipses for 1868 (none visible in the U. S.).... Aspects and Movements of the Planets. 73 10093.6(1868-73) ✓ Astronomical, &c. PAGE. PAGE. Howard University Incorpo- Reconstructio Calendars (January to December); Changes of the Moon; Planets on the Meridian; Sun on the Noonmark, Sidereal Noon, Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon throughout the United States, Highwater, Moon's apogee and peri gee .5-16 2 rated .25 2,1867 ..26 Reconstructio .24 mental of, M 22 Reconstructio Imprisonment for Debt Meetings of Congress Characters explained Planetary Cycles and Church Days How Surveyors get the Vari- Morning and Evening Stars Political. THE GOVERNMENT. Cabinet-the President's Congress Members of 2 .22 mental of, Ju Representativ .19 Reconstructe 22 Admitted... Passengers, Protection of....22 2 Pay of Army Officers. 1 Penitentiaries in Territories.19 Pensions. 4 Peonage Abolished. 3 4 26 peaching Pro 21 State 20 Congress on Su Legislat ..22 frage... IMPEAC 20 Reports and .21 son.. 24 Election Arizona 26 Arkansas Rebel States, Government of.23 Alabama 1 Robbery of United States, 3 Smithsonian Institution... 20 California... Smuggling Tenure of Civil Offices 37 Volunteers, Rights of Writs of Error.. .....38-40 Wool, Provides Revenue Executive Officers-General.37 from Imported... ..37 PUBLIC RESOLUTIONS. Foreign Ministers. 38-40 Alcohol in Bond Congress lature of.. Compensation to Civil off cers.. 25 Delaware 26 Idaho... 27 Indiana... Kangas David's Island, Purchase Maryland Authorized for 27 Massachusetts Field, Cyrus W., Thanks to..27 Mississippi.. Kentucky Militia tion 27 Nevada..... New Hampshire Ocean Mails from San Fran- 26 Paris Exposition... 26 New Mexico.. Ohio.. 25 Pensions of Widows of Rev- from Post-office and Sub-Treasury Causes, Removal of 21 Public Documents, Exchange .19 Compound Interest Notes...26 Convicts, Sentences Cotton Tax... gated Copyrights Court of Claims ties Drafted Men of Relief for Southern People, a miti- Ship Canal across Isthmus 22 Darien.. ..21 Scott, Gen., Equestrian Currency and Public Securi- Amnesty Universal. of Pennsylvania... Rhode Island.... 27 South Carolina.. Tennessee.. 27 Texas. Utah.... 27 Virginia Vermont.. 27 Wisconsin ..28 OUR NEW PU .19 Civil Courts, Supremacy of. 28 Aliaska..... ..22 Japan, Neutrality as to Civil St. Thomas... .27 VOTE FOR PI Education, Department of...24 War in... Freedman's Bureau, Funds of ...... 26 ..25 General of the Army cannot be Removed ...... Tonnage on French Vessels..27 1856 RECONSTRUCTION IN 1867. FOREIGN CO .28 The States of A Europe Name TRIBUNE ALMANAC FOR 1868. The Astronomical Calculations have been made expressly for this ALMANAC, by SAMUEL HART WRIGHT, M. D., A. M., Penn Yan, N. Y. Eclipses for the Year 1868. There will be only two Eclipses this year, both of the Sun, and neither of them visible in the United States, I. An Annular Eclipse of the Sun, February 23, Visible in South America, Africa, and Southern Europe. II. A Total Eclipse of the Sun, August 18. Visible in Eastern Africa, Southern Asia, and in Australia. A TRANSIT OF MERCURY over the Sun's disc, will occur November 5. Invisible in the United cates. The Planets. MERCURY() will be at the most favorable stations for visibility, February 17, June 13, and October 9, being then Evening Star, and appearing in the west just after sunset; also April 7, August 5, and November 24, being then Morning Star, and appearing in the east just before sunrise. VENUS (2) will be in the constellation Capricornus until January 20, then in Aquarius until February 15, being directly south of the Urn January 23. It passes the equinoctial February 15, Lising exactly on the east point of the horizon, and setting squarely in the west. It will be in Pisces from this time to March 12, then in Aries until April 6. On the 4th of April it will be 2° south of the brightest star in the Pleiades. April 14 it will be 8o north of Aldebaran, and on the 25th it will be 2° 22′ south of f Tauri. It passes the solstitial colure May 4, and will be farthest north May 6. May 7 it reaches its greatest eastern elongation from the Sun, 45° 31'. On the 26th It will be 7° south of Castor, and on the 30th it will be 4o south of Pollux. June 9 it will be brightest; after which it approaches the Sun, and daily loses its splendor. June 23 it becomes stationary, having been moving direct, or eastward, since its last superior conjunction, but now it begins to retrograde, and is situated a little southwest of the nebulæ in Cancer. It passes Pollux again July 18, 12° 28' to south of it; but this will not be visible, as Venus will be in inferior conjunction with the Sun on the 16th, and itself invisible. It now moves off from the Sun westward apparently, and increases in beauty as a morning star. On the 7th of August it becomes stationary again, and begins to pass the stars eastward, and reaches its greatest splendor again on the 21st. On the 25th of September it reaches its greatest western elongation, 46° 9′. October 6 it will be 1° sout) of Regulus. November 7 it crosses the Equator southward; November 21, 4° north of Spica; December 10, enters Libra's Square; and on the 15th is near the middle of it; December 29, 6° 12′ north of Antares. MARS (5) will come to the meridian during the daylight for the first nine months of the year. It has no opposition this year, and will not be an object of much interest until near the close of the year. November 27 it will be 2o north of Regulus in the handle of the Sickle. It will be near the Sickle during November and December. JUPITER (24) has been traveling northward since May 8, 1865, and on the first day of May it crosses the Equator, and rises exactly in the east at 3h. 32m. morn. It will be southeast of the Urn in the first part of the year, but directly east of it May 1. October 1 it will be brightest and in opposition to the Sun, rising at sunset and setting at sunrise. On the Sth of April it will be very close to Mars. SATURN (5) will be in opposition May 23, and brightest, rising as the Sun sets, and setting as the Sun rises. It will be in the region 10° or 12° north of Antares all of the year, OCCULTATIONS.-The Moon will occult or eclipse the bright star a Tauri, or Aldebaran, January 7, at 1h. 17m. morn., at Washington, the star reappearing at 2h. 20m. The same star will also be occulted again November 29, at 5h. 54m. eve., at Washington, and reappear at 6h. 51m, eve. These occultations are interesting to witness. |