THE CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND SINCE THE ACCESSION OF GEORGE THE THIRD 1760-1860 BY SIR THOMAS ERSKINE MAY, K.С.В. WITH A NEW SUPPLEMENTARY CHAPTER 1861-1871 IN TWO VOLUMES VOLUME I. New York A. C. ARMSTRONG AND SON 51 EAST 10th Street, NEAR BROADWAY PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION. THE Constitutional History of England, from 1760 to 1860, having been concluded as a complete work, some years since, I have not ventured to disturb the original narrative, by any attempt to continue it to the present time. But more than ten years have since passed, which will ever be memorable in the constitutional history of our country; and in preparing a new edition of this work, I have added a supplementary chapter, in which I have briefly reviewed the more remarkable events of this latter period, in their relations to the history of the previous hundred years, and have endeavored to measure their influence upon the government and political destinies of England. September 9, 1871. 508120 |