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n the Imperial and Royal ministry for foreign affairs of January 19, 1903, No. 2852/10.

ed note of 27th October, 1902, F. O. No. 26, the Imperial and affairs begs to inform the embassy of the United States of e returning the commission transmitted with the above izen Mr. John Steel Twells, who has been appointed as gent of the United States of America at Carlsbad, that he Imperial and Royal minister-presidency of 13th January, no objection to the appointment of the above-named genercial (consular) agent at Carlsbad, and that the necessary rovisionally recognize the above-named gentleman in that m to provisionally enter upon the discharge of his duties. make request to the minister-presidency that the necessary I recognition of Mr. Twells be taken, thereby enabling him re of his duties, and will inform the embassy of the United as soon as that final recognition took place.



Mr. Hay to Mr. Storer.

DEPARTMENT OF STATE, Washington, February 19, 1903.

f the 23d ultimo, with inclosures, relating to the S. Twells, as commercial agent of the United s been received.

at Mr. Twells was to be made commercial agent t was correct.

he attitude taken by the foreign office, in a conlale, namely, that the consular convention with 870 recognized no such officer as a commercial hat commercial agents of the United States are, ncipal, and permanent consular officers. So far luties in our consular service are concerned, no law between them and a consul, and they differ n rank or grade. They derive their functions s as consuls-general and consuls, and are entitled s, immunities, and privileges that under public ccorded to the consular office. The title of comresenting a distinct grade in the consular service, ice, and such appointments are made directly by ustomary to ask formal recognition and an exeial agent from the government to which he is ase of other principal consular officers.

as above described, are to be distinguished from bed in international law by the same title, the

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SIR: Referring to the Department's dispa relative to the appointment of John Steel T of the United States at Carlsbad, and con communicated to the Austro-Hungarian Go the functions and status of commercial ag consular service, I have the honor to infor of a note No. 13511/10 from the ministry that Mr. John Steel Twells would be recog sular) agent of the United States of Ameri to enter immediately upon the official disch

I am further in receipt of a note No. 1454 foreign affairs acknowledging the receipt transmitted through this embassy relative of commercial agents in the United States quote from this note as follows:

While as in the esteemed note mention is made th States is accustomed to apply for the exequatur for o ernment to which they are accredited; therefore, in standings the imperial and royal ministry for foreign the embassy of the United States that according to us the exequatur is not issued for consular or comme and permission for the carrying out their consular f the imperial and royal or the royal Hungarian mini

In other words while the Austro-Hung recognizes commercial agents, they will no as in the case of other principal consular Government.

I respectfully submit the above for the

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Washington, November 14, 1903. y of a letter of the 7th instant from Charles efore he is allowed to open a branch office for ., manufacturers of typewriting machines, at liged to register the firm at the "commercial that he will be obliged to lay before the "trade rmal attestation of the Secretary of State of the strian subjects "are admitted to trade" in the

o discrimination against aliens engaging in comates exists under Federal laws.

uld be glad if you would ascertain whether this vernment of Austria-Hungary is a recent one, t form of the required certificate should be.



Mr. Strauss to Mr. Hay.

NEW YORK, November 7, 1903. ring to open at Vienna, Austria, a branch office for the Co., manufacturers of and dealers in typewriting machines ving their head office at 241 Broadway, New York City. be compelled to register the firm at the commercial court lay before the trade authorities there, as an essential preion of the Secretary of State that Austrian citizens are o-called reciprocity note. May I ask you kindly to oblige te expressing the material contents as above, and formally ed. If any charges are incurred by compliance with this ce upon request.

ate attention to the matter, I am, etc.,


Mr. Hay to Mr. Storer.


Washington, November 23, 1903.

ny instruction of the 14th instant, I inclose a er from Charles Strauss, relating to the certified from this Department that Austro-Hungarian gage in commerce in this country.


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DEAR SIR: I have received your favor informing m with the American representative at Vienna in re required to show that Austrian subjects are admitted

I am informed by my correspondent at Vienna tha that Austrian subjects are admitted to trade in the U the purpose being merely to assure and preserve relat citizens of the two countries. I desire to make clea certificate is in connection with the application of Jol typewriter supplies, to be permitted to open a bran

If, in view of this statement of facts, the delay of abroad can be avoided we should be very glad, as othe inconvenience and possible loss.

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SIR: Pursuant to instruction No. 53, beari I have had careful inquiries made at the co as to regulations to be complied with in cas before he can open in this city a branch offi Co., a firm presumably organized in the Un of the State of New York.

I have the honor thereon to report as fo the imperial commercial court and the imp Vienna:

1. In view of the existing commercial t States and Austria-Hungary, no formal atte State that Austrian citizens are admitted to (a so-called reciprocity note) is necessary.

2. But Mr. Strauss must produce, signed for which he wishes to act, an official certifi by a notary public, certifying the existen stating the full name of the firm; the dat pany's business in the United States; the n also containing an exact statement as to th sent the firm (whether everyone of the part or only the company as such is entitled).

The signature of the firm thus duly autho American authorities must also be authe Hungarian embassy or the consulate.

3. The application to do business must and must be made by and in the name of t to this application must be authenticated in certificate above described.

4. Mr. Strauss, after laying the certificat before the commercial authorities, must giv business in Vienna in the method pointed tions of trade.


Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay.



Sofia, September 19, 1903.

ts the presentation of his letters on September 19, ince of Bulgaria expressed pleasure at the estabplomatic relations, and hopes that increased comill result.)

Ferdinand to President Roosevelt.


SOFIA, September 19, 1903. easure, especially in these sad times, that I received n Brinckerhoff Jackson your autograph letter. the friendly and cordial feelings you transmit by my Government, and I hope that the good relaO countries shall still be more strengthened in the

ent Roosevelt to Prince Ferdinand.




Washington, September 21, 1903.

te the friendly message of Your Royal Highness



Mr. Jackson to Mr. Hay.



Sinaia, Roumania, September 24, 1903.

nor to report that I left Sinaia on the 15th, and, Bucharest and Rustschuk, the most direct line,


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