INDEX ΤΟ THE EXECUTIVE DOCUMENTS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES, OF THE THIRD SESSION OF THE THIRTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Title. A. Adjutant General of the United States. Annual report of the. Africans. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting reports from Agricultural fund. Letter from the Commissioner of Patents in relation to the Agriculture and agricultural statistics for the year 1862. Report of the Com- Agriculture relative to the expenditure of the agricultural fund. Letter from Agricultural exhibition at Hamburg. Letter from the President of the United Agricultural division of the Patent Office. Letter from the Secretary of the Appropriations required to complete the service of the year ending June 30, Appropriations, specific and indefinite, made by former acts of Congress, Aqueduct. Report of the superintendent of the Washington Army from the 23d of July to the 25th of November, 1862. Report of the Army of the Potomac since June 25, 1862. Preliminary report of the opera- Army of the operations of his department during the year ending June 30, Army of the operations of his department during the year ending June 30, Army of the operations of his department during the year ending June 30, 50 |